The Nevrorthidae, mistaken at all times: phylogeny and review of present knowledge (Holometabola, Neuropterida, Neuroptera) Author Aspoeck, Ulrike Author Aspoeck, Horst Author Liu, Xingyue text Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift 2017 64 2 77 110 journal article 1860-1324-2-77 B30AA27D33654DC4A2C609D16DC74525 Nipponeurorthus fuscinervis (Nakahara, 1915) Figs 2c; 10 d-h ; 16 Neurorthus fuscinervis Nakahara, 1915: 16 (odescr, figs: gs female). Nipponeurorthus fuscinervis : Nakahara 1958 (charact, figs: wing, gs male, female); Hayashi 2005 (list, distr, figs); U. Aspoeck and H. Aspoeck 2008b (fig: distrmap); Liu et al. 2014 (key, fig: distrmap). Type locality. Japan (Kyoto: Mt. Atago). Male. Forewing length 8.9-9.3 mm, hindwing length 7.5-7.8 mm. Head yellow. Antennae yellow. Mouthparts yellow; mandibles with brownish tips. Thorax yellow. Legs yellow. Wings transparent, immaculate, with pterostigmatic areas yellow; longitudinal veins mostly yellow, except for those posterior to 2nd gradate crossveins brown; crossveins mostly brown, except for those on pterostigmatic areas yellow. Abdomen yellow, dorsally much darker. Gonocoxite 9 robust on proximal half, with a small hairy tubercle on inner surface; distal half strongly incurved and sinuate, ventrally with two obtuse lobes, one directed outward and bald, the other directed inward and setose; gonostylus 9 acutely pointed but unforked. Ectoproct broad, directed posteroventrad, with posterior margin slightly concave. Complex of gonocoxites + gonostyli + gonapophyses 10 with lateral arms much longer than distal projections, straightly directed; distal projections digitiform, acutely pointed at tip, widely separated and parallelly directed with each other. Gonocoxites 11 present as a simple, transverse, sclerotized band; gonostyli 11 present as posteriorly bifurcated sclerite. Female. Forewing length 8.8 mm, hindwing length 7.6 mm. Fused gonocoxites 8 about 2.0 times as long as tergite 8, flatly plate-like. Gonapophyses 8 subtrapezoidal, largely covered by gonocoxite 8, lateral margins distinctly sclerotized. Bursa copulatrix sac-like, nearly hexagonal in ventral view, slightly longer than tergite 8; distal portion internally with an ovoid sclerotized area, terminally curved dorsad in lateral view. Specimens examined and records published. Supplementary material 1. Syntypes: "Mt. Atago near Kyoto on July 2, '14" [A lectotype should be designated, however, the syntypes are currently unavailable and possibly even lost]. Biology and ecology. Adults have been taken from July-August . The known vertical distribution is 235-1000 m. Distribution. Japan (Hokkaido, Honshu).