A revision of the genera Pseudosmittia Edwards, 1932, Allocladius Kieffer, 1913, and Hydrosmittia gen. n. (Diptera: Chironomidae, Orthocladiinae) 2849 Author Ferrington Jr, Leonard C. Author Saether, Ole A. text Zootaxa 2011 2011-04-29 2849 1 1 314 https://biotaxa.org/Zootaxa/article/view/zootaxa.2849.1.1 journal article 10.11646/zootaxa.2849.1.1 1175­5334 5288200 Pseudosmittia nishiharaensis Sasa et Hasegawa ( Fig. 72 A–E ) Pseudosmittia nishiharaensis Sasa et Hasegawa, 1988: 247 ; Saether 2006: 39 ; Makarchenko & Makarchenko 2008: 221 . Pseudosmittia linguata Caspers et Reiss, 1989: 128 ; Saether & Ferrington, 2003: 5 . Pseudosmittia yakymenea Sasa et Suzuki, 2000a: 92 ; Yamamoto 2004: 90 . Pseudosmittia yakyneoa Sasa et Suzuki, 2000a: 93 ; Yamamoto 2004: 90 . Material examined : JAPAN : Ryukyus, Okinawa Pref. , Miyako Island, Nishihara, holotype male, 3.ii.1982 , M. Sasa & H. Hasegawa (NMST A 65:22); Ryukyus, Okinawa Pref. , Miyako, Ikema, and Okinawa (Kochinda, Yara Bridge, Kadena-cho) Islands, paratypes 11 male , 2 doubtful females, including 2 misidentified males, 11.xii.1981 , 28.i.1982 , 3.ii.1982 , M. Sasa & H. Hasegawa [NMST A 65:13 (misidentified P. topei ), 19–21, 24, 83–84]; Kagoshima Pref. , Osumi Islands, Yakushima Island, Miyanoura, Issogawa, holotype male of P. yakymenea , holotype male of P. yakyneoa , 23.iii.1999 , H. Suzuki (NMST; holotype of P. yakymenea : No. 382: 27, holotype of P. yakyneoa : No. 382: 28). CHINA : Ningxia , Mt. Linpan, 3 males , 4.vii.1984 , X. Wang. THAILAND : Chiangmai Zoo, 2 males , 18–30.vi.1988 , 27.ii.–6.iii.1989 , H. Malicky ( ZSM ); Erzurum Prov., Azort Pass west of Oltu, 2200 m a.s.l., holotype male of P . linguata , 6.vii.1985 ( ZSM ). ITALY : Lombardy , Angera, Lago Maggiore, paratype male of P . linguata , 31.vii.–6.viii.1965 , F. Reiss ( ZSM ). Diagnostic characters : The presence of a strong apical antennal seta combined with a forked postcubitus, AR of 0.9–1.4, and the apically truncate and upcurved gonostylus separate this species from other members of the group. Male imago (n = 11–12, except when otherwise stated) All measurements and ratios within the range of variation of P . forcipata with the following exceptions and additions: Wing ( Fig. 72 A ) length/length of profemur 2.86–3.29, 3.07. AR 0.88–1.43, 1.06. Clypeus with 4–6, 5 (7) setae. Palpomere lengths (in µm): 18–26, 21; 23–34, 28; 48–56, 53; 67–75, 71; 80–117, 102. Third palpomere ( Fig. 72 C ) with 2 (7) sensilla clavata at apex. VR 1.60–1.85, 1.69; VR 2 1.30–1.46, 1.37. Costal extension ( Fig. 79 F ) 0–25, 16 µm long. R 4+5 ending well proximal to apex of M 3+4 , Cu 1 slightly curved to straight. LR 2 0.50–0.55, 0.53; BV 2 3.78–4.15, SV 2 3.55–3.87, BR 3 7.3–8.4. Anal point ( Fig. 72 F ; Sasa & Hasegawa 1988 , fig. 6j; Caspers & Reiss 1989 , fig. 17; Sasa & Suzuki 2000a , fig. 52i) 30–49, 41 µm long, with 6–13, 7 setae on sides and at base. Phallapodeme 51–60, 55 µm long. Virga ( Fig. 72 E ) 14–21, 16 µm long. Gonocoxite with inferior volsella reaching to 0.64–0.85, 0.72 gonocoxite length. Female Possibly known (see below). Pupa and larva Unknown. Remarks The female imago is partly described by Sasa and Hasegawa (1988: 248) . However, the paratype females are tentatively associated, damaged, possibly belong to different species, two or three dissected specimens are placed under the same cover slip, and the wings are dry mounted making it impossible to obtain an accurate count on the nonmarginal setae on the costa. A redescription thus is not warranted on the present material. Both Sasa and Hasegawa (1988) , Caspers and Reiss (1989) and Sasa and Suzuki (2000a) overlooked the postcubital forking which is indistinct and difficult to distinguish in most specimens. The anal point in Sasa and Suzuki (2000a) is wrongly drawn. Distribution The species is known from Germany , Italy , Turkey , Russian Far East, China , Japan including Indo-Pacific parts, and Thailand .