Catalogue of Mycotretus Lacordaire, 1842 (Coleoptera: Erotylidae: Tritomini): an annotated, illustrated and historical approach Author Pecci-Maddalena, Italo Salvatore de Castro 03AFD484-F7E4-4643-8637-C8DBCD5F9D02 Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ecologia, Departamento de Biologia Geral, Universidade Federal de Viçosa, Viçosa, Minas Gerais, Brazil. Laboratório Regional de Pesquisa Em Sanidade Apícola (LASA), Secretaria de Agricultura e Abastecimento, Instituto Biológico, Agência Paulista de Tecnologia Dos Agronegócios (APTA), São Paulo, Brazil. Laboratório de Sistemática e Biologia de Coleoptera, Departamento de Biologia Animal, Universidade Federal de Viçosa, Viçosa, Minas Gerais, Brazil. Florida State Collection of Arthropods, Florida Department of Agriculture - DPI, P. O. Box 147100, Gainesville, FL 32614 - 7100, USA. Author Lopes-Andrade, Cristiano 6A3F4101-8599-44D9-9210-BCD5DD8564E9 Author Skelley, Paul B32C97F5-7D05-4887-9399-236C9C8AF75D Paul. text European Journal of Taxonomy 2023 2023-06-28 876 1 1 182 journal article 56536 10.5852/ejt.2023.876.2149 2be227e5-fadb-4896-8e57-4371aaf9d14a 2118-9773 8095647 63FDFE77-6D4F-412C-B77D-129F2AAE8C47 20. Mycotretus cinctiger Crotch, 1876 Mycotretus cinctiger Crotch, 1876: 438 . Type locality: “Santarém” [in the state of Pará, North Brazil]. Mycotretus luizi Alvarenga, 1983: 588 . Type locality: “ BRASIL , Rio Javari, Estirão do Equador (coordenadas aproximadas: long 71º38’W e lat 4º33’S )”, [Amazon, Brazil ] syn. nov. ( Fig. 2D ). Mycotretus cinctiger Gemminger & Harold 1876: 3692 . — Kuhnt 1909: 75 ; 1911: 48 . — Mader 1942: 174; 1951: 218 . — Blackwelder 1945: 466 . — Alvarenga 1994: 22 . — Skelley 1998b: 15 . Mycotretus luizi Alvarenga 1994: 28 . Primary type Lectotype , here designated ( Fig. 5B ) BRAZIL •“TYPE [blue label, printed] \TYPE [printed], cinctellus Santar. B [handwritten]\ LECTOTYPE [printed], Mycotretus cinctiger Crotch, 1876 [red label, handwritten]”; UMZC . Other specimens examined BRAZIL1 ♂ (dissected); “Coleção M. Alvarenga [printed] \ Homeotipo [red label, printed] \ Jacareacanga , Pará , Brasil [printed] X. 1969 [handwritten] F. R. Barbosa [printed] \ Comparado com tipo [printed] Mycotretus cinctiger Crotch, 1876 [handwritten] M. Alvarenga det. 1971 [printed] \ 1993 [printed] \ DZUP 136197 [printed]”; DZUP 1 ♀ (dissected); “ Paratipo [red label, printed] \ bôca do Cuminá-Miri , Oriximiná , PA , 16-26.I.1968 , Exp. Perm. Amaz . [printed] \ Mycotretus luizi m. [handwritten] M. Alvarenga det. [printed] 1983 [handwritten]”; MNRJ 1 ♂ (dissected); “ Brasil : MS , Coxim , Próximo Rio Taquari : 18º 21’ 45’’S / 54º 36’56’’W / 309m ”; 12– , leg. Chamorro, J. [printed]”; CELC 6 specs; “ Brasil : MS , Coxim , Próximo Rio Taquari : 18º 21’ 45’’S / 54º 36’56’’W / 309m ”; 12– , leg. Chamorro, J. [printed]”; CELC 1 spec. ; “ Ilha de Maracá RR , 4–12 / 12 [handwritten] / 19 [printed] 87 [handwritten], E. H. Buckup leg. [printed] \ Col. MCN 238456 [printed]”; MCNZ . Distribution North and Central-West Brazil . Remarks 1) The lectotype of M. cinctiger seems to be teneral, and differs from M. luizi in the pronotal spots not being completely pigmented and the central elytral spot absent. Aside from these colour variations, there was no detectable difference in the morphology of male genitalia and other morphological attributes. 2) Mycotretus tucuruiensis Alvarenga has a similar penile flagellum and is potentially related to M. cinctiger , but differs from it in the two elytral black bands being conspicuously “serrate” and in possessing a large black mark on the head ( Fig. 3A ). Aside from that, the examined specimen of M . tucuruiensis has the outer edge of the prosternal process conspicuously convex, compared to that of the examined individuals of M. cinctiger .