Five new species of the genus Miltochrista Hübner from Indochina, India and China (Lepidoptera: Erebidae: Arctiinae) Author Volynkin, Anton V. Altai State University, Lenina Avenue, 61, RF- 656049, Barnaul, Russia. Author Saldaitis, Aidas 0000-0003-0999-3996 Nature Research Centre, Akademijos str., 2, LT- 08412, Vilnius- 21, Lithuania. E-mail: saldrasa @ gmail. com; https: // orcid. org / 0000 - 0003 - 0999 - 3996 Author Müller, Günter C. 0000-0002-7024-0179 University of Sciences, Techniques and Technology of Bamako, BP 1805, Bamako, Mali. E-mail: guntercmuller @ hotmail. com; https: // orcid. org / 0000 - 0002 - 7024 - 0179 * Corresponding author. E-mail: monstruncusarctia @ gmail. com; https: // orcid. org / 0000 - 0001 - 9447 - 4925 text Ecologica Montenegrina 2022 2022-11-22 59 10 23 journal article 10.37828/em.2022.59.2 2336-9744 8044205 Miltochrista ekliptika sp. n. DCCE9384-BB06-45E7-AA13-FD4F182E0F70 ( Figs 21–23 , 36, 37 , 44 ) Type material . Holotype ( Figs 21 , 36 ): male, “ Myanmar (Burma) | 40 km N Myitkyina | Chanc Kand vilage. | 235 m , 23–24. IV. 1998 | leg. Murzin & Sinjaev” / “Slide | ZSM Arct. | 2019-1014 | A. Volynkin ” ( MWM / ZSM ). Paratypes . MYANMAR : 1 female , the same data as in the holotype , gen. prep. No. : ZSM Arct. 2019-1015 (prepared by Volynkin) ( MWM / ZSM ) ; 1 male , Chin State , Mount Victoria , 2200–2500m , montane pine forest, mid–late October 2012 , Dr. V . Kravchenko & team leg., gen. prep. No.: AV6861 (prepared by Volynkin ) ( GMF-B ) . Diagnosis . The forewing length is 8.5–9.0 mm in males and 9.5 mm in the female. Miltochrista ekliptika is externally reminiscent of the sympatric M. velona and M. pachia but distinguished in the thinner forewing markings and the somewhat more arcuate medial transverse line. The male genital capsule of the new species is clearly different from other congeners (except M. tinsukia below) in the proximally dilated uncus bearing two lateral triangular processes, and the vestigial distal saccular process. In the phallus, the large and ventrally directed coecum, and the broad and upcurved vesica bearing a robust distal a dorsalmedial cluster of one–three cornuti are characteristic of M. ekliptika . The female genitalia of the new species are characterised by the broad funnel-shaped antrum with two broad ventral subostial lobes, and the asymmetrical corpus bursae with a strongly laterally protruding posterior section bearing a large and densely spinulose appendix bursae. The detailed comparison with the similar M. tinsukia is provided below in the diagnosis of the latter species. Distribution . The new species is known from northern and north-western Myanmar ( Kachin and Chin States). Etymology . The specific epithet originates from the Greek ‘εκπληκτικός’ meaning ‘wonderful’ and refers to the modified genitalia structures of both sexes. The name is a noun in the nominative singular in apposition.