A review of gorgonian coral species (Cnidaria, Octocorallia, Alcyonacea) held in the Santa Barbara Museum of Natural History research collection: focus on species from Scleraxonia, Holaxonia, and Calcaxonia - Part I: Introduction, species of Scleraxonia and Holaxonia (Family Acanthogorgiidae) Author Horvath, Elizabeth Anne text ZooKeys 2019 860 1 66 http://dx.doi.org/10.3897/zookeys.860.19961 journal article http://dx.doi.org/10.3897/zookeys.860.19961 1313-2970-860-1 11140DC997444A479EC83AF9E2891BAB 11140DC997444A479EC83AF9E2891BAB Genus Acalycigorgia (=? Acanthogorgia) Kuekenthal , 1908; not accepted, WoRMS (Cordeiro et al. 2018e) Acalycigorgia Kuekenthal , 1908b: 38; 1919: 298; 1924: 237-239. Kuekenthal and Gorzawsky 1908a : 629; 1908b : 38. Kuekenthal 1919 : 764, 846. Aurivillius 1931 : 40. Bayer 1956a : F203; 1981c: 920. ? = Acanthogorgia Gray, 1857a: 128, pl 3, fig 2 [1851]. (pars) Hedlund 1890 : 3, 6. (pars) Thomson and Russell 1910 : 145. Fabricius and Alderslade 2001 : 184. ? Paramuricea Moroff, 1902: 407. Type species. A. grandiflora Kuekenthal & Gorzawsky, 1908a; subsequent designation by Kuekenthal and Gorzawsky (1908b) . Diagnosis. Polyps not functionally differentiated into anthocodia and anthostele; contractile but not retractile within common coenenchyme; tentacles fold over oral disk in contraction. Polyps similar to those of Acanthogorgia (without crown of strongly projecting spines, however), but polyps can be short and verruciform to prominent, tall and cylindrical, not clavate. Sclerites of polyp walls large spindles, very conspicuous; commonly arranged more or less distinctly en chevron in eight long, longitudinal double rows, but distal ones project little or not at all. Distal ends of sclerites around tentacle bases not specifically differentiated as spines, though the tips may project somewhat around polyps' apex. Polyps are without suture separating tentacular/anthocodial from subtentacular sclerites. Sclerites of polyp body gradually merge with those of tentacle bases, which are not abruptly smaller; coenenchymal sclerites with tubercles of inner and outer sides similarly developed; inner layer of coenenchyme with more or less abundant radiates.