Revision of the Gonioctenanivosa species-group (Coleoptera, Chrysomelidae, Chrysomelinae) in the Holarctic region, with descriptions of two new species
Cho, Hee-Wook
Kippenberg, Horst
Borowiec, Lech
journal article
classification Animalia Coleoptera Chrysomelidae
Gonioctena (Gonioctena) gracilicornis (Kraatz, 1879)
Figs 3-4, 16, 17-25, 66
Kraatz, 1879b: 135 (type locality: Amur);
Weise 1893
: 1129;
Jacobson 1901
: 128;
: 115.
Gonioctena gracilicornis
Marseul 1888
: 37; L. N.
Medvedev 1968
: 76;
Jolivet 1973
: 266; L. N.
Medvedev and Voronova 1976
: 228; L. N.
Medvedev and Korotyaev 1980
: 86; L. N. Medvedev and Zaytsev 1980: 105 (larva); L. N.
Medvedev and Roginskaya 1988
: 100 (host plant); Dubeshko and L. N. Medvedev 1989: 132 (biology);
Li 1992
: 184;
Mikhailov and Hayashi 2000
: 82.
Phytodecta (Phytodecta) gracilicornis
Weise 1916
: 177;
Winkler 1930
: 1295;
Chen 1935
: 127,
: 86;
: 74.
Gonioctena (Gonioctena) gracilicornis
Gressitt and Kimoto 1963
: 358, 361; L. N.
Medvedev and Zaytsev 1978
: 119 (larva); L. N.
Medvedev 1982
: 92, 179, 252 (incl. larva);
Takizawa 1985
: 9; L. N.
Medvedev 1992
: 575; L. N.
Medvedev and Dubeshko 1992
: 118; V. L.
Medvedev 1999
: 14;
Lee and An 2001
: 102; V. L.
Medvedev 2004
: 41;
Lopatin et al. 2004
: 122; L. N.
Medvedev 2006a
: 139;
Cho and Lee 2008
: 105, 107;
Zaytsev and L. N. Medvedev 2009
: 145 (larva);
Cho and Lee 2010
: 58;
Kippenberg 2010
: 433;
: 559.
Phytodecta (Phytodecta) gracilicornis var. kiberi
, 1941: 74 (type locality: Korea, Keiki-Do, Hosen-Gun, Mt. Syoyo-Zan);
Gressitt and Kimoto 1963
: 362 (as synonym of
Gonioctena gracilicornis
Phytodecta (Phytodecta) gracilicornis var. munaguro
, 1941: 75 (type locality: Korea, Kankyo-Hokudo, Mt. Kwambo-Zan);
Gressitt and Kimoto 1963
: 362 (as synonym of
Gonioctena gracilicornis
Phytodecta (Phytodecta) gracilicornis var. signaticollis
, 1941: 75 (type locality: E Siberia);
Gressitt and Kimoto 1963
: 361 (as synonym of
Gonioctena gracilicornis
Gonioctena sunkangensis
Kimoto & Kawase, 1966: 44 (type locality: Manchuria, Laoheishan); L. N.
Medvedev 1982
: 252 (as synonym of
Gonioctena gracilicornis
Gonioctena sungkangensis
Takizawa 1985
: 7.
Gonioctena (Gonioctena) sungkangensis
Takizawa 1985
: 9;
Lee and An 2001
: 103.
Gonioctena (Gonioctena) sunkangensis
: V. L.
Medvedev 2004
: 41;
Kippenberg 2010
: 434;
Yang et al. 2014
: 368,
: 50.
Gonioctena (Gonioctena) coreana
: L. N.
Medvedev 1992
: 573 (part) (misidentification).
Gonioctena springlovae
Li 1992
: 189 (misidentification).
Type material.
Gonioctena gracilicornis
: Syntypes 1♂ (SDEI), Amur // Coll. Kraatz // Dtsch Ent. Inst. Eberswalde // Lectotypus
Gonioctena gracilicornis
Kz.; 1♂ (SDEI), Amur // Paralectotypus // Coll. Kraatz // Dtsch Ent. Inst. Eberswalde; 2♂♂, 5♀♀ (SDEI), Amur // Paralectotypus // Coll. Kraatz //
Phytodecta gracilicornis
Kr. // Dtsch Ent. Inst. Eberswalde; 1♂ (SDEI), Amur, Christoph 77 // Paralectotypus //
Phytodecta gracilicornis
Kr. // Dtsch Ent. Inst. Eberswalde; 1♂ (BMNH), Cotype // Amur // Brit. Mus, 1937-250 //
Phytodecta gracilicornis
Kr. // Coll. Kraatz // Typus.
gracilicornis var. kiberi
: Holotype in TARI.
