Typification of species names in Adenocaulon and Eriachaenium (Compositae / Asteraceae, Subfamily Mutisioideae, Tribe Mutisieae, Subtribe Adenocaulinae) Author Funk, Vicki A. Department of Botany, NMNH, Smithsonian Institution, P. O. Box 37012, Washington DC, 20013 - 7012, USA funkv@si.edu Author Hind, D. J. Nicholas Herbarium, Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, Richmond, Surrey TW 9 3 AE, England, U. K. text PhytoKeys 2016 2016-09-09 69 121 128 http://dx.doi.org/10.3897/phytokeys.69.9779 journal article http://dx.doi.org/10.3897/phytokeys.69.9779 1314-2003-69-121 7508FF8FB241FFBCFF85FFA0941FFFBC 151735 Eriachaenium magellanicum C.H. Schultz Bipontinus Eriachaenium magellanicum C.H. Schultz Bipontinus, Flora 38: 120-121. 1855. Type material. Chile. Prov. Magallanes: Oazy Harbour, s.d. [1850-1853], W. Lechler 1256 [Holotype: P04388712* ex Herb. Sch. Bip.; isotypes: K000500417!, K000500418!, P04388711*, S10-34491*] Chaudhri et al. (1972) list the dates of this trip as 1850-1853.