Revision of the subgenus Orphnus (Phornus) (Coleoptera, Scarabaeidae, Orphninae) Author Frolov, Andrey V. FB31931B-44B9-4C22-963B-1023CEA88A21 Laboratory of Insect Systematics, Zoological Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences, Universitetskaya nab., 1, St. - Petersburg, 199034 Russia. Federal University of Mato Grosso, Av. Fernando Corrêa da Costa, 2367, Boa Esperança, 78060 - 900 Cuiabá, MT, Brazil. Author Akhmetova, Lilia A. 15207F4B-F31F-4F06-8C9F-0190B1EA74B0 Laboratory of Insect Systematics, Zoological Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences, Universitetskaya nab., 1, St. - Petersburg, 199034 Russia. Federal University of Mato Grosso, Av. Fernando Corrêa da Costa, 2367, Boa Esperança, 78060 - 900 Cuiabá, MT, Brazil. text European Journal of Taxonomy 2016 2016-11-07 241 1 20 journal article 21863 10.5852/ejt.2016.241 f694842b-3af3-4198-b01e-13d0b5466b5d 2118-9773 3850299 FEBC79B8-0F1B-4D15-937D-7D35C45D1408 Orphnus ( Phornus ) ferrierei sp. nov. BB79E7BA-8F60-4A97-BCFF-40017A1FBCD0 Figs 1O , 4 , 6 Diagnosis Orphnus ferrierei sp. nov. is most similar to O. valeriae sp. nov. , but can be separated from it in having pronotum smaller and more sparsely punctate with rounded punctures, distinct medial longitudinal stria basally on pronotum, frontoclypeal process tubercle-shaped, and less sclerotized parameres with angulate apices (in lateral view). Etymology This species is named after Pierre-Alfred Ferrière, collector of the type series. Material examined Holotype CENTRAL AFRICAN REPUBLIC : , “MUSEUM PARIS CONGO FRANC. HAUTE-SANGA [ South-Western Central African Republic ] P. A. FERRIÈRE 106-97 / Brachyorphnus ferrierei n.sp. R. Paulian det. / HOLOTYPE ” ( MNHN ). Paratypes CENTRAL AFRICAN REPUBLIC : 2 ♂♂ with the same locality label as the holotype ( MNHN ). Description Holotype ( Fig. 4A ) Body length 14 mm . Colour uniformly brown. Anterior margin of frontoclypeus slightly convex in middle, slightly sinuate each side of medial convexity, rounded laterally, with a narrow border ( Fig. 4 H–I). Frontoclypeus with conical, tubercleshaped transverse process medially approximately in middle of line connecting anterior margins of eyes and anterior margin of frontoclypeus. Frontoclypeus somewhat rugose anteriad of process and coarsely punctate posteriad of process. Fig. 4. Orphnus ferrierei sp. nov. A , C–D . Habitus. B . Labels of holotype. E . Abdomen in dorsal view. F . Aedeagus in lateral view. G . Parameres in dorsal view. H–I . Head in dorsal and apical view. J . Stridulatory field. A–B, F–I. Holotype. C–E. Paratypes. Eyes relatively large: width about 1/5.6 distance between eyes in dorsal view. Antennae 10-segmented, without malformed segments. Pronotum widely rounded laterally, almost as wide as elytra, 1.6 times wider than length, 0.55 length of elytra ( Fig. 1O ). Anterior border wide, with almost smooth posterior margin. Basal border narrow, keel-shaped, separated from pronotal disc by a smooth groove. Pronotal disc anteromedially slightly flattened. Surface of pronotum covered with double puncturation composed of large rounded and minute punctures; large punctures cover sides of pronotum and a smaller area anteromedially. Scutellum rounded apically, about 1/16 length of elytra. Elytra 1.08 times wider than long, with feeble marked humeral humps. Elytra widest approximately in middle, with widely rounded lateral margins. First six striae faintly visible as very shallow grooves, without distinct rows of punctures. Elytra covered with sparse punctures becoming slightly coarser towards base. Brachypterous. Wings vestigial, narrow, about ¾ length of elytra. Stridulatory field: carinae separated by 1/30 length of field in central ¼ rd ( Fig. 4J ). Abdominal sternite 8 medially slightly longer than sternites 6 and 7 combined; sternites 6 slightly longer than sternite 7. Pygidium visible from above, rounded apically. Plectrum trapezoidal, elongated ( Fig. 4E ). Lateral plate of second abdominal sternite relatively small, shorter than plectrum, with rounded apex. Aedeagus with relatively long parameres (0.53 length of phallobase). Apices of parameres narrowly rounded in dorsal view and lateral view, without excavations ( Fig. 4 F–G). Female Unknown. Variation Paratypes ( Fig. 4 C–D) are lighter coloured than holotype , with smaller frontoclypeal processes. Body length 10.0 and 12.5 mm . Distribution O. ferrierei sp. nov. is known from Haute-Sangha, modern Mambéré-Kadéï prefecture of the Central African Republic ( Fig. 6 ). The region is a low-elevation plateau and a transition zone between Northern Congolian forest-savannah mosaic and Northwestern Congolian lowland forests ecoregions.