New species of the genus Mahinda Krombein, 1983 (Hymenoptera, Chrysididae, Amiseginae) Author Kimsey, Lynn S. Author Mita, Toshiharu Author Pham, Hong Thai text ZooKeys 2016 551 145 154 journal article 1313-2970-551-145 82929974594E41EC9BF8AEFD68CC7610 82929974594E41EC9BF8AEFD68CC7610 Taxon classification Animalia Hymenoptera Chrysididae Mahinda saltator Krombein Figs 11, 15 Mahinda saltator Krombein 1983 a: 29. Holotype female; Sri Lanka: Sabaragamuwa Prov., Kegalla Dist., Kitulgala, Bandarakele Jungle (USNM). Diagnosis. The finely shagreened metasomal terga are most distinctive feature of this species. The dark mesosomal coloration and flagellomere I 3 x or more as long as broad most closely resembles those of Mahinda borneensis . Additional diagnostic features include the midocellus 1.3 midocellar diameters from the nearest eye margin, malar space less than 3 midocellus diameters long, thorax with metallic highlights, and face ventrally converging below ocular margins in front view. Female description. Body length 4.0-4.5 mm. Head: face (Figs 11); scapal basin finely, densely transversely ridged, zone of ridging separated from midocellus by punctate band more than 1 midocellar diameter wide; malar space 2.8 midocellar diameters; subantennal distance 0.9 midocellar diameter long; least interocular distance 0.3 x as broad as facial length between midocellus and clypeal apex; eyes convergent above; midocellar to ocular margin distance 1.3 midocellar diameter; hindocellus 0.3-0.4 diameters from ocular margin; vertex least interocular distance 0.7 x ocular width in dorsal view (Fig. 15); flagellomere I 2.8 x as long as broad; flagellomere II 0.9 x as long as broad; flagellomere III 0.7 x as long as broad; flagellomere XI 1.5 x as long as broad; vertex with dense, contiguous punctures. Mesosoma: dorsum with dense, contiguous punctures, transversely striatiform on pronotum and metanotum, longitudinally striatiform on scutum and scutellum; mesopleural punctures separated by 0.2-0.5 puncture diameters; metanotum 0.6 x as long as broad, with small apicomedial angle on either side of midline; propodeum laterally polished, impunctate, posterior surface transversely ridged without medial longitudinal ridge. Metasoma: densely, finely shagreened. Color: head, mesosoma and metasoma black, dorsum of head and mesosoma with faint metallic green to coppery tints; scape red dorsally, brown ventrally; pedicel and flagellomere I yellow, with brown ventroapically; flagellomeres II-III pale brown dorsally, dark brown ventrally; remaining flagellomeres dark brown; coxae yellow, with dark brown patch on anterior surface; femora yellow dorsally, dark brown ventrally; tibiae reddish brown becoming paler basally; tarsi red. Distribution. This species is only known from the type series of 26 males and 8 females.