Taxonomic notes on the genus Deutzia (Hydrangeaceae) from Central China Author Xu, Song-Zhi School of Life Science, Nantong University, Nantong, Jiangsu 226019, China Author Gan, Qi-Liang Zhuxi Qiliang Biological Institute, Zhuxi, Hubei 442300, China Author Li, Zhen-Yu State Key Laboratory of Systematic and Evolutionary Botany, Institute of Botany, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100093, China text PhytoKeys 2023 2023-02-24 220 51 57 journal article 1314-2003-220-51 7223B5740D37556DA47C49BFDCF2B5C5 Deutzia setchuenensis Franch. in Journ. De Bot. (Morot) 10: 282. 1896 Type . China . 'Set-Chuen orientalis, circa Tchen-keou-tin' (eastern Sichuan , near Chengkou tin), P. Farges s.n. ( lectotype , P, P04573103 designated here; isolectotypes, P, P04573105 & P04573106; photos PE!) . Note. Adrien Rene Franchet (1896) published the species based on the type collected from Chengkou tin by P. Farges. There are three specimens collected from Chengkou tin by Farges deposited in Museum d'Histoire Naturelle, Paris (P), and the label data of the specimens were exactly the same as original records, including the collector, collection locality, and all of them were flowering branches. Of them, two specimens (P04573103 and P04573105) were determined by Franchet, while another (P04573106) was determined by Alfred Rehder. It is clear that these three specimens are the syntypes of Deutzia setchuenensis . Based on examination of the syntypes, we selected the more perfect one (P04573103) as lectotype for the species. French missionary and plant collector, Paul Guillaume Farges collected more than 4000 specimens in Chengkou tin from 1892 to 1896 ( Bretschneider 1898 ; Cox 1945 ). Chengkou tin (1822-1912) was previously located in the administrative division of Qing dynasty, an area renamed Chengkou county since 1913.