A revision of the Neotropical caddisfly genus Leucotrichia Mosely, 1934 (Hydroptilidae, Leucotrichiinae) Author Thomson, Robin E. Author Holzenthal, Ralph W. text ZooKeys 2015 499 1 100 http://dx.doi.org/10.3897/zookeys.499.8360 journal article http://dx.doi.org/10.3897/zookeys.499.8360 1313-2970-499-1 7F1EE873CBBC476B984DF483D91B4901 7F1EE873CBBC476B984DF483D91B4901 Taxon classification Animalia Trichoptera Hydroptilidae Leucotrichia sidneyi Thomson & Holzenthal sp. n. Fig. 40 Diagnosis . Leucotrichia sidneyi sp. n., is most similar to Leucotrichia brasiliana . These species share similarities in a suite of characters observed on the phallus, as discussed under Leucotrichia brasiliana . Leucotrichia sidneyi can be separated by the absence of a dorsal spine on the inferior appendage, pairs of separate dorsal and ventral sclerites on the phallus apex, and a much shallower concave posterior margin on sternum VIII than Leucotrichia brasiliana . Additionally, the inferior appendages are fused in Leucotrichia sidneyi and separate in Leucotrichia brasiliana . Description. Male. Length of forewing 2.9-3.0 mm (n=6). Head unmodified, with 3 ocelli; antennae unmodified. Dorsum of head brown with yellow setae; thorax dark brown with golden yellow setae dorsally, brown ventrally; leg segments with dark brown setae. Forewings covered with fine mottled green-yellow setae with dark brown setae on edges. Genitalia. Abdominal sternum VII with elongate mesoventral process with apex enlarged, rugose in ventral view. Sternum VIII in ventral view with posterior margin concave or concave with pointed mesal emargination. Segment IX anterolateral margin convex, posterolateral margin convex; in dorsal view anterior margin convex, posterior margin concave. Tergum x with dorsal sclerite slender; ventral sclerite with rounded projection on posterior margin; membranous apex suborbicular. Subgenital plate with dorsal arm not apparent; ventral arm rounded basally, apex truncate, in ventral view oblong with base slightly enlarged and apex broadly rounded. Inferior appendage broadest mesally, apex rounded, without dorsal spine; in ventral view entirely fused, basally enlarged, apex truncate. Phallus apex bearing pair of dorsal sclerites, ventral sclerite, and membranous ventral "hump" . Holotype male: VENEZUELA: T. F. A.: Camp IV, 0°58'N , 65°57'W , Cerro d. l. Neblina, 760m, 15-18.iii.1984, O.S. Flint, Jr. (UMSP000140465) (NMNH). Paratypes: same data as holotype, 3 males, 11 females (NMNH); same data as holotype, 2 males, 2 females (UMSP). Etymology. Named in honor of R. E. Thomson's father, Sid Thomson, a fly fisherman and the only other member of the family who can recognize a caddisfly.