Faunistic review of the cuckoo wasps of Fennoscandia, Denmark and the Baltic countries (Hymenoptera: Chrysididae) Author Paukkunen, Juho juho.paukkunen@helsinki.fi Author Rosa, Paolo rosa@chrysis.net Author Soon, Villu villu.soon@ut.ee Author Johansson, Niklas chrysis32@yahoo.se Author Ødegaard, Frode juho.paukkunen@helsinki.fi text Zootaxa 2014 2014-09-19 3864 1 1 67 journal article 4236 10.11646/zootaxa.3864.1.1 be91818f-5889-4e51-82b9-ab9b2a5e3445 1175-5326 4930433 63885F86-D448-4CF0-BB19-3664E34BD78B 15. Chrysis valida Mocsáry, 1912 Chrysis ignita var. valida Mocsáry 1912: 589 . Lectotype (designated by Móczár 1965: 176 ); Hungary : Budapest (MNSB) (examined) ( Chrysis ignita group). Remarks. The species was reported from two localities in central Latvia (Bērze and Koknese) by Tumšs & Maršakovs (1970: 93) , and later based on this record Rosa & Soon (2012) also listed this species from the country. All the Latvian specimens listed in Tumšs’ & Maršakovs’ publication were found from Maršakovs’ collection in LMSZ, Riga , and were found to be erroneously determined. Most of them belonged to the species C. pseudobrevitarsis , but some also represented C. angustula , C. longula and C. solida Humala & Polevoi (2009: 63) reported one specimen of C. valida from Russian Fennoscandia, but it has turned out to represent C. impressa .