New species and new records of exotic Scolytinae (Coleoptera, Curculionidae) in Europe Author Marchioro, Matteo Department of Agronomy, Food, Natural Resources, Animals and the Environment (DAFNAE), Legnaro (Padova), Italy Author Faccoli, Massimo Department of Agronomy, Food, Natural Resources, Animals and the Environment (DAFNAE), Legnaro (Padova), Italy Author Dal Cortivo, Marialuisa Raggruppamento Carabinieri Biodiversita, Reparto Carabinieri Biodiversita Belluno, Belluno, Italy Author Branco, Manuela Forest Research Centre, School of Agriculture, University of Lisbon, Lisboa, Portugal Author Roques, Alain INRA, UR 633 Zoologie Forestiere, Orleans, France Author Garcia, Andre Forest Research Centre, School of Agriculture, University of Lisbon, Lisboa, Portugal Author Ruzzier, Enrico Department of Agronomy, Food, Natural Resources, Animals and the Environment (DAFNAE), Legnaro (Padova), Italy text Biodiversity Data Journal 2022 2022-10-21 10 93995 93995 journal article 1314-2828-10-e93995 EA411361BEB35E4C90711A1D5B067827 Dryoxylon onoharaense (Murayama, 1934) Materials Type status: Other material . Occurrence : recordedBy: G. Cavaletto ; individualCount: 1 ; sex: female ; lifeStage: adult ; occurrenceID: 61EBDB9A-A3F8-5A42-B552-B37BEE848D1A ; Taxon : scientificName: Dryoxylon onoharaense (Murayama, 1934); Location : continent: Europe ; country: Italy ; countryCode: IT; stateProvince: Veneto ; county: Padova ; decimalLatitude: 45.362254 ; decimalLongitude: 11.728561 ; geodeticDatum: WGS84; Identification : identifiedBy: Enrico Ruzzier ; Event : eventDate: 2021-06 ; Record Level : collectionID: ERPC Type status: Other material . Occurrence : recordedBy: G. Cavaletto ; individualCount: 1 ; sex: female ; lifeStage: adult ; occurrenceID: 14996434-D7BB-5864-860C-2D6A6097CE4E ; Taxon : scientificName: Dryoxylon onoharaense (Murayama, 1934); Location : continent: Europe ; country: Italy ; countryCode: IT; stateProvince: Veneto ; county: Padova ; decimalLatitude: 45.317810 ; decimalLongitude: 11.703855 ; geodeticDatum: WGS84; Identification : identifiedBy: Enrico Ruzzier ; Event : eventDate: 2021-06 ; Record Level : collectionID: EDUP Type status: Other material . Occurrence : recordedBy: M. Dal Cortivo ; M. Bordin ; individualCount: 1 ; sex: female ; lifeStage: adult ; occurrenceID: A6CB6693-9DA1-5387-8F6E-47F0FD6A017C ; Taxon : scientificName: Dryoxylon onoharaense (Murayama, 1934); Location : continent: Europe ; country: Italy ; countryCode: IT; stateProvince: Veneto ; county: Belluno ; municipality: Sovramonte ; locality: Tavernazzo - R. N. Vette Feltrine ; decimalLatitude: 46.091470 ; decimalLongitude: 11.778480 ; geodeticDatum: WGS84; Identification : identifiedBy: Marialuisa Dal Cortivo ; Event : eventDate: 2021-07-12 ; Record Level: collectionID: RCBC Type status: Other material . Occurrence : recordedBy: M. Dal Cortivo ; M. Bordin ; individualCount: 2 ; sex: female ; lifeStage: adult ; occurrenceID: 44FB2CF0-9CCD-5493-BD34-605FAEF6CC9E ; Taxon : scientificName: Dryoxylon onoharaense (Murayama, 1934); Location : continent: Europe ; country: Italy ; countryCode: IT; stateProvince: Veneto ; county: Belluno ; municipality: Sovramonte ; locality: Tavernazzo - R. N. Vette Feltrine ; decimalLatitude: 46.091390 ; decimalLongitude: 11.777620 ; geodeticDatum: WGS84; Identification : identifiedBy: Marialuisa Dal Cortivo ; Event : eventDate: 2021-07-12 ; Record Level: collectionID: RCBC Type status: Other material . Occurrence : recordedBy: M. Dal Cortivo ; M. Bordin ; individualCount: 2 ; sex: female ; lifeStage: adult ; occurrenceID: 8D8EC316-7E89-564B-9E5E-275D8802C646 ; Taxon : scientificName: Dryoxylon onoharaense (Murayama, 1934); Location : continent: Europe ; country: Italy ; countryCode: IT; stateProvince: Veneto ; county: Belluno ; municipality: Sovramonte ; locality: Tavernazzo - R. N. Vette Feltrine ; decimalLatitude: 46.091400 ; decimalLongitude: 11.777360 ; geodeticDatum: WGS84; Identification : identifiedBy: Marialuisa Dal Cortivo ; Event : eventDate: 2021-07-12 ; Record Level: collectionID: RCBC Type status: Other material . Occurrence : recordedBy: M. Dal Cortivo ; M. Bordin ; individualCount: 1 ; sex: female ; lifeStage: adult ; occurrenceID: F026B69D-1813-5B69-9B20-722618060B68 ; Taxon : scientificName: Dryoxylon onoharaense (Murayama, 1934); Location : continent: Europe ; country: Italy ; countryCode: IT; stateProvince: Veneto ; county: Belluno ; municipality: Sovramonte ; locality: Tavernazzo - R. N. Vette Feltrine ; decimalLatitude: 46.091470 ; decimalLongitude: 11.778480 ; geodeticDatum: WGS84; Identification : identifiedBy: Marialuisa Dal Cortivo ; Event : eventDate: 2021-09-01 ; Record Level: collectionID: RCBC Distribution Dryoxylon onoharaense (Murayama, 1934) (Fig. 1 ) is an Eastern Palearctic species belonging to the Xyleborini tribe distributed in China, Japan and South Korea ( Smith et al. 2020 ). Recently, it has been introduced to North America, where it is now widely established ( Gomez et al. 2018 ). The independent collection of eight females in two geographically separated areas in NE Italy indicates the successful establishment of the species. These represent the first records of D. onoharaense in the Western Palearctic and a new genus and species to Europe (Fig. 2 ). Notes Dryoxylon onoharaense specimens were collected in the Padua Province (Veneto Region, Italy) by trapping performed in the Euganean hills area using homemade transparent panel traps baited with ethanol. Traps were hung approximately 1 m above the ground, a height where ambrosia beetles are generally abundant ( Miller et al. 2019 , Marchioro et al. 2020b ). The three D. onoharaense specimens found from the Belluno Province (Veneto Region, Italy) were collected at Vette Feltrine State Nature Reserve using flight intercept window traps baited with 75% ethanol that were hung from Norway spruce trees in a mixed forest severely damaged by the Vaia storm in 2018. Hosts The species is polyphagous on broadleaves, recorded from Acer saccharum Marshall ( Sapindaceae ) ( Bright and Rabaglia 1999 ), Liriodendron tulipifera L. ( Magnoliaceae ) ( Atkinson 2022 ), Populus deltoides W.Bartram ex Marshall ( Salicaceae ) ( Coyle et al. 2005 ) and Quercus sp. ( Fagaceae ) ( Murayama 1934 ); the host plants of this beetle species in Europe remain unknown. Little is known about the biology of D. onoharaense and it remains unclear if it is a xylomycetophagous species ( Bright and Rabaglia 1999 , Bateman et al. 2015 ); the findings reported in Coyle et al. (2005) suggest myelophagy as a possible feeding habit. The species is included in the European and Mediterranean Plant Protection Organization (EPPO) database (EPPO Code: DRYXON); to date, no direct proof exists regarding any economic or ecological impact of this species. Identification remarks The identification of the species was confirmed morphologically (using the keys provided in both Gomez et al. (2018) and Smith et al. (2020) ), as well as through the DNA barcode (GenBank ref: ON533858) (99.48% of identity on BOLD System).