Twenty-six new species of Hoploscopa (Lepidoptera, Crambidae) from South-East Asia revealed by morphology and DNA barcoding Author Leger, Theo Author Kehlmaier, Christian Author Vairappan, Charles S. Author Nuss, Matthias text ZooKeys 2020 907 1 99 journal article 1313-2970-907-1 DBF339E5EBBC461994388359C769473F 9920267E73CF5E00B644DED1F101D965 Hoploscopa niveofascia Leger & Nuss sp. nov. Figs 11 , 56 Material examined. Holotype : ♂, with labels: "Papua New Guinea | Morobe Prov[ince]., n[ea]r. Bulolo | Mt. Susu Nat[ional]. Res[erve]., 975m | 27-28 Aug.1983, S. Miller | UV Lite, Araucaria For[est]"; "DNA voucher | Lepidoptera | MTD2016 | [vertically written:] no. 3162"; "TL442 | ♂". Deposited in USNM. Diagnosis. Hoploscopa niveofascia sp. nov. displays snow white postmedian patch, subterminal line and well-marked marginal spots on the forewing. In male genitalia, the uncus is broad, with straight lateral margin and a blunt apex. Female genitalia not known. Similar species. Hoploscopa diffusa . Hoploscopa niveofascia sp. nov. shares with H. diffusa the white markings of the forewing. However, postmedian patch of H. diffusa is broadly marked with brown, marginal spots are reduced to small dots, and fringes exhibit white spots, while fringes are brown in H. niveofascia sp. nov. Description. Head . Antennae dorsally dark brown. Proboscis white. Maxillary palpi dark brown, basally pale brown. Labial palpi dark brown, ventro-basally white. Thorax (Fig. 11 ). Thorax dark brown with mesodorsal transversal white line. Collar white. Forewing length: 9.5 mm; forewing ground colour dark brown; basal area without marked patches, white scales scattered near dorsum; median discoidal stigma darker coloured, rectangular, basally and distally thinly edged with white; postmedian patch diffuse, white; postmedian line marked on costal half; subterminal line thick, zigzagging, disrupted distally at M1; margin with large white spots; fringes bronze. Fore- and midlegs dark brown, with tibia and tarsi segments distally white. Hindlegs brown to bronze. Abdomen. Male sternum A8 posterior margin straight. Male genitalia ( N = 1) (Fig. 56 ). Uncus broad with straight lateral margin, apex truncate, medially slightly incurved. Gnathos reduced to thin band without posterior projection. Valva ventral margin bent dorsad on distal half, dorsal margin slightly convex, apex pointed. Juxta elongated, with base rounded, medially narrowing, apex blunt. Saccus small, pointing dorsad. Female genitalia Not known. Distribution. Known from Mount Susu (975 m) in the Morobe Province (Papua New Guinea). Phylogenetic relationships. Hoploscopa obliqua is recovered as sister group in the ML analysis of the COI barcode (BS = 95). Etymology. From the Latin niveus , snowy, and fascia , band, referring to the snow-white markings on the forewing.