Review of the Balkan Isophya (Orthoptera: Phaneropteridae) with particular emphasis on the Isophya modesta group and remarks on the systematics of the genus based on morphological and acoustic data Author Dragan P. Chobanov Author Beata Grzywacz Author Ionuţ Ş. Iorgu Author Battal Cιplak Author Maya B. Ilieva Author Elżbieta Warchałowska-Śliwa text Zootaxa 2013 3658 1 1 81 journal article 39033 10.11646/zootaxa.3658.1.1 0adf09ba-5301-4828-abf6-8dbe89f041ca 1175-5326 246551 C02D1C74-25C0-41DD-B098-62098EB7B62A A key to identification the Balkan taxa of Isophya Note: I. brevicauda was recorded in Croatia not far from the geographic border of the Balkan Peninsula. Therefore, its occurrence on the Balkans is not excluded and we include it in the following key. 1. Fastigium verticis wider, as wide as or slightly narrower than scapus (do not confuse with outside Balkan taxa I. costata , I. boldyrevi , I. taurica , which do not fit the following description); if fastigium ±3/4 of scapus and song unknown then male cerci long and evenly roundly incurved and subgenital plate short with a deep triangle excision. Males : tegmina flat, much or distinctly longer than (sometimes in I. rectipennis equal to) pronotum; tegmina not wider (usually narrower) than pronotum; Females : tegmina with clearly parallel venation. Song consists of phrases of syllables ( Figs 135–137 ).................. 2 – Fastigium verticis 1/4 to 3/4 as wide as scapus. Male and female tegmina with diverse shape and venation. Song consists of isolated syllables, sparse groups of syllables or long sequences of syllables that are not arranged into phrases (if fastigium ±3/4 of scapus and song unknown compare I. rectipennis , I. longicaudata , I. rhodopensis petkovi , I. modestior , I. dobrogensis )... 4 2. Body short, massive, pronotum almost quadrate, as broad as or broader than long, no thin lateral (red or brownish) stripes on pronotum developed. Males : tegmina slightly to distinctly (1.5 times) longer than pronotum with the medial (Medio-Anal) part (or disc) as large as the lateral (Costo-Medial) part; CuP weak and short; stridulatory file apically reduced ( Figs 130 A, B, 131A, B); cerci ( Fig. 80 ) short, stout, almost straight over the basal 2/3. Females : tegmina apically blunt; female stridulatory apparatus with 3–4 closely situated rows of basal teeth ( Fig. 130 D). Song ( Fig. 135 ) of grouped phrases of very short (<50 ms) syllables consisting of well detached impulses....................................................... I. hospodar – Body not apparently massive, pronotum elongated, usually longer than broad, and has two reddish lateral stripes over the light bands in the metazone. Males : tegmina about as long as pronotum, the Medio-Anal part (disc) larger than the Costo-Medial part; stridulatory file normally developed; cerci long and gradually tapering towards apex. Females : tegmina apically oval; stridulatory apparatus with two separated rows of basal teeth. Song of grouped or isolate phrases of longer (usually 50–120 ms) syllables of dense impulses.............................................................................. 3 3. Slender species, fastigium moderately protuberant with a deep groove, as wide as or slightly narrower than scape. Males : pronotum slightly widened in metazone; CuP is short (about 1/2 of the width of metazone), weak; stridulatory file with about 50 teeth. Females : pronotum with almost parallel sides; lateral pit between gonangulum and lamella strongly closed by lamella; ovipositor < 9 mm . Song of phrases of 20–40 syllables that last 13–50 ms............................... I. rectipennis – Larger and stouter species, fastigium flattened, as wide as or wider than scape. Males : pronotum strongly widened in metazone; CuP is long (2/3–3/4 of the width of metazone), wide; stridulatory file with about 100 teeth. Females : pronotum distinctly widened in metazone; lateral pit between gonangulum and lamella partly closed by lamella; ovipositor> 9 mm . Song of phrases of 5–13 syllables that last (excl. the first one) over 50 ms.......................................... I. pavelii 4. Males : tegmina distinctly elongated, 1.2–1.5 times longer than pronotum but narrower than the width of metazone; Medio- Anal part (disc) not larger than the Costo-Medial part; CuP is short—1/2–2/3 of the width of metazone. Females : lamella of ovipositor short (slightly protruding laterally) with an excision in its distal part ( Fig. 108 ); ovipositor is stout, 7.5–9 mm long, slightly upcurved (its lower edge almost sraight in the middle); pronotal disc not constricted in the middle; female tegmina shorter than half the pronotum lenght. Song of isolated syllables lasting <50 ms and followed by 1–2 after-clicks... I. thracica Males : tegmina not distinctly elongated, less than 1.2 times longer than pronotum; if longer then the tegmen is not significantly narrower than the width of metazone; Medio-Anal part (disc) always larger than the Costo-Medial part; CuP usually>2/ 3 of the width of metazone. Females : lamella of ovipositor without an excision distally; if with excision and ovipositor less than 9 mm , then the ovipositor is strongly upcurved and distinctly constricted in the middle ( Figs 103, 104 ), and pronotal disc is constricted in the middle, and tegmina longer than half the pronotum lenght. Song of syllables lasting>100 ms or if <50 ms, then the syllable is followed by well defined group of after-clicks ( I. bureschi ) or the syllables are arranged in long sequences ( I. camptoxypha )...................................................................................... 5 5. Body colouration may be variable but never with black spots (melanism not developed). Males : pronotum not distinctly constricted in the middle (even if metazone is much wider than prozone); if constricted (e.g. I. obtusa , I. camptoxypha ), then male cerci ±stout, usually with blunt apex and female ovipositor longer than 10 mm or tegmina are ±shorter than pronotum and/or CuA and CuP are closely attached; Females : pronotum not constricted in the middle; tegmina with more or less expressed reticulate venation; lateral pit between gonangulum and lamella widely opened, lamella without distinct excision; ovipositor longer than 9 mm ; if shorter ( I. brevicauda , I. camptoxypha ), then see lateral pit of gonangulum. Song with diverse types of syllables lasting <1 s; if of single syllables lasting>1–2 s, then the syllable has two parts is produced by single closing wing movement (but cf. I. dobrogensis )........................................................................ 6 – Body colouration frequently (but not always!) variegated with black spots at least on pronotum or apices of male cerci (melanism developed). Males : pronotum distinctly constricted in the middle (saddle shaped); tegmina bulged, usually longer and wider than pronotum; CuA and CuP separated; cerci long, slim, fery thin or, alternatively, widened at apex. Females : pronotum visibly constricted in the middle; tegmina with well expressed reticulate venation; lateral pit between gonangulum and lamella partly closed by lamella, the latter with excision distally; ovipositor shorter than 9 mm , strongly upcurved and constricted in the middle. Song of single syllables lasting>2 s and consisting of at least three parts produced by two opening-and-closing wing movements..................................................................................... 21 6. Males : tegmina equal or longer than pronotum (if slightly shorter see below); CuA and CuP well separated or moderately attached; stridulatory file usually with <180 teeth; if CuA and CuP distinctly attached and file with ±180 teeth, then very large species (str.file> 3.8 mm , hind femur> 22 mm ) and/or the cerci bear large long tooth ( Figs 162–167 B). Females : tegmina usually with oval or slightly blunt apex; if apex considerably blunt, then very large species (hind femur> 22 mm ), and/or lateral stripe in metazone brownish or black (some I. rhodopensis ), or tibiae reddish or tegmina darker than body ( I. obtusa , I. camptoxypha ) or refer to a conspecific male (e.g. some I. gulae , I. camptoxypha )....................................... 7 Males : tegmina shorter than pronotum (if other see below); CuA and CuP closely attached ( Figs 48–50 ), sometimes almost touching each other, CuA frequently disposed higher than CuP; stridulatory file with>180 teeth (only in I. modestior out of the Balkans less). Females : tegmina with distinctly blunt or even concave apex...................................... 18 7. Males : CuP lighter than the disc of tegmen, much wider than CuA; if CuP thin and green ( I. bureschi ), then disc of tegmina green, with a darkened area behind the CuA; cercal apex is wide, blunt or cut with a massive subapical tooth; if CuP is thin and the cercal apex is thin with long almost apical tooth ( I. bureschi ), then CuP is short (1/2–2/3 of the hind margin of metazone) and the syllable has short main part (<100 ms) followed by few after-clicks. Females : distinction complicated; general colouration fresh-, or yellowish-, or bluish-, or greyish-green; either very large species (hind femur> 21 mm , ovipositor> 14 mm ), and/or tegmina at apex oval, and/or tegmina longer than half the pronotal length and/or lateral stripes in metazone brownish or black............................................................................................. 8 Males : CuP darker or the same as the colouration of disc of tegmen, CuP not conspicuously widened; disc of tegmina brownish-green, brown or brownish-violet (coloured different that body) without well distinguishable darkened area behind the CuA; cercal apex is wide, rounded or thin ( not blunt or cut); the tooth is not distinctly subapical. Females : general colouration may be dark green or violet-green; moderately large species (hind femur < 21 mm , ovipositor < 14 mm ), and tegmina at apex blunt, and tegmina shorter or about half the pronotal length and lateral stripes in metazone (if visible) reddish...............16 8. Males : Stridulatory teeth <100 (as an exception up to 110 in I. tosevski )........................................... 9 Males : Stridulatory teeth>100.......................................................................... 13 9. Males : CuP weak and short (<2/3 of hind edge of pronotum), well separated from CuA ( Fig. 35 ); tip of cerci narrow-oval ( Figs 84 , 139 B). Song ( Fig. 145 ) of syllables with very short main part (30–60 ms) frequently followed by a group of after-clicks following at>500 ms interval...................................................................... I. bureschi Males : CuP variable, <2/3–3/4 of the hind edge of pronotum, moderately or strongly attached to CuA; tip of cerci wide—blunt or cut. Song : main part of syllables longer (100–450 ms), sometimes followed by less separated after-clicks............. 10 10. Males : CuP weaker and shorter (±2/3 of hind edge of pronotum), moderately attached to CuA ( Figs 39, 40 ); tip of cerci blunt, bearing short, wide tooth ( Figs 144 B, 150B). Colouration usually fresh-green; disc of tegmina dark-green with dark-brown stridulatory area. Song : syllables usually without after-clicks..................................................11 Males : CuP wider and longer (2/3–3/4 of hind edge of pronotum), strongly attached to CuA ( Figs 37, 38 ); tip of cerci cut and/ or incised, bearing long tooth ( Figs 86, 87 ). Colouration usually yellowish-green; disc of tegmina green with both dark and lighter (yellowish-brown) areas. Song : syllables usually with after-clicks......................................... 12 11. Western and Central Balkan Peninsula from Montenegro to Belgrade....................................... I. clara – NW Bulgaria and E Serbia ......................................................................... I. miksici 12. Males : tip of cerci notably incised ( Fig. 141 B). Females : ovipositor ( Fig. 111 ) shorter, < 15 mm (usually 12–14 mm ). Song ( Fig. 147 ): syllables usually with 5–10 after-clicks. SE Republic of Macedonia and N Greece , mostly along the Lower Vardar Valley....................................................................................... I. tosevski Males : tip of cerci not or slightly incised ( Figs 142 B, 143B). Song ( Figs 148, 149 ): syllables without or with up to 5 afterclicks. Females : ovipositor ( Fig. 112 ) longer, usually over 15 mm . SW Bulgaria and N Greece , mostly along the Middle Strouma Valley.............................................................................. I. andreevae 13. Males : Tip of cerci cut or incised, bearing large, long, showel- or crest-like tooth ( Figs 162–167 B). Colouration usually freshgreen. S Bulgaria and NE Greece on the territory of Rila-Rhodopean Mountain group...... I. rhodopensis (for ssp. see text) Males : Tip of cerci widely blunt, bearing short, wide tooth ( Figs 152–154 B). Colouration usually bluish- or greyish-green. N Bulgaria and West Black Sea coast....................................................................... 14 14. Males : Stridulatory teeth>145. Song ( Figs 158–160 ): syllables of 400–1500 m ........... I. longicaudata (for ssp. see text) Males : Stridulatory teeth 100–145. Song ( Figs 157, 161 ): syllables either short (up to 400 ms), either of two distinctly separated parts, together lasting over 5000 ms.................................................................. 15 15. Song ( Fig. 157 ): syllables compact, <400 ms long. Central N Bulgaria ................................... I. plevnensis Song ( Fig. 161 ): syllables of two parts, 5–9 s long. N Dobrogea........................ I. modesta (for ssp. see above) 16. Smaller species, hind femora without ventral spines. Males : tegmina small ( Fig. 51 )—shorter and narrower than pronotum; stridulatory teeth ( Fig. 176 A) <90; subgenital plate with deep excision. Females : subgenital plate with apical elongation; ovipositor ±2 times the length of pronotum. Song ( Fig. 186 ) consists of continuous sequence of syllables........ I. camptoxypha – Larger species, hind femora frequently with 1–2 ventral spines. Males : tegmina large, strongly bulged—as wide as and equal or longer than pronotum; stridulatory teeth>100; subgenital plate with shallow excision. Females : subgenital plate without apical elongation; ovipositor>2.3 times the length of pronotum. Song consists of groups of or isolated syllables......... 17 17. Males : Body colouration dark-green; pronotum less saddle-shaped; tegmina ( Fig. 52 ) narrower; tip of cerci ( Fig. 177 B) narrow, having few hairs and a long tooth. Song ( Fig. 187 ) of isolated syllables typically separated in a shorter main part and a second part of 15–20 after-clicks altogether lasting 1400–2500 ms......................................... I. gulae Males : Body colouration dark-green to violet-green; pronotum ( Fig. 53 ) strongly saddle-shaped; tegmina very wide, strongly bulged; tip of cerci ( Fig. 178 B) very wide, obtuse, bearing many hairs and a very short tooth. Song ( Figs 188, 189 ) of groups of syllables lasting 100–500 ms with few or without after-clicks............................................ I. obtusa 18. Hind femora always without ventral spines. Males : Cerci slender, tip of cerci attenuated or almost pointed, bearing an apical tooth. Females : subgenital plate rounded; lateral pit at the base of ovipositor almost closed by the upcurved lamella; ovipositor very short (< 9 mm ), less than 2 times longer than pronotum.......................................... I. brevicauda Hind femora without or with few ventral spines. Males : Cerci stout, tip of cerci widely blunt or cut, bearing very short or sub- apical tooth. Females : subgenital plate with an apical elongation; lateral pit at the base of ovipositor widely opened; ovipositor longer than 9 mm , over 2 times longer than pronotum........................................................ 19 19. Fastigium of vertex about 1/3 the width of scapus. Males : CuP thinner, about as wide as second antennal limb; pronotum ( Fig. 50 ) short, saddle-shaped, with strongly sinuate side borders of metazone; cerci ( Fig. 99 ) slightly incurved, their base not more than twice the diameter of the apex; apex of cerci slightly widened. Females : ovipositor slender, 12–14 mm long ( Fig. 124 ). Song ( Fig. 185 ) consists of long series of syllables................................................... I. zubowskii – Fastigium of vertex 2/3 to almost equal to the width of scapus. Males : CuP wider that the second antennal limb; pronotum long, not saddle-shaped but metazone much wider than prozone; cerci strongly incurved in their apical third, their base more than twice the diameter of the apex; apex of cerci not widened, blunt or cut. Females : ovipositor wider ( Figs 122–123 ), 10–13 mm long. Song ( Figs 182–184 ) consists of loose groups of syllables............................................. 20 20. Males : tegmen slightly longer than pronotum; stridulatory teeth <260; cerci with a stout, wide short apical tooth. Females : ovipositor>2.3 times longer than pronotum. Song ( Figs 182, 183 ) consists of groups of short simple syllables (<400 ms) containing or lacking after-clicks....................................................................... I. modestior Males : tegmen slightly shorter than pronotum; stridulatory teeth>260; cerci with a wide short apical tooth. Females : ovipositor <2.3 times longer than pronotum. Song ( Fig. 184 ) consists of groups of long elaborate syllables (>800 ms) containing shorter main part and few groups of additional impulses............................................ I. dobrogensis 21. Males : tip of cerci conspicuosly widened and obtuse at end, bearing short tooth ( Fig. 180 B); stridulatory teeth ( Fig. 180 A) less than 120. Female : subgenital plate usually rounded............................................... I. amplipennis Males : tip of cerci pointed, bearing longer tooth apically or slightly subapically ( Fig. 181 B); stridulatory teeth ( Fig. 181 A) more than 150. Female : subgenital plate usually with an apical elongation.................................. I. speciosa