Contribution to the Knowledge of Reduviidae (Hemiptera) Fauna of Turkey Author Yildirim, E. Author Moulet, P. Author Külekçi, G. Author Bulak, Y. text Linzer biologische Beiträge 2010 2010-07-30 42 1 825 831 journal article 10.5281/zenodo.5333204 0253-116X 5333204 Reduvius personatus (LINNAEUS 1758) M a t e r i a l e x a m i n e d: Ankara : Haymana , 28.VII.1995 ,; Antalya : Turunçova , 19.VII.1995 ,; zmir: 24. VII.1984 ,; Kütahya : Tav anl, 10.IX.1994 ,; Tokat : Çevreli , 15.VIII.1983 ,. D i s t r i b u t i o n i n T u r k e y: Bursa ,zmir, Sakarya ( ÖNDER 1980 ). A well known species outside and inside houses (e.g. in libraries, formerly in butchers’); attacks and eats preys of several arthropods orders; larvae hide with sand, dust … A palaearctic species (unknown in Japan ), present (introduced) in North America; mentioned (maybe erroneously) from South America and Australia ; only one station in HOBERLANDT (1955) .