New Species Of The Genus Afroleius Mahunka, 1984 (Acari, Oribatida, Mycobatidae) From South Africa Author Coetzee, L. text Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 2013 2013-11-15 59 4 307 319 journal article 10.5281/zenodo.5736225 2064-2474 5736225 Afroleius crassus sp. n. (Figs 1–7) Diagnosis – Notogastralsurfacereticulate, prodorsalandventralsurfac- esfoveate; lateralandposteriormarginsofnotogasterundulate; octotaxicsystemconsistingofsacculeswithwideopenings; bothridialsetaclavate, stalk short; rostralsetaveryshort; lamellarsetalong, roughened, curvingmedially; interlamellarsetaminute; notogastralsetaeminute; lateralnotogastralprofile wedge- shaped; prominentdorsaldensontarsiIandII; distalendofgenuI antiaxiallywithprominentdorsalandventralcusps; distalendofgenuIIan- tiaxiallywithprominentlateralcusp. Dimensions – Holotype (female): Length 330 μm, width 230 μm. Paratypes : Females (n = 2): Length 324 μm (311–338 μm), width 222 μm (213–236 μm). Males (n = 7): Length 299 μm (284–316 μm), width 206 μm (196–218 μm). Prodorsum (Figs 1 & 2) – Rostrumroundedindorsalview, rostralprofiledeeplyin- dentedinlateralview; prodorsalsurfacefoveate, foveaebecomingsmallerandfractioned towardsposteriorborderofprodorsum; lamella ( L ) wide, extendingoverlateralmargin ofprodorsum; rostralseta ( ro ) (ventrallyvisible) short, (~ 16 μm ) roughened, insertedat anteriorapexoftutorium; lamellarseta ( le ) long (~ 32 μm), roughened, curvedmedially; interlamