New systematic assignments in Gonyleptoidea (Arachnida, Opiliones, Laniatores) Author Pinto-da-Rocha, Ricardo Author Benedetti, Alipio Rezende Author de Vasconcelos, Eduardo Gomes Author Hara, Marcos Ryotaro text ZooKeys 2012 198 25 68 journal article 1313-2970-198-25 Liogonyleptoides minensis (Piza, 1946) Chaquesia minensis Piza, 1946: 365, fig. 1 (♂); (2 males & 3 females syntypes; Brazil, Minas Gerais, Cachoeira do Pajeu ; MZLQ A0053; examined). Liogonyleptoides minensis : Kury 2003 : 130. Currala bahiensis Soares, 1972: 56, figs 1-4, 14-15 (♂♀); Kury 2003 : 123; (male holotype and 1 female paratype; Brazil, Bahia, Maracas ; MNRJ 5268; examined). Syn. n. Taxonomical note. Comparisons between the type material of Currala bahiensis and Liogonyleptoides minensis allowed us to conclude that they are synonymous. Liogonyleptoides minensis is a species that can be easily diagnosed among gonyleptines by the relatively larger size, body dorsally rounded, without tubercles on corners, presence of scutal area IV; femur III curved (instead of sigmoid); male femur IV with a long, robust dorsobasal apophysis and a prolateral one that is curved dorsally on distal third. The genus Currala is now composed only by its type species Currala spinifrons Roewer, 1927.