New Cimbrophlebiidae (Insecta: Mecoptera) from the Early Eocene at McAbee, British Columbia, Canada and Republic, Washington, USA Author Archibald, Bruce text Zootaxa 2009 2249 51 62 journal article 10.5281/zenodo.190747 2a87f285-ab50-471e-8726-0c5429cbc778 1175-5326 190747 Cimbrophlebia brooksi , sp. n. ( Figs. 4A –D, 5) Diagnosis. Wing distinguished from those of other Cimbrophlebia species by the following: 1), Shape : narrow, length about five times width separates it from wider wings of C . leahyi , C . westae , C. flabelliformis [length about four times width], ( C . bittaciformis similarly slender); 2), Colouration : distinct from that of C. flabelliformis , C . westae , C . bittaciformis , C . leahyi (see descriptions, C. flabelliformis remarks, Figs. 1 A; 2A, B; 4A, C; 6A, C; 7A). Description: holotype wing. As in diagnosis, Figs. 4A–B , and the following. Length ~ 31 mm long as preserved (incomplete, basal portion missing), 7 mm wide. Colouration as in Fig. 4A , above. Membrane rugose, except possibly in apical portion. Sc as for genus. Rs with five branches, Rs1, Rs2 both branched apicad pterostigmal region, Rs3+4 apparently not branched. M apparently with four branches, but region poorly preserved. Cu, Cu1, Cu2, 1A poorly, fragmentarily preserved. 2A: with four branches evident, most likely more branches. 3A: not preserved. Crossveins: none detected. Paratype wing. As in diagnosis, Fig. 4 C–D, 5, and the following. Length ~ 38 mm as preserved, width not reliably measurable. Colouration as in Fig. 4 C, as in holotype , except more completely preserved ( cf . Fig. 4A , C). Membrane rugose, except possibly in apical portion. Sc: Sc1 as for genus, Sc2 not preserved. R1 poorly preserved. Rs with four branches detected, region poorly preserved. Veins posteriad poorly, fragmentarily, or not preserved. Crossveins: none detected. FIGURE 4. A, B, Cimbrophlebia brooksi , holotype wing SR062005: A, photograph (part); B, drawing from part and counterpart. C, D, C. brooksi , paratype wing SR990405: C, photograph (part); D, drawing from part and counterpart. A– D to scale = 1 cm. Type material. Holotype : SR 062005 A, B, part and counterpart. A well-preserved fore- or hind wing, missing basal portions; housed at SR; labelled: Holotype Cimbrophlebia brooksi , Archibald, 2009 . Collected by Karl Volkman at Republic locality B4131, June 2006 . Paratype : SR990405, part only. A mostly wellpreserved fore- or hind wing, but posterior region indistinct; housed at SR; labelled: Paratype Cimbrophlebia brooksi , Archibald, 2009 . Collected by Caleb Brooks at Republic locality B4131, October 1999 . Locality and age. Republic, Washington, USA , University of Washington / Burke Museum locality B4131; Early Eocene. Etymology. The specific epithet is a patronym formed from the surname of Caleb Brooks, the collector of the paratype specimen, recognizing his generosity in this donation to SR. Remarks. The rugose membrane of much of the wings of C . brooksi ( Fig. 5 ) is not mentioned as present in C . bittaciformis by Willmann (1977) nor seen in his figures, nor on the wings of C . sp. A or C . flabelliformis . It is found in C. leahyi , and C . westae , however.