Review of the genus Meganola Dyar, 1898 (Lepidoptera: Nolidae, Nolinae) from Korea, with the description of a new species Author Cha, Yeong-Bin Author Oh, Sung-Hwan Author Bayarsaikhan, Ulziijargal Author Na, Sol-Moon Author Lee, Dong-June Author Ko, Jae-Ho Author Lee, Tak-Gi Author Kim, Hyeong-Kyu Author Jang, Chang-Moon Author Bae, Yang-Seop text Zootaxa 2019 2019-10-15 4686 2 215 240 journal article 25231 10.11646/zootaxa.4686.2.3 09c3d81e-e5bd-4be9-90d2-c3079db45c5c 1175-5326 3490099 9D0F4B6D-56D4-4F57-923F-0BA725C9AAF0 Meganola triangulalis ( Leech, 1888 ) ( Figs 4 , 16 , 27 ) Nola triangulalis Leech, 1888: 608–609 . TL: Japan (Satsuma, Kagoshima Pref. ). Roeselia triangulalis : Hampson, 1900: 57 ; Matsumura, 1930: 94 ; Choi, 2011: 274–276 . Meganola triangulalis : Inoue, 1982: 666 ; Oh, 1991: 85–87 [unpublished]; Sasaki, 2011: 180 . Diagnosis. This species is similar to M. protogigas ( Inoue, 1970 ) but can be distinguished from it by following characters: forewing ground color bright gray to fuscous gray, black median triangular patch on costal line, medial line in zigzag; male genitalia with tegumen not tumescent at basal area; valva expanded distally, not excurved; harpe spine-shaped on median area of valva; sacculus developed; aedeagus with long rod-shaped cornutus; female genitalia with 8 th segment sclerotized U-shaped with pointed apex; ostium bursae sclerotized, stout; ductus bursae rather sclerotized; corpus bursae small than other species, and two signa present, anterior signum twice length than posterior. Redescription. Adult ( Figs 4a, b ). Wingspan 18 30 mm in both sexes. Head and thorax gray in male, bright gray in female. Ground color of forewing bright gray, with black basal patch in costal margin; black triangular patch in two-thirds medial area; black medial line in zigzag; postmedial line curved inwardly; black subterminal line waved; cilia gray, mixed with dark brown scales. Ground color of hindwing bright gray; cilia pale brown, in female ground color brighter than male. Male genitalia ( Fig 16 ). Pseudouncus tapering, weakly covered with setae. Tegumen triangular, tumescent from below. Valva elongated rectangular, weakly curved inwardly, with blunt apex; costal margin of valva sclerotized. Harpe minute dentate dosally, finger-shaped. Saccus U-shaped.Aedeagus weakly sclerotized, pointed apex, without cornutus. Female genitalia ( Fig 27 ). Apophyses posteriores almost same length as anteriores. Ostium bursae tubular, weakly sclerotized. Ductus bursae membranous, right angle at ostium bursae. Corpus bursae ovoid, with two spinous signa, one of them located posterior of corpus bursae, another one opposite anterior; appendix bursae present. Material examined. ( 2♂ , 2♀ ) 1♀ , JJ , Yongdu-gol , Topyung , 5.VII. 1986 ( K.T. Park ), Gen. Slide No. SH-67 (slide lost); [ MNU] 1♂ , JJ , Seoguipo , Namwon , Silye , Mt. Halla-san, N 33˚19′56.7′′, E126˚36′25.7′′, 499 m , 11 Jun 2009 ; 1♂ , JJ , Seoguipo , Namwon , Harye , Mt. Halla-san, N 33˚18′56.8′′, E126˚37′09.4′′, 264m , 4 May 2010 ; [KNA] 1♀ , JJ , Bomokdong , Seogwipo (33˚14′31.91″N 126˚36′9.43″E), 29. V. 2013 ( B.W. Lee ) Gen. Slide No. INU-9182 . Distribution. Korea (JJ), Japan , China , Taiwan , Thailand , India ( Assam , Sikkim ), Borneo. Hostplants. Japan : Castanopsis sieboldii (Fagaceae) , ( Sasaki et al. 2011 ). Remarks. This species first recorded from Korea by Kononenko and Han (2007), based on Dr. Oh’s doctoral thesis. The male adult and genitalia photographs were provided by Choi (2011) .