An annotated taxonomic checklist of the Neotropical Gracillariidae (Lepidoptera) with links to the information on host plants and parasitoids Author Prins, Jurate De Author Brito, Rosângela Author Moreira, Gilson Rudinei Pires text Zootaxa 2016 4158 1 1 51 journal article 10.11646/zootaxa.4158.1.1 88192512-176a-4b60-8795-ac034f26ef66 1175-5326 255480 3D988B27-2E0F-4681-8F86-C3B8F0B9A313 Spanioptila spinosum Walsingham, 1897 " Spanioptila spinosum , sp. n. "—Walsingham, Lord (Thomas de Grey). 1897. Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London 1897(10): 148. Type locality: [ Virgin Islands ], S[ain]t Thomas. Type specimens: Holotype ♂, genitalia slide 6090♂, BMNH; Paratype 1♂ (not ♀ as stated in the original description), BMNH; 5 specimens (gender not stated) mentioned in description [but not included in type series]. Distribution: Cuba , Puerto Rico (Busck [1934]: 172), Virgin Islands : Saint Thomas (Walsingham 1897: 148). Larval hostplant(s): Flacourtiaceae : Casearia hirsuta Sweet – (Busck [1934]: 172).