Two New Amphipods Associated with a Hermit Crab from the Kumano-nada, Central Japan (Crustacea: Amphipoda: Isaeidae, Stenothoidae) Author Ariyama, Hiroyuki Osaka Museum of Natural History, Nagai Park, Higashi-Sumiyoshi, Osaka 546 - 0034, Japan Author Moritaki, Takeya Toba Aquarium, 3 - 3 - 6 Toba, Toba, Mie 517 - 8517, Japan text Records of the Australian Museum 2023 Rec. Aust. Mus. 2023-12-06 75 4 357 370 journal article 10.3853/j.2201-4349.75.2023.1877 2201-4349 A4D1798E-3071-4E98-A82C-A6283B30EC9E Genus Isaea Milne Edwards, 1830 [Japanese name: Yadokari-yokoebi-zoku, new] Isaea Milne Edwards, 1830: 380 .— Chevreux & Fage, 1925: 328 .— Lincoln, 1979: 496 .— Barnard & Karaman, 1991 a: 197.— Myers & Lowry, 2003: 471 . Type species . Isaea montagui Milne Edwards, 1830 , monotypy. Diagnosis . Antenna 1, peduncular article 3 0.7–1.1 times as long as article 1; accessory flagellum with 2–6 articles. Mouth parts ordinary. Coxae 1–4 long, strongly overlapping, progressively more elongate from 1 to 4, coxae 6, 7 much smaller than anterior coxae. Gnathopods subchelate, palm oblique; gnathopod 1, propodus longer than or subequal to carpus; gnathopod 2 much larger than 1, propodus dilated, longer than carpus. Pereopods prehensile, pereopods 3, 4 not glandular. Urosomites 1–3 free. Uropods 1–3 biramous, inner ramus of uropod 3 longer than or subequal to outer ramus. Telson fleshy, entire. Included species . Isaea concinna Gurjanova, 1938 [Sea of Japan and Sea of Okhotsk ( Kudrjashov, 1972 )]; I. concinnoides sp. nov. [Northwest Pacific]; I. elmhirsti Patience, 1909 [Northeast Atlantic]; and I. montagui Milne Edwards, 1830 [Northeast Atlantic and Mediterranean ( Lincoln, 1979 )]. Remarks . The Isaeidae include only two genera: Isaea and Pagurisaea Moore, 1983 . Pagurisaea is distinguishable from Isaea in the glandular pereopods 3 and 4 and the uropod 3 with shortened inner ramus ( Moore, 1983 ).