A catalogue of the Chrysididae (Insecta, Hymenoptera) types deposited in the Zoological Museum, Moscow Lomonosov State University, Russia Author Rosa, Paolo Author Antropov, Alexander V. Author Xu, Zaifu text Zootaxa 2015 3990 1 1 31 journal article 10.11646/zootaxa.3990.1.1 e9e454e1-bca8-4608-85f5-26828ccc9e6c 1175-5326 289112 D63ECCC0-6A91-4C8E-8FBB-86D41C2E492A Hedychrum solsky Radoszkowski, 1877 Hedychrum Solsky Radoszkowski 1877 : 7 . Holopyga solskyi Mocsáry 1889 : 116 . Emendation of Hedychrum solsky Radoszkowski, 1877 Type locality : Uzbekistan , Kazakhstan : “Habitat in desertis Kisil-kum, in Bairacum et in Ferghana”, [This species was collected on the 1st of May 1871 at Kisilkum, on the 3rd, 17th, and 19th of May in Bairakum, on the 29th and the 30th of June at Sokh]. Syntypes : 1♂ : 29. <printed on blue-green label with red line> // Кнзилъкумъ [!] <printed> // 20. / Hedychrum solsky Rad. <handwritten red label>; 2♂ and 1♀: 30. <printed on blue-green label with red line> // Кизилъкумъ <printed> // Hedychrum solsky Rad. <handwritten red label>. Remarks . The collecting date or the locality labels are not correct. The dates 29th and 30th of May 1871 Fedtschenko was in Sokh ( Semenov-Tian-Shanskij 1932 , Baker 2004 ), while the pinned locality label for the same date is Kyzyl Kum. Another two male specimens could be syntypes , and they bear the labels: 29. <white label with red line> // Кизилъкумъ <printed> // Hedychrum solsky Rad. <handwritten red label>. In the Radoszkowski collection (ISEA-PAN) there are other specimens bearing the same incorrect labels. Another possible paratype from Kyzyl Kum is housed in the Gribodo collection (MSNG). Other specimens have been labelled as type by a former technician, but they do not belong to the type series. They were collected at: Семирѣч. обл. (= Семиреченская область) [Semirechye Oblast', currently roughly corresponds to southeastern Kazakhstan and northern Kyrgyzstan , Узуната [Uzun-Ata, Kazakhstan ], Суткентъ [Sutkent, Kazakhstan ]. In Radoszkowski (1889) and Kimsey & Bohart (1991: 235) it was listed as He. solskii, incorrect subsequent spelling. Mocsáry (1889: 116) introduced the correct emendation He. solskyi . Pictures of a syntype are published in Rosa et al. (2015: 86, Plate 62). Current status . Holopyga solskyi ( Radoszkowski, 1877 ) (transferred to Holopyga Dahlbom by Radoszkowski 1889 : 7). PLATE 18 . Hedychrum erschovi Radoszkowski, 1877 , syntype , ♀. A. Head and mesosoma, lateral view B. Head, frontal view C. Head and mesosoma, dorsal view D. T2–T3, dorsal view.