Cimbicidae (Hymenoptera, ‘ Symphyta’) in the Paleogene: revision, the new subfamily Cenocimbicinae, and new taxa from the Eocene Okanagan Highlands Author Archibald, S. Bruce 0000-0002-4397-2497 Department of Earth, Ocean and Atmospheric Sciences, University of British Columbia, 2020 - 2207 Main Mall, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, V 6 T 1 Z 4, Canada. bruce. archibald @ ubc. ca; https: // orcid. org / 0000 - 0002 - 4397 - 2497 & Department of Biological Sciences, Simon Fraser University, 8888 University Drive, Burnaby, British Columbia, V 5 A 1 S 6, Canada Museum of Comparative Zoology, 26 Oxford Street, Cambridge, Massachusetts, 02138, United States of America & Royal British Columbia Museum, 675 Belleville Street, Victoria, British Columbia, V 8 W 9 W 2, Canada Author Rasnitsyn, Alexandr P. A. A. Borissiak Paleontological Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow 117647, Russia & Invertebrate Paleontology Department, Natural History Museum, Cromwell Road, London SW 7 5 BD, United Kingdom Corresponding author. bruce. archibald @ ubc. ca text Zootaxa 2023 2023-05-04 5278 1 1 38 journal article 10.11646/zootaxa.5278.1.1 1175-5326 7894826 BE0A07DB-170A-4B72-8178-9B8144C1FBF6 Eopachylosticta byrami ( Cockerell, 1925 ) Fig. 23 . FIGURE 23. Eopachylosticta byrami (Cockerell) holotype, USNM-69181, Pachylostictinae , from the Green River Formation: A, photograph; B, drawing. Scale bar 5 mm. Amasis byrami Cockerell, 1925 , p. 10 , plate 1, Fig. 4 Eopachylosticta byrami Malaise, 1945 , p. 14 . Holotype . USNM 69181 . A complete female with its body mostly well preserved, but almost no legs evident and poorly preserved wings with venation too faint to interpret. Green River Formation , about 8 miles south of De Beque , Colorado ( Cockerell 1925 ), Ypresian. Diagnosis. As for genus. Description. Body length ca . 8.2 mm ; head, antennae dark; thorax dark, hind femora somewhat infuscate (otherwise legs not visibly preserved, presumably pale), anterior abdomen light, posterior segments lightly infuscate. Head transverse, temples short; compound eyes not preserved; antenna five-segmented, with pedicel transverse, distinctly wider than flagellar base, flagellomere 1 thin, slightly widened apically, twice as long as wide, trapezoid, flagellomere 2 wider, together about as long as thick, unsegmented club. Pronotum not distinct, mesonotum only partially visible, with median longitudinal mesonotal sulcus and notauli well developed, meeting well before presumed position of scutellum (poorly preserved); mesopleuron with percurrent mesopleural groove; otherwise, thoracic structure obscure. Hind femora short. Forewing almost entirely invisible as preserved. Abdomen short, wide; ovipositor short, not exceeding abdominal apex, sheaths not distinct. Material . Holotype . Locality and age . Green River Formation, about eight miles south of De Beque , Colorado ( Cockerell 1925 ), Ypresian .