A revision of the genera Anilaroides Théry, 1934, stat. nov. and Tetragonoschema Thomson, 1857 (Coleoptera: Buprestidae: Buprestinae: Anthaxiini) Author Bílý, Svatopluk text Zootaxa 2012 2012-10-18 3521 1 38 journal article 10.11646/zootaxa.3521.1.1 a6ca93a5-8e09-4c68-84be-964ea9a8da2f 1175-5326 211105 9E2E5303-FBEA-44F7-92D4-05B2E608EB25 Tetragonoschema ( Tetragonoschema ) rubromarginatum Théry, 1944 ( Figs. 25 , 51 , 75 ) Tetragonoschema rubromarginatum Théry, 1944: 22 . Type locality: Argentina , Chaco de Santiago del Estero, Bords du Rio Salado, env. d´Icaño. Tetragonoschema rubromarginatum : Bellamy, 2008: 1520 (catalogue). Type specimens studied. Number of syntypes unknown; lectotype ( Fig. 25 ), here designated ( male , MFCB ): “ Argentina , Rio Salado [h] // Tetragonoschema cupreomarginatum [sic!] Théry [h] paratype [p]” ; paralectotype , here designated (female, MNHN ): “Museum Paris, [ Argentina ] Chaco de Santiago del Estero, Bords du Rio Salado, env. d´Icaño, 1910, E. R. Wagner [p] // rubromarginatum Théry [h] Type [p]”. Further specimens studied. ARGENTINA . CHUBUT: Desembocadura Río Chubut, 20.i.–7.ii.2011 , D. Rojas Lanus leg. ( 3 males , MDCS ) ; FORMOSA : La Rioja, Alparinche, 30.xii.2002 , L. A. Stange leg. ( 1 male , FSCA ) ; Mendoza, San Carlos Arroyo, El Yaucha, 1450 m , 21.i.1979 , Sergio Roig leg., on Grindelia flowers ( 1 female , MDCS ). Diagnosis. Rather large, length: 5.2–6.5 mm , stout with bicolorous elytra: blue-black or blue-violet, completely margined with red or golden-red; frons with rather long, pronotum with very short, white pubescence; pronotum regularly convex without lateroposterior depressions, elytra flat with deep and wide discal depressions; elytral epipleura wide, reaching elytral suture, easily visible from above; aedeagus very short and stout, parameres with preapical spines ( Fig. 75 ). In its colouration resembling T . ( T .) cupreocingulatum , T . ( T .) humerale and T . ( T .) trinidadanse but it differs from them strongly in the form of the elytral epipleura, pronotal shape and in the form of male genitalia.( Fig. 75 vs. Figs. 78, 80, 81 ). As the number of syntypes is unknown I hereby designate the male from MFCB as the lectotype and the female from MNHN as the paralectotype of T. rubromarginatum . Bionomy. A female from Mendoza was collected on flower of Grindelia sp. ( Asteraceae ). Sexual dimorphism. The female differs from the male only in the larger and stouter body. Distribution. Argentina Note. One male from Chubut possesses completely red elytra with a golden margin.