New or poorly known Microlepidoptera from the Mascarenes (Lepidoptera: Autostichidae, Bedellidae, Batrachedridae, Carposinidae, Epermeniidae, Gelechiidae, Tineidae, Tortricidae) Author Bippus, Maik text Beiträge Zur Entomologie = Contributions to Entomology 2016 2016-12-20 66 2 347 370 journal article 10.21248/contrib.entomol.66.2.347-370.1910 0005-805X 5373173 Tineovertex flavilineata spec. nov. Description (plate 11: figs 53–56): Wingspan 12–13 mm . Head tuffed greyish, antennae above l, filiform, simple, enlarged at base. Fron whitish, eyes black. Palpi whitish, recurved (fig. 55). Forewings (fig. 53) elongated, lanceolate, costa gently arched. Ground colour greyish with some iriscent reflexions (fig. 54). A white band along costa to apex, broken at 3/4 by a greyish strike, a yellow longitudinal line from base to apex along the white band and a second yellow longitudinal line, a little arched, joining the first shortly before apex. A small, round blackish apical dot. Tornus marked narrowly whitish. Cilia grey, hindwings bronzygrey, female with two frenulae, one in male. Male genitalia (plate 11: figs 57a–57c): A pair of separated uncal lobes, gnathos absent, strongly sclerotized. Aedeagus (plate 11: fig. 57b) long and slender, without cornuti. Female genitalia (plate 11: fig. 58): Apophyses anteriores and posteriores long and stout, long ductus bursae, simple corpus bursae, reniform without signa. Holotype : male, 04-vii-2015 , La Réunion, La Possession , alt. 400 m ( 20°55'37"S / 55°21'45"E ) numbered RE-1941, in Naturalis Biodiversity Center , Leiden , Netherlands . Paratypes : 6 males & 7 females Same location as holotype, La Réunion , La Possession , alt. 400 m ( 20°55'37"S / 55°21'45"E ) with the following dates : Males : 17-v-2015 , (slide RE-1833), 19-viii-2015 , (slide RE-2072), 10-ix-2015 , 19-xii-2015 , 28-i-2016 and 01-iii-2016 ; Females: 20-i-2015 (slide RE-1486), 28-iv-2015 , 23-vii-2015 (slide RE-1984), 12-ii-2016 , 18-ii-2016 , 03-iii-2016 and 1 female , 25-iv-2015 from La Réunion , La Montagne, altitude 700 m . An additional specimen was found in Mauritius , Blackriver , 20°22'5"S / 57°22'47"E , alt. 20 m on 06-vi-2016 . Distribution : La Réunion & Mauritius . Etymology : Named flavilineata in honnor of my sisterin-law, Flavie Mariamon from La Montagne, at whose place I found one of the first specimens but also for its recognizable yellow (flavi) lines (linea).