Phytodecta gracilicornis var. munaguro
: Holotype and paratype in TARI.
Phytodecta gracilicornis var. signaticollis
: Type depository unknown.
Gonioctena sunkangensis
: Holotype ♂ (ELKU), Manchuria, Laoheishan, 17.X.1918 //
Gonioctena sunkangensis
Kimoto & Kawase // HOLOTYPE.
Other material.
Russia: 1♂ (NHMB), Vladivostok, Russia, 1933, N. Filippov; 1♂ (NHMB), Russia, Primorsky Krai, Ussuriysk Reserve, VI.1956, L.N. Medvedev; 1♂ (NHMB), Magadanska oblast, 13 km N of Klepka, 27.VI.1975 //
; 1♂ (NHMB), pr. Kamenushka 30 km E Ussurijsk, 20-25.VI.1990 // USSR Ussuri, Maritime Terr., S. Kasantsev; 1♀ (NHMB), Transbaikal; 1♂ (NHMB), Tschita, Transbaikalien. Hermann Frieb.; 1♂ (NHMB), Sutschan, Ussuri; 1♂ (NHMB), Sibiria orient., Sotka-Sora, B. v.Bodemeyer; 2♂♂, 1♀ (JBC), Russia, Krasnojarskij K. Sajanogorsk, Maina, 3-9.VII.1994, leg. Kletecka; 1♂ (ABC), Russia, Primorskiy Kray, Zarechnoye 10 km SE, Ussuriysk,
, 11.VI.1993, 200 m, leg. L. Zerche; 3♂♂, 1♀ (ABC), Russia, Tuva, S. Slopes of E. Tanu-Ola Mts., envir. Samagaltai vill., 1400-1800 m, 21.V.-11.VI.2002, Vashchenko leg.; 3♂♂ (HCC), Russia, NE Siberia, Yakutia reg., Khandyga, VII.1993, Maglis leg.; 7♂♂, 2♀♀ (HCC), Russia, S Siberia, Tuva, S slope of E Tannu Ola Mts, Samag altai v., 1600m, 10.VI.2004, S. Vaschenko leg.; 2♂♂, 1♀ (ELEU), Far East Russia, nr. Anisimovka, Primor Territ., 3.VII.1999, Y. Notsu leg.; 1♀ (ELEU), Russia, Bistraya River, Kamchatka (
), 16.VIII.2000, T. Yamamoto leg.; 16♂♂, 5♀♀ (FKC), Russia, Primorskij kr., Arsenev env., VI.1991, leg. M.
; 10♂♂, 5♀♀ (FKC), Russia, Krasnojarskij kr., Sajangorsk, Maina, 3.VII.1994, leg. Z. Kletecka; 1♂ (LMC), Saghalien, Toyohara, 16.VII.1922, Teiso Esaki; 1♂ (SDEI), Russia: Primorsky Kray, Sikhote-Alin, Biof. Stat. 35 km SE, Chuguyevka //
, 31.V.1993, 650 m, leg. L. Zerche et al.; 1♂ (SDEI), Russia, Primorsky Kray, Krounovka, Medveditsa river, 40 km SW Ussuriysk, 250 m //
, 2-6.VIII.1993, leg. E.K. Groll; 1♂ (SDEI), Amur, Christoph 77 // Coll. Kraatz; 1♂, 1♀ (ZIN), Russia, Magadan Oblast, Tenkinsky District, Kolyma River, Duskanya Village (or river outlet), 8.VIII.1979, Migovich leg.; 1♂ (ZIN), Russia, Magadan Oblast, Tenkinsky District, Kolyma River, Duskanya Village (or river outlet), 3.VIII.1979, Russ leg.; 1♂ (ZIN), Russia, Primorsky Krai, Ussuriysky Urban Okrug, Kaimanovka Village (Suputinsky Dok Village), 14.VI.1960, Kabakov leg.; 1♂, 1♀ (MNHN), Museum Paris Siberie env.
, Nilova Poustine, D. Busson 1913; 1♀ (NMPC), Transbaikalien, Leder Reitter // Collectio A. Fleischer // Ovoviviparous, Det. H.W. Cho; 1♂ (TLMF), Kamchatka, Elisovo (
), 13.VIII.1995, leg. S. Bohl; 2♂♂ (TLMF), VII.-VIII., Russia, Primorsky Krai, Kedrovaja pad, leg. + det. L. Medvedev; 2♂♂, 2♀♀ (TLMF), Transbaicalia, Selenga-Tal; 1♂ (TLMF), Blagovetchensk, leg. Zaizev; 3♂♂, 3♀♀ (TLMF), Russia, Tuva, Shuurmag, Khorumnug-Tayga, 800m, 29.VI.-1.VII.1998, leg. Vashchenko; 7♂♂, 10♀♀ (TLMF), E-Sibiria, Chabarowsk, Ochotsk surr., Ulia-river, 13.VII.-7.VIII.1985, leg. Ryvkin & Veselova; 1♂ (TLMF), Russia, Amur reg., Selemdgin distr., Tamsche, 4.IX.2004, leg. Ryvkin; 1♀ (TLMF), Russia, Amur reg., Selemdgin distr., Norsk vill., 2.VIII.2004, leg. Ryvkin & Veselova. Mon
: 2♀♀ (FKC), Mongolia, 50 km E of Ulanbatar, Tuul riv., 22.VI.2003, J. Halada lgt.; 1♂, 1♀ (NMPC), Nordl. Mongolei. Changai, Leder. // Coll. Achard Mus. Pragense; 1♂ (NMPC), Mongolia, Reitter // Coll. Achard Mus. Pragense. China: 1♂ (SDEI), China, Charbin, v. Bennigsen // Fleischer det.; 1♂ (SDEI), Erzendjanzsy, Manshukuo, leg. W. Alin, 21.VI.1940; 1♂ (SDEI), Erzendjanzsy, Manshukuo, leg. W. Alin, 15.VI.1941; 2♂♂ (MNHN), Museum Paris Mandjourie Ourga a Tsitsikhar, J. Chaffnjon 174-96; 1♂ (NMPC), Charbin v. Bennigsen // Collectio A. Fleischer //
Phytodecta gracilicornis ab. innocens
Mader 1945 Det. J.
. North Korea: 1♂ (NHMB), PuRyong, N. Korea; 1♂, 1♀ (SEHU), Rangrim, Nth Korea, 1.VII.1980. South Korea: 3♂♂ (HCC), Korea, Gyeongbuk Prov., Bonghwa-gun, Socheon-myeon, Buncheon-ri, 13.V.2006, H.W. Cho; 7♂♂, 1♀ (HCC), Korea, Gangwon Prov., Pyeongchang-gun, Mt. Gyebangsan, 30.V.2006, H.W. Cho; 3♂♂, 1♀ (HCC), Korea, Gangwon Prov., Pyeongchang-gun, Mt. Odaesan, 30.V.2006, H.W. Cho; 1♂ (HCC), Korea, Gangwon Prov., Pyeongchang-gun, Mt. Odaesan, 6.VI.2009, H.W. Cho; 1♂ (HCC), Korea, Gangwon Prov., Hongcheon-gun, Nae-myeon, Myeonggae-ri, 13.VII.2002, D.Y. Lee; 1♂ (HCC), Korea, Gangwon Prov., Hongcheon-gun, Nae-myeon, Unduryeong, 11.VI.1997, S.B. Ahn.
This species is very similar to
Gonioctena springlovae
in having large body size, long antennae and similar shape of aedeagus. However,
Gonioctena gracilicornis
can be distinguished by pronotum with strongly rounded lateral sides (feebly rounded in
Gonioctena springlovae
), pronotum reddish brown, with or with a large black marking, sometimes entirely black (always entirely black in
Gonioctena springlovae
) and aedeagus rather thick (thin in
Gonioctena springlovae
Measurements in mm (n = 5): length of body: 6.20-7.00 (mean 6.66); width of body: 3.70-4.20 (mean 3.99); height of body: 2.60-3.20 (mean 2.87); width of head: 1.77-1.95 (mean 1.84); interocular distance: 1.17-1.30 (mean 1.24); width of apex of pronotum: 2.00-2.30 (mean 2.13); width of base of pronotum: 3.02-3.40 (mean 3.22); maximum width of pronotum: 3.10-3.47 (mean 3.28); length of pronotum along midline: 1.57-1.70 (mean 1.63); length of elytra along suture: 4.60-5.35 (mean 5.03).
Body oblong oval and moderately convex (Fig. 3). Coloration extremely variable. Head black, with reddish brown band near apex of mandibles. Antennomeres 1-5 yellowish brown, sometimes darkened, 6-7 dark brown to blackish brown, 8-11 black. Pronotum reddish brown, with or without a large black marking, sometimes entirely black (Fig. 25). Scutellum black. Elytra reddish brown, with or without 5 pairs of black spots, sometimes enlarged and connected with each other. Venter black, with hypomera and apical margin of last abdominal ventrite reddish brown. Legs black, with tibiae reddish brown except base and inner margin and tarsi dark brown to blackish brown, sometimes tibiae and tarsi largely black. Rarely body almost completely black except antennae.
Figures 17-25.
Gonioctena gracilicornis
. 17 Antenna (♂, ♀) 18 Aedeagus (Amur) 19 Aedeagus (Tuva, Russia) 20 Aedeagus (Ulan Bator, Mongolia) 21 Aedeagus (Transbaikalia) 22 Aedeagus (Charbin, China) 23 Aedeagus (Pyeongchang, South Korea) 24 Aedeagus (Anisimovka, Russia) 25 Color variation. Scale bars = 1.0 mm.
Head. Vertex weakly convex, covered with sparse punctures, becoming denser toward sides. Frontal suture V-shaped, coronal suture weak. Frons flat, strongly depressed anteriorly, covered with moderately dense punctures. Clypeus very narrow and
. Anterior margin of labrum distinctly concave. Mandibles with 2 sharp apical teeth and a deep excavation for apical maxillary palpomere at outer side. Maxillary palps 4-segmented, with apical palpomere distinctly widened, truncate apically in male; slightly widened in female. Antennae in male longer than half length of body; antennomere 1 robust; antennomere 2 shorter than 3; antennomere 3 longer than 4; antennomeres 7-11 elongate; antennomere 11 longest, about 3.44 times as long as wide (Fig. 17). Antennae in female reaching elytral humeri; antennomere 11 about 2.72 times as long as wide.
Pronotum. Lateral sides widest near base, roundly moderately narrowed anteriorly, anterior angles strongly produced (Fig. 4). Anterior and lateral margins bordered, lateral margins well visible in dorsal view. Trichobothria present on posterior angles. Disc covered with sparse punctures; lateral sides covered with much coarser and denser punctures, becoming larger toward base, partially confluent near basal margin; interspaces covered with fine and sparse punctures. Scutellum variable in length, as long as wide, longer than wide or wider than long.
Elytra. Lateral sides slightly widened posteriorly, widest beyond middle, thence roundly narrowed posteriorly. Humeral calli well developed. Disc covered with 11 regular rows of large punctures, including a short scutellar row; interspaces shagreened in some specimens, covered with fine and sparse punctures. Epipleura wholly visible in lateral view. Hind wings well developed.
Venter. Hypomera weakly rugose, with dense punctures on anterior side. Prosternum covered with coarse and dense punctures bearing long setae; prosternal process enlarged apically, bordered laterally, with sparse punctures. Metasternum covered with small and sparse punctures in median region, large and dense punctures in lateral region. Abdominal ventrites covered with dense punctures bearing short setae.
Legs. Moderately robust. Tibiae widened apically, with a tooth-like projection. Fore legs with tarsomere 1 enlarged, slightly wider or narrower than 3 in male; distinctly narrower than 3 in female. Tarsal claws appendiculate.
Genitalia. Aedeagus rather thick, moderately narrowed apically, with apical process rather thick in dorsal view; moderately curved, with apical process pointed and slightly bent downward at apex in lateral view (Figs 18-24). Spermatheca absent.
Russia (East Siberia, Far East, Sakhalin), Mongolia, China (Heilongjiang), North Korea, South Korea (Fig. 16).
Host plant.
Salix caprea
Salix rorida
Salix sachalinensis
(L. N.
Medvedev 1968
spp. (L. N.
Medvedev and Zaytsev 1978
, L. N.
Medvedev 1982
, L. N.
Medvedev and Roginskaya 1988
, L. N.
Medvedev and Dubeshko 1992
Zaytsev and L. N. Medvedev 2009
Gonioctena gracilicornis
is widely distributed in the Northeastern Palearctic region (Fig. 16) and is slightly variable in the shape of aedeagus (Figs 18-24).
Gonioctena gracilicornis var. kiberi
were described by
and synonymized with
Gonioctena gracilicornis
Gressitt and Kimoto (1963)
. However, the type specimens of these variations have not been examined and their taxonomic status needs to be re-examined.
Medvedev (1982)
Gonioctena gracilicornis
, however he did not examine the type of
Gonioctena sunkangensis
. We examined types of both species and confirm that both are conspecific. Lectotype label of
Gonioctena gracilicornis
by L. N. Medvedev has not been published, and thus invalid.
record (
) is probably based on misidentified
Gonioctena gracilicornis
Gonioctena springlovae
has not been recorded from China. Female laid larvae which were enclosed within chorion on leaves of
sp. in South Korea, therefore this species is ovoviviparous (Fig. 66).