Some Neuroptera of the Horn of Africa from the Museum of Zoology of the University of Rome “ La Sapienza ” (Neuroptera: Chrysopidae, Mantispidae, Ascalaphidae, Myrmeleontidae) Author Insom, Emilio Museo di Storia Naturale dell’Università degli Studi di Firenze, sezione di Zoologia “ La Specola ”, via Romana 17, I- 50125 Florence, Italy - emilio. insom @ gmail. com; libellula. ter @ gmail. com Author Terzani, Fabio Museo di Storia Naturale dell’Università degli Studi di Firenze, sezione di Zoologia “ La Specola ”, via Romana 17, I- 50125 Florence, Italy - emilio. insom @ gmail. com; libellula. ter @ gmail. com text Fragmenta entomologica 2024 2024-06-30 56 1 39 52 journal article 10.13133/2284-4880/1591 2284-4880 12762987 Apertochrysa eurydera (Navás, 1910) Chrysopa eurydera Navás, 1910: 43 (Od); Esben-Petersen, 1927: 447. Chrysopa madegassa Navás, 1921: 69 (Od); Esben-Petersen, 1927: 447. Chrysopa crassinervis Esben-Petersen, 1927: 452 (Od). Chrysopa icterica Esben-Petersen, 1927: 450 (Od). Apertochrysa eurydera : Hölzel & Ohm, 1992: 173; Ohm & Hölzel, 2002: 235; Hölzel, 2002: 131 (Ct). Apertochrysa (alcestes) eurydera : Breitkreuz et al., 2021: 220 (Tax). Specimens examined. Somalia : 1♀ , (SO.11) Togdheer , Gahan Libah ( 1700 m ), 9°52’N44°50’E , 17-18.V.1988 , A. Vigna Taglianti leg. The specimen examined is preserved in alcohol and appears to be a juvenile form because the cuticle is transparent. We give a description because, at present, we have not found any description or representation of the main morphological structures of the female of A. eurydera . Description . Female ( Figs. 1 A-G). Small specimen. Triangular head; antennae light coloured; length of forewing 10.5 mm, length of hindwing 9.5 mm; width of forewing 3.5 mm, width of hindwing 3.5 mm. Fig. 1 – Apertochrysa eurydera (Navás, 1910) [♀]: A , Left fore- and hindwings; B , IX tergite and ectoprocts (dorsal view); C, Callus cerci; D , Claw hind leg; E , Spermatheca (lateral view; F , Id . (ventral view); G , Subgenital (ventral view). – [Scale bars: 5 mm (Fig. A); 0.2 mm (Figs B, E-G); 0.1 mm (Figs C-D)]. Wings ( Fig. 1A ). Membrane hyaline; without spots or shadings, pterostigma poorly defined with three in- complete crossveins. Forewing: intramedian cell elongate; its tip just exceeds the first radio-medial crossvein. Radial crossveins straight. Radial sector as in Fig. 1A ; radius and subcosta are almost equal in length. Number of gradates are 3 inner series and 4 outers ones. The first gradata of the internal series does not meet the pseudomedia. Cubital cells: the 1 st is a little shorter of 2 nd . Hindwing: radial crossveins straight; Radial sector as in Fig. 1A ; radius and subcosta are almost equal in length. Number of gradates are 3 inner series and 5 outers ones. Legs. Femur and tibia without any trace of dark points or lines, tarsal segments slightly brownish. The hind tarsal claw as shown in Fig. 1D . Abdomen. Ectoprocts dorsally fused with a dorsal depression ( Fig. 1B ). Callus cerci with 31 trichobothria ( Fig. 1C ). Sternite 7 at apex right, its edge is membranous and it is covered by microthorns. Subgenital plate short, membranous part with a wide base, sclerotized part wider than long, bilobed apically with a rectangular notch ( Fig. 1G ). Spermatheca. Short; the vela is triangular in lateral view ( Fig. 1E ), ventral impression deep ( Fig. 1F ); short, loosely coiled duct. Distribution – Afrotropical element (widespread, including Madagascar and western Indian Ocean islands) and South Africa . MANTISPIDAE Leach, 1815 Mantispinae Leach, 1815