Review of the Bobekia - group (Braconidae, Alysiinae, Alysiini), with description of a new genus and a new subgenus Author Zhang, Ruo-Nan Shaanxi Key Laboratory for Animal Conservation / Key Laboratory of Resource Biology and Biotechnology in Western China, Ministry of Education, College of Life Sciences, Northwest University, Xi'an 710069, China Author Achterberg, Cornelis van Shaanxi Key Laboratory for Animal Conservation / Key Laboratory of Resource Biology and Biotechnology in Western China, Ministry of Education, College of Life Sciences, Northwest University, Xi'an 710069, China & State Key Laboratory of Rice Biology and Ministry of Agriculture Key Lab of Agricultural Entomology, Institute of Insect Sciences, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310058, China Author Tian, Xiao-Xia Shaanxi Key Laboratory for Animal Conservation / Key Laboratory of Resource Biology and Biotechnology in Western China, Ministry of Education, College of Life Sciences, Northwest University, Xi'an 710069, China Author Tan, Jiang-Li Shaanxi Key Laboratory for Animal Conservation / Key Laboratory of Resource Biology and Biotechnology in Western China, Ministry of Education, College of Life Sciences, Northwest University, Xi'an 710069, China text ZooKeys 2020 926 25 51 journal article 1313-2970-926-25 54572214917541F183D19A8AD5F633E7 4B47E4C1FDC059C79963960F9CF81E92 Subgenus Parabobekoides van Achterberg & Tan subg. nov. Type species. Separatatus (Parabobekoides) yinshani Zhang & van Achterberg, sp. nov. Gender: masculine. Diagnosis. Propodeal areola reduced anteriorly (Figs 8 , 9 , 21 ); setose part of ovipositor sheath distinctly longer than metasoma and 0.6-0.7 x as long as fore wing (Fig. 1 ); upper valve of ovipositor flattened apically (Fig. 2 ). Superficially, the new subgenus is very similar to Bobekoides van Achterberg and shares the derived shape of the upper valve of the ovipositor, but differs by the semicircular clypeus (Fig. 12 ; acute and triangular in Bobekoides ), vein r-m of the fore wing nearly straight and angle with vein 2-M about 90° (Figs 1 , 5 , 17 , 20 ; distinctly inclivous and angle distinctly less than 90° in Bobekoides ), the transverse head in dorsal view (Fig. 8 ; more square in Bobekoides ), the basally widened and more or less differentiated vein 1-R1 (narrow and not differentiated in Bobekoides ), the distinct sexual dimorphism of the fore wing venation (Fig. 20 ; absent in Bobekoides ), the posteriorly wide propodeal areola (Fig. 21 ; narrow in Bobekoides ) and the mandible less massively enlarged dorsally, its dorsal tooth somewhat wider than second (= middle) tooth (Fig. 15 ; strongly enlarged dorsally, dorsal tooth much wider than second tooth in Bobekoides ). Figures 5-16. Separatatus yinshani Zhang & van Achterberg sp. nov., ♀, holotype 5 fore wing 6 hind wing 7 mesosoma, lateral aspect 8 head and mesosoma, dorsal aspect 9 propodeum, first-third metasomal tergites, dorsal aspect 10 basal antennal segments 11 apical antennal segments 12 head, anterior aspect 13 head, dorsal aspect 14 head, lateral aspect 15 mandible, full view of third tooth 16 mandible, full view of first tooth. Distribution. China (Hubei, Shaanxi). Etymology. "Para" is Greek for "beside, near, by" and the generic name Bobekoides , because it is similar to this genus. Key to species of subgenus Parabobekoides , subg. nov.
1 Antenna of ♀ with ca 47 segments and 1.7 x longer than fore wing; face transversely rugose laterally; mesoscutum largely blackish brown; striae of second tergite partly distinctly oblique S. (P.) sinicus (Zheng, Chen & Yang, 2013)
_ Antenna of ♀ with 31-33 segments and 1.3-1.4 x longer than fore wing (of ♂ up to 1.5 x ); face smooth laterally, remainder largely superficially rugulose (Figs 12 , 18 ); mesoscutum yellowish brown; striae of second tergite largely longitudinal or nearly so (Figs 9 , 21 ) S. (P.) yinshani Zhang & van Achterberg, sp. nov.
Figures 17-19. Separatatus yinshani Zhang & van Achterberg sp. nov., ♂, paratype 17 habitus, lateral aspect 18 head, anterior aspect 19 genitalia, ventral aspect.
Discussion Zheng et al. (2013) reported Bobekoides sinicus Zheng, Chen & Yang, 2013 from Central China (Hubei). This was the first time that a species of Bobekoides van Achterberg, 1998 was reported from outside Africa. Zhu et al. (2017) included this species in the genus Separatatus Chen & Wu, 1994, because it has an obtuse clypeus as in the type species of Separatatus . In Bobekoides , the clypeus is acute and triangular (Fig. 43 ). In 2017 a series of a similar species was collected at Luonan (Qinling Mountains, Shaanxi, NW China) in which males have the venation modified (Figs 17 , 20 ) in comparison to females. The venation is also modified in the male of the type species of Hovalysia Granger, 1949, known only from the Afrotropical region, of which the female is unknown. Wharton (2002) reported the occurrence of Hovalysia in China (Taiwan), but the lack of females did not allow for a proper inclusion in the key by Zhu et al. (2017) , and it was left out pending the availability female specimens. Fischer (1999) described Hovalysia cruciata from South Africa based on one female specimen, but he did not indicate the shape of the ovipositor. The series from Luonan include females with normal (= slender) veins 3-SR and 2-M, vein 2-SR about as long as vein 3-SR, with a modified upper valve of the ovipositor, and vein r 0.6 x width of pterostigma (Fig. 5 ). The males have the basal part of vein 1-R1 wider than in females, veins 3-SR and 2-M widened, vein 2-SR distinctly shorter than vein 3-SR, and vein r about 0.7 x as wide as the pterostigma (Fig. 20 ). Inclusion in Hovalysia is a possibility, but is problematic because the Chinese specimens have the first mandibular tooth wide, lobe-shaped, and strongly protuberant both dorsally and apically (rectangular, not protruding apically and hardly so dorsally in Hovalysia ); the males have a different pattern of widened veins (e.g., veins 1-SR, 1-M, and r are widened in Hovalysia and slender in Chinese males); and vein CU1b of the fore wing is shorter than vein 3-CU1 (as long as vein 3-CU1 in Hovalysia ).