Species of the Poaceae-associated genus Bamboosiella (Thysanoptera, Phlaeothripidae) from China, with three new species Author Dang, Li-Hong Author Qiao, Ge-Xia text Zootaxa 2016 4184 3 541 552 journal article 10.11646/zootaxa.4184.3.8 bfd963cb-dfc8-4141-b5af-9659934f7669 1175-5326 272596 724DB14D-8314-4C63-B029-2FF67BA1D81F Bamboosiella antennatus sp. n. ( Figs 11–12 , 19, 26 , 39, 46 , 58 ) Female macroptera. Small body, bicoloured ( Fig. 58 ); head and thorax brown; abdominal segments I–VIII yellow with sides of III–IV faintly shaded, IX yellowish brown and tube brown; antennal segments I–III and V yellow, IV and VI brown with yellow bases, VII–VIII brown; all coxae brown, all femora yellow with mid-femora brown at basal half, all tibiae yellow with median area shaded; wings slightly shaded. Head almost as long as wide, dorsal surface smooth with weak sculpture posteriorly; postocular setae shorter than eye, expanded apically ( Fig. 11 ); cheeks weakly rounded; mouth-cone short and pointed, maxillary stylets wide apart, restricted to mouth-cone; antennae about 2 times as long as head, segment VIII not pedicellate, broadly joined to VII, III and IV with 1+1 and 1+2 1 sense cones respectively ( Fig. 19 ). Pronotum smooth, 4 pairs of major setae well developed, expanded apically, am reduced to minute setae ( Fig. 19 ); notopleural sutures complete; basantral plates absent; mesopresternum complete, narrowed at middle; metanotum with reticulate sculpture, median setae well-developed, pointed apically; metathoracic sternopleural sutures absent; forelegs normal, fore tarsal tooth absent; fore wing slightly constricted at middle, with 3 duplicated cilia, subbasal wing setae well developed, expanded apically, S1 almost as long as S2, S3 the longest ( Fig. 46 ). Pelta hat-shaped ( Fig. 26 ); abdominal tergites II–VII each with two pairs of wing retaining setae; tergite IX setae S1 as long as S2, shorter than tube with apices expanded, S3 a little longer than tube, pointed apically ( Fig. 12 ); tube slightly shorter than head, anal setae almost as long as tube ( Fig. 12 ). Measurements ( holotype female). Body length 1600. Head length 150, from anterior margin of eyes 150, width across eyes 180; eye length 80; antenna length 300, segments I–VIII length (width): 30(35), 40(30), 45(25), 50(30), 45(25) 40(25), 35(20), 30(20). Pronotum length 100, width across median part 200; length of major setae: aa 20, am 5, ml 20, pm 5, pa 30, epim 40; fore femur width 80; fore wing length 590, subbasal setae S1–S3 length: 25, 25, 40. Pelta length 60, width at base 60, width at apex 50; tergite IX length 60, S1–S3 length 70, 55, 80; tube length 100, width at base 60, at apex 30; anal setae length 110. Male. Unknown. Material studied . Holotype female, China , Yunnan , Mengla County , 20.xi.1988 , dead leaves of bamboo, Yun-fa Han. A single paratype female with same data as holotype. Etymology . This species is named in one Latin word, “antenna”, based on the unusual antenna. Comments . This new species is distinguished from other Bamboosiella species by the special antennae with segments VII and VIII fused but separated by a complete suture ( Fig. 19 ). And antennal segment V yellow with IV and VI brown ( Fig. 58 ) in contrast to the graduated colour from III to VIII in other species.