New Cimbrophlebiidae (Insecta: Mecoptera) from the Early Eocene at McAbee, British Columbia, Canada and Republic, Washington, USA Author Archibald, Bruce text Zootaxa 2009 2249 51 62 journal article 10.5281/zenodo.190747 2a87f285-ab50-471e-8726-0c5429cbc778 1175-5326 190747 Cimbrophlebia westae , sp. n. ( Fig. 6 ) Diagnosis. Wing distinguished from those of other Cimbrophlebia species by the following: 1), Shape : length about four times width separates it from C . brooksi [distinctly narrower: length about five times width], C . bittaciformis [similarly slender (see C . flabelliformis remarks)], ( C . leahyi , C . westae length also about four times width); 2), Colouration : distinct from that of C . flabelliformis , C. brooksi , C . leahyi , C . bittaciformis (see C . flabelliformis remarks); closest to that of C . leahyi , further differentiated from C . leahyi by distinctly round / oval light spots [ C . leahyi : differing position, sizes of more irregularly shaped light spots (see descriptions, C . flabelliformis remarks, Figs. 1 A; 2A, B; 4A, C; 6A, C; 7A). Description: holotype wing. Wing as in diagnosis, Fig. 6 , and the following. Length ~ 25 mm , width ~ 6 mm . Colouration (basal third colouration poorly preserved) as in diagnosis. Membrane rugose, except in apical quarter, anal region. Sc, R1 generalized for genus. Rs with five branches. M with three branches evident, region partly not preserved; Cu1, Cu2, 1A generalized for genus; 2A with five branches known (only apical portion clearly preserved); 3A region not preserved. Crossveins: few detected as preserved; one r1-rs, one m-m, one m-cu1. Type material. Specimen SRUI 0 99600, part only. A mostly well-preserved wing missing part of the apical posterior portion, with basal portion of 2A region obscured, and basal third colouration obscured by mineral staining. Collected by Joanne West, April 19, 2009 at Republic. Housed at SR. Locality and age. Republic, Washington, USA , University of Washington / Burke Museum locality B4131; Early Eocene. FIGURE 6. Cimbrophlebia westae , holotype wing SRUI 0 99600. A, photograph; B, drawing; C, colouration (simplified to two shades) of C . westae wing, note basal portion obscured by staining, rendered blank. A, B to scale = 1 cm; C scale = 1 cm. Etymology. The specific epithet is a patronym formed from the surname of Joanne West, the collector of the holotype specimen, recognizing her generosity in this donation to SR and valued participation in a collecting project on behalf of the author’s research.