The Amphipoda of Sea City, Kuwait. — The Senticaudata (Crustacea) Author Myers, Alan A. Author Nithyanandan, Manickam text Zootaxa 2016 4072 4 401 429 journal article 46846 10.11646/zootaxa.4072.4.1 36996e71-2028-43cb-a42e-aebb74b47cf2 1175-5326 266752 232286BA-A338-468E-842D-8A81F8269551 Podocerus mamlahensis sp. nov. ( Figs 8–10 ) Type material. Male holotype , 3.5 mm ( NHMUK 2015. 3174) from rock and associated seaweeds and hydroids on sides of concrete north tidal gate, within Sea City waterways, 17 March 2014 , D.K. Raja. Paratypes , 11 males , 7 females ( NHMUK 2015. 3175–3184), same data as holotype . Etymology. Named after one (Al-Mamlaha) of the three creeks upon which Sea City is based. FIGURE 10. Podocerus mamlahensis sp. nov. , male, 3.5 mm, Sea City, Kuwait. Description. Based on male holotype 3.5 mm . Head. Eye large, subovoid. Antenna 1 about two thirds body length; peduncular article 1 short; article 2 long, more than twice length of article 1; article 3 shorter than article 2; flagellum subequal in length with peduncular article 3, with 5 articles. Antenna 2 longer than antenna 1 and almost as long as body; peduncular articles 4 and 5 greatly elongated and stout; 5 a little longer than 4; flagellum article 1 elongated; article 2 long but much shorter than article 1; articles 3–4 telescoped. Mandible palp with three articles; article 3 shorter than 2, parallel-sided with dense distal setae and a few scattered setae on posterior and anterior margins. Pereon. Segments 1–6 without dorsal spines or carinae. Segment 7 with small dorsal spine. Gnathopod 1 coxa weakly produced forward, subacute; basis slender; propodus a little longer than carpus, subovoid, palm convex, almost obsolete; dactylus greatly overlapping reduced palm, almost as long as propodus. Gnathopod 2 coxa subquadrangular; basis swollen, less than twice as long as broad; merus posterodistal corner weakly produced; carpus fused with propodus; propodus greatly enlarged, subovoid, palm convex, short, followed by two blunt spines on the posterodistal margin and one smaller blunt spine medially, posterior margin and inner lateral face clothed in long setae; dactylus curved, greatly overlapping palm, opposable to medial spine on posterior margin of propodus. Pereopods 3–7 basis short, subrectangular; dactylus stout. Pleon. Segments 1–2 with dorsal rounded spines that are folded back over the segment behind. Epimera 1–3 small, rounded. Urosome segment 1 elongate, longer than second and third segments combined. Uropod 1 peduncle and rami with many robust setae, inner ramus longer than outer and longer than peduncle. Uropod 2 peduncle short, inner ramus longer than outer. Uropod 3 very reduced with a small reduced ramus. Female (sexually dimorphic characters). Gnathopod 2 coxa deeper than broad; basis stout, anterior margin concave; merus expanded, protruding distally; carpus short, cup-shaped; propodus subovoid, palm and posterior margin weakly crenulate, posterior proximal margin with strong, triangular blunt spine bearing two robust setae; dactylus elongate, curved, opposable to proximal spine of propodus. Remarks. This species appears to be closest to P. zeylanicus Walker, 1904 . It resembles that species in the general shape of the male gnathopod 2. It differs from that species, however, in the well developed flap-like rounded spines on the dorsum of pleon segments 1–2. Distribution. Kuwait .