Revision of Polypedilum (Pentapedilum) Kieffer and Ainuyusurika Sasa et Shirasaki (Diptera: Chironomidae) Author Oyewo, Emmanuel Adeoye Author Saether, Ole A. text Zootaxa 2008 2008-12-05 1953 1 145 journal article 1175­5334 Ainuyusurika tuberculatum (Tokunaga) ( Figs 47A, E ) Polypedilum ( Pentapedilum ) tuberculatum Tokunaga, 1940b: 290 . Ainuyusurika tuberculata (Tokunaga) ; Sasa (1988b: 80) . Ainuyusurika tuberculatus (Tokunaga) ; Sasa and Kikuchi (1995: 35) . Type material. The type material supposedly present in the Sasa collection is missing. Diagnostic characters. The species differs from A . yakuabeum by having the lateral seta of the superior volsella arising from the posterolateral corner and not on the shaft. The inferior volsella apparently is thumblike and with recurved setae confined to the posterior margin. Male. Described in most details by Sasa (1988b: 80) . Hypopygium and superior volsella as in Figures 47A, E .