A taxonomic revision of the members of the Camponotus lateralis species group (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) from Europe, Asia Minor and Caucasia Author Seifert, Bernhard text Soil Organisms 2019 2019-04-01 91 1 7 32 http://dx.doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.7691884 journal article 10.25674/so 2509-9523 10724028 Camponotus libanicus abrahami Forel 1913 This taxon has been described from Lebanon . Two investigated syntypes from MHN Genève, labeled Camponotus (Orthonotomyrmex) libanicus André v. abrahami For type ‘... Libanon ...J. Sahlberg...No 141..’ differ from any member of the C. lateralis group by the dorsal mesosomal profile being in overall aspect evenly convex with a very shallow metanotal groove.