A taxonomic revision of the genus Pauridia (Hypoxidaceae) in southern Africa Author Snijman, Deirdre A. Compton Herbarium, South African National Biodiversity Institute, Private Bag X 7, Claremont 7735, South Africa / Department of Botany and Plant Biotechnology, University of Johannesburg, PO Box 524, Auckland Park, Johannesburg, 2006, South Africa; d.snijman@sanbi.org.za text Phytotaxa 2014 2014-10-14 182 1 1 114 journal article 10.11646/phytotaxa.182.1.1 1179-3163 8307173 Pauridia Harvey (1838: 341) . Type ( holotype ):— Pauridia hypoxidioides Harvey (1838: 342) , nom. illeg ., superfl . pro Ixia minuta Linnaeus (1782: 92) ( McNeill et al . 2012 : Art. 11.4). (= Pauridia minuta (L.f.) Durand & Schinz ) = Ianthe Salisbury (1866: 44) , nom. illeg ., orthographical variant for Janthe , non Janthe Grisebach (1844: 40) Hypoxis subg. Ianthe Salisb. ex Baker (1878: 99) Hypoxis sect. Ianthe (Salisb. ex Baker) Benth. in Bentham & Hooker (1883: 717) . Type ( lectotype designated by Geerinck 1969: 76 ):— Ianthe ovata (L.f.) Salisb. ex Williams (= Pauridia ovata (L.f.) Snijman & Kocyan ) = Ianthe [unranked] Aquaticae Nel (1914b: 290) . Type ( lectotype designated by Snijman & Kocyan 2013: 23 ):— Ianthe aquatica (L.f.) Williams (= Pauridia aquatica (L.f.) Snijman & Kocyan ) = Ianthe [unranked] Flaccidae Nel (1914b: 296) . Type ( lectotype designated by Snijman & Kocyan 2013: 23 ):— Ianthe flaccida Nel (= Pauridia flaccida (L.f.) Snijman & Kocyan ) = Ianthe [unranked] Minutae Nel (1914b: 299) . Type ( lectotype designated by Snijman & Kocyan 2013: 23 ):— Ianthe minuta (L.) Williams (= Pauridia pygmaea Snijman & Kocyan ) = Ianthe [unranked] Ovatae Nel (1914b: 293) . Type ( lectotype designated by Snijman & Kocyan 2013: 23 ):— Ianthe ovata (L.f.) Salisb. ex Williams ( = Pauridia ovata (L.f.) Snijman & Kocyan ) = Ianthe [unranked] Pectinatae Nel (1914b: 299) . Type ( lectotype designated by Snijman & Kocyan 2013: 23 ):— Ianthe schlechteri (Bolus) Williams (= Pauridia affinis (Schult. & Schult.f.) Snijman & Kocyan ) = Ianthe [unranked] Serratae Nel (1914b: 292) . Type ( lectotype designated by Snijman & Kocyan 2013: 23 ):— Ianthe serrata (Thunb.) Salisb. ex Williams (= Pauridia serrata (Thunb.) Snijman & Kocyan ) = Ianthe [unranked] Stellatae Nel (1914b: 295) . Type ( lectotype designated by Snijman & Kocyan 2013: 23 ):— Ianthe stellata (Thunb.) Williams (= Pauridia capensis (L.) Snijman & Kocyan ) = Spiloxene Salisbury (1866: 44) . Type ( lectotype designated by Fourcade 1932: 76 ):— Spiloxene stellata (Thunb.) Salisb. ex Fourc. (= Pauridia capensis (L.) Snijman & Kocyan ) = Saniella Hilliard & Burtt (1978: 70) . Type ( holotype ):— Saniella verna Hilliard & B.L.Burtt (= Pauridia verna (Hilliard & B.L.Burtt) Snijman & Kocyan ) Deciduous, softly herbaceous, cormous perennials. Corm naked or tunicate, growing vertically or horizontally, rooting from proximal half or rarely above, rarely forming cormlets at base or from slender runners; tunics fibrous, reticulate or pectinate, free from or attached to basal disc; roots downward-growing and sometimes contractile or tangled and encircling corm, and then often hard and persistent. Shoots annual, aerial or subterranean, highly condensed, main shoot more or less sheathed below by a prophyll, 2 somewhat membranous cataphylls and a few foliage leaves, followed by 1 to several, successively developing, 1-foliate flowering shoots. Leaves few to several in a loose spiral, bifacial or unifacial, erect to spreading, linear to narrowly lanceolate, plane, carinate, canaliculate or terete, glabrous, sometimes with short, irregular, multicellular trichomes on margin and rarely on keel, often with narrow to broad rows of bulliform cells, 1 to several layers thick on adaxial surface; mesophyll with mucilage canals adaxial or centripetal to large vascular bundles, exuding mucilage strands when cut. Inflorescences several, rarely few, 1- or 2-flowered, rarely several-flowered in an umbel-like raceme; scape subterete to compressed laterally, sometimes entirely hidden amongst leaves; bracts 1 or 2, rarely up to 7, filiform to linear-lanceolate and involute, short or long, clasping pedicel at base or incompletely sheathing pedicel nearly to apex, green with translucent edges or almost entirely translucent, keels sometimes tipped with minute, irregular teeth. Flowers pedicellate or rarely sessile, stellate, rotate, campanulate or funnelform, usually yellow, less often white or orange, rarely pink, usually with red or green bands or stripes on dorsal surface, especially on outer tepals, centre sometimes yellow (in white flowers), otherwise often blackish, bluish, maroon, pale pink or green, sometimes with bluish green or yellowish iridescence, sometimes sweetly or unpleasantly scented, nectar lacking; perigone tube, when present, short to long, funnel- or bowl-shaped; tepals 6, (rarely 4 or 5 in 1 species), subequal with outer slightly broader than inner and minutely mucronate. Stamens 6 or 3, (rarely 4 or 5 in P. pusilla ), symmetrically disposed, suberect to slightly spreading, equal or unequal and then inner longest; filaments inserted on ovary rim or dome, tepal bases or perigone tube, rarely shortly adnate to style, filiform or tapering distally, affixed to anther in cleft between basal lobes; anthers exserted, linear, latrorse, sometimes appearing somewhat extrorse later, introrse in only 1 species, sometimes notched apically; pollen disulcate or rarely trisulcate, usually microechinate, sticky. Ovary subcylindrical to narrowly or broadly obconical, 3-locular with axile placentation, placental ridges sometimes contiguous only proximally, then ovary partially or apparently entirely 1-locular and placentation appearing parietal, short- or long-beaked in a few species; style columnar, stout or slender, short or rarely long; stigma 3- or rarely 2-branched, branches suberect to spreading, sometimes cohering, linear to narrowly triangular, often extended into 3 or 6 spreading or downwardly curved lobes below, margin and often edges of ventral surface papillose throughout or rarely smooth between base and apex. Capsule subcylindrical to narrowly or broadly obconical, soft- or firm-walled, dehiscence circumscissile or circumscissile with longitudinal slits along septa, rarely disintegrating irregularly. Seeds ovoid or somewhat globose, rarely J-shaped (in P. canaliculata ), less than 1 mm long, with a short, persistent funicle and slightly raised micropyle, black or brownish; outer periclinal cell walls of testa mammiform, colliculate, rugose, gibbose, conical, stud- or peg-like; cuticle smooth or rough. Key to the species of Pauridia in southern Africa 1. Flowers campanulate or more or less funnelform, perigone with a shallow cup or tube .................................................... 2 - Flowers stellate, perigone more or less flat .......................................................................................................................... 5 2. Flowers with 3 fertile stamens ............................................................................................................................................... 3 - Flowers with 6 fertile stamens ............................................................................................................................................... 4 3. Perigone tube a shallow cup, 2–4 mm long, shorter than tepals .......................................................................... 8. P . minuta - Perigone tube elongated, narrowly funnelform, 8–30 mm long, at least twice as long as tepals .................... 9. P . longituba 4. Corm with fibrous tunics extending into a bristly neck; seed testa densely covered by elongated trichomes .. 28. P . alticola - Corm almost fibreless, mostly covered by brown, leathery sheaths distally; seed testa colliculate .................... 29. P . verna 5. Stamens inserted on a prominently raised ovary dome, distant from tepals ......................................................................... 6 - Stamens inserted on ovary rim immediately adjacent to tepals ............................................................................................. 7 6. Medium-sized plants, up to 150 mm tall; corm somewhat ovoid, without a basal rim; tepals 6–10(–17) mm long .............. ............................................................................................................................................................... 1. P . etesionamibensis - Diminutive plants, up to 65 mm tall; corm broadly conical, base flat, usually surrounded by a narrow rim; tepals 3.5–5.5 mmlong ............................................................................................................................................................. 2. P . pygmaea 7. Number of floral bracts exceeding the number of flowers in each inflorescence.................................................................. 8 - Number of floral bracts equal to the number of flowers in each inflorescence ..................................................................... 9 8. Flower with tepals 7–16 mm long and up to 4.5 mm wide, yellow, white or rarely orange, occasionally with a pale centre ............................................................................................................................................................................ 18. P . serrata - Flower with tepals 18–32 mm long and up to 11.0 mm wide, orange with a dark or pale centre ..................... 19. P . linearis 9. Corm entirely encircled by tangled roots ............................................................................................................................ 10 - Cormwithrootsgrowingmostly downwards, notaroundthecorm ....................................................................................11 10. Flower white, flushed wine-red dorsally; lowermost leaves usually outspread, uppermost leaf suberect proximally and arching above, clasping the scape and pedicel, often for more than half its length ............................................. 20. P . ovata - Flower yellow to orange with pale green or reddish brown dorsally; leaves more or less equally spreading ........................ ........................................................................................................................................................................ 21. P . gracilipes 11. Leaves absent or newly emerging at the onset of flowering .............................................................................................. 12 - Leaves fully developed at the onset of flowering .............................................................................................................. 13 12. Flowers white or rarely yellow, with a prominent ovary beak, 2.0–8.0(–19.0) mm long....................................... 17. P . alba - Floweryellow, withoutanovarybeak ........................................................................................................24. P . monophylla 13. Leaves subterete and aerenchymatous or succulent; mostly aquatic ................................................................................. 14 - Leaves carinate to canaliculate, soft- to firm-textured, if subterete then not aerenchymatous or succulent; never aquatic .... .............................................................................................................................................................................................. 15 14. Plants aquatic; inflorescence more than 1-flowered ....................................................................................... 16. P . aquatica - Plants not aquatic; inflorescence 1-flowered … Incompletely known taxon .............................................................. P. acida 15. Leaves soft-textured and delicate; corms almost naked or if fibrous then fibres soft; scape sharply 2- or 3-edged ........... 16 - Leaves firm-textured to wiry; corms densely fibrous; fibres often rigid; scape more or less compressed but not sharp-edged .............................................................................................................................................................................................. 21 16. Ovary narrowly obconical, somewhat 3–angled in transverse section, fully or largely 1-locular ..................................... 17 - Ovary narrowly to broadly obconical, somewhat rounded in transverse section, fully 3-locular ...................................... 18 17. Flowers 2–5; ovary 3.5–10.0 mmlong .............................................................................................................. 10. P . scullyi - Flowers 2(3); ovary 13–30 mmlong ...........................................................................................................11. P . maximiliani 18. Filaments adnate to style, up to ca. 0.5 mm in outer whorl and ca. 1 mm in inner whorl; anther connectives and stigma branches dark reddish ......................................................................................................................................... 15. P . pusilla - Filaments free from style; anthers and stigma branches plain yellow ................................................................................ 19 19. Scape very short, up to 20 mm long, often hidden amongst the leaves basally .......................................... 12. P . breviscapa - Scape longer than 25 mm , exserted well above the more or less sheathing leaf bases ...................................................... 20 20. Flowers yellow; tepals 7–12 mm long; outer filaments 2.5–3.0 mm and inner 3.0– 3.5 mm long; stigma branches 3.0– 4.5 mmlong ...................................................................................................................................................... 13. P . umbraticola - Flowers white or cream, rarely flushed pink; tepals 4–7(–10) mm long; outer filaments 0.7–1.0 mm long and inner 1.0– 1.5 mm long; stigma branches 1.2–3.0 mm long ........................................................................................................ 14. P . nana 21. Inflorescence with 1 floral bract; bract margins involute, incompletely sheathing the pedicel almost up to the tip .......... 22 - Inflorescence with more than 1 floral bract or if just 1 then bract margins plane, clasping the pedicel at base or rarely up to three quarters of length ........................................................................................................................................................ 24 22. Leaves canaliculate throughout; flowers orange to deep yellow, with a deep brownish purple, glaucous, non-iridescent centre; seeds J-shaped ............................................................................................................................... 27. P . canaliculata - Leaves carinate throughout or at least distally; flowers various colours but never orange, often with a dark iridescent or non-glaucous centre; seeds ovoid......................................................................................................................................... 23 23. Flower yellow; filaments slender, unequal, outer 1.0– 2.5 mm long, inner 1.5–3.0 mm long .................25. P . curculigoides - Flower yellow, cream, white or pink, often marked with a dark, iridescent centre; filaments broad-based, subequal, ca. 2 mmlong ............................................................................................................................................................26. P . capensis 24. Capsule dehiscence remaining strictly circumscissile ......................................................................................................... 25 - Capsule breaking open septicidally or irregularly ............................................................................................................... 29 25. Floral bracts broader than 1 mm wide at base ..................................................................................................................... 26 - Floral bracts 0.5 mm or less wide at base ............................................................................................................................ 27 26. Outer sheathing leaf bases at most black-veined when old, otherwise pale green; stigma branches (2.5–)4.0–5.5(–6.5) mm long, with a broad base ( 1.5–2.5 mm wide ) and outspread basal lobes protruding between the filaments ........3. P . flaccida - Outer sheathing leaf bases smooth, brown and papery to leathery; stigma branches 2.0– 3.5 mm long, narrowly oblong, without spreading basal lobes .............................................................................................................................. 4. P . maryae 27. Inflorescence with 2 floral bracts; stigma extended into 3 prominent, outspread or down-turned lobes from branch clefts, branch tips more or less capitate ................................................................................................................... 6. P . trifurcillata - Inflorescence with 1 floral bract; stigma without outspread lobes from branch clefts or if basal lobes present then erect branches tapered towards tip ............................................................................................................................................... 28 28. Style 2–3 mm long, equalling or exceeding the stigma branches ( 1–2 mm long) ............................................... 5. P . pudica - Style 1.5–2.0 mm long, shorter than the stigma branches ( 3–4 mm long) ....................................................... 7. P. aemulans 29. Leaves shallowly canaliculate to somewhat dorsiventrally flattened, 1.5–6(–13) mm wide, margin often raised and frequently toothed with widely spaced, irregularly-shaped, multicellular trichomes towards base; flowers (1)2 per inflorescence; tepals 6–10 mmlong ; capsule 5–10 mmlong .................................................................................... 22. P . monticola - Leaves terete to hemiterete, 1.5–2(–3) mm wide, entire; flowers 1(2) per inflorescence; tepals 7–16(–20) mm long; capsule 10–12 mmlong ..................................................................................................................................................... 23. P . affinis