Integrative taxonomy of New World Euplectrus Westwood (Hymenoptera, Eulophidae), with focus on 55 new species from Area de Conservacion Guanacaste, northwestern Costa Rica Author Hansson, Christer Author Smith, M. Alex Author Janzen, Daniel H. Author Hallwachs, Winnie text ZooKeys 2015 485 1 236 journal article 1313-2970-485-1 F18CFD3D10294E8AA2E8CEF1AFDBAC8F F18CFD3D10294E8AA2E8CEF1AFDBAC8F Taxon classification Animalia Hymenoptera Eulophidae Euplectrus howelldalyi Hansson sp. n. Figures 213-216, 220-222, 758 Material. Holotype a male labeled "COSTA RICA: Guanacaste, ACG, Sector Cacao, Quebrada Otilio, D. Garcia, ex Hemicephalis alesaDHJ01 eating Varronia inermis , sibling of wasp DHJPAR0028882, 06-SRNP-45315" (BMNH). PARATYPES: 14♂ with same label data as holotype (BMNH, CNC, INBio, MZLU, MIUCR, USNM). Diagnosis. Lower face predominantly white, pale area reaches almost to eyes (Fig. 214); scape slightly expanded and widest in apical part, 3.4 x as long as wide (Fig. 216), sensory pores confined to apico-ventral part, this area is yellowish-brown; scutellum convex with very strong engraved reticulation (Fig. 222); legs yellowish-white (Fig. 213); petiole 0.8 x as long as wide; gaster with anterior ⅔ white with anterolateral margins dark brown, margin broken medially by white stripe, posterior ⅓ dark brown (Fig. 215). With same host as Euplectrus donquickei , but male with less pointy lower face in Euplectrus howelldalyi . Description. Male. Length of body 2.0 mm. Antenna with scape yellowish-white with apex yellowish-brown, pedicel and flagellomeres 1-4 yellowish-brown, clava pale brown; scape slightly expanded and widest in apical part (Fig. 216), sensory pores confined to apico-ventral part, this area is yellowish-brown. Mandibles and palpi white. Head black and shiny, lower face predominantly white, (Fig. 214), pale area reaches almost to eyes. Frons close to eyes with one row of setae (Fig. 220). Vertex smooth (Fig. 221). Occipital margin with a strong carina behind ocellar triangle (Fig. 221). Mesosoma black and shiny (Fig. 213). Each sidelobe of mesoscutum with 13 setae. Scutellum 1.0 x as long as wide; with strong engraved reticulation (Fig. 222). Dorsellum anteriorly with a narrow groove, medially 0.3 x as long as length of dorsellum (Fig. 758). Propodeum smooth (Fig. 758); anteromedially with a semicircular cup; propodeal callus with seven setae. Legs yellowish-white (Fig. 213). Fore wing: costal cell with two rows of setae on ventral surface, and margin with four setae close to marginal vein; with 19 admarginal setae, in one row. Gaster with anterior ⅔ white with anterolateral margins dark brown, margin broken medially by white stripe, posterior ⅓ dark brown (Fig. 215). Ratios. HE/MS/WM = 2.1/1.0/1.3; POL/OOL/POO = 5.7/2.3/1.0; OOL/DO = 1.1; WE/WF/WH/HH = 1.0/1.9/3.8/2.7; LC/WS = 3.4; WH/WT = 1.2; PM/ST = 1.4; TS1/TS2/LT/LT1/LT2/LT3/LT4 = 3.6/2.5/6.7/2.5/1.3/1.0/1.5; LP/WP = 0.8; MM/LG = 1.1. Female . Unknown. Hosts and biology. Feeding on penultimate instar larva of Hemicephalis alesaDHJ01 ( Noctuidae ) feeding on Varronia inermis ( Boraginaceae ), parasitoid cocoons stuck to dead larva and substrate. Distribution. Costa Rica (Guanacaste Province). Etymology. This species is named after Howell V. Daly, in recognition of his contribution to the understanding of ACG Hymenoptera taxonomy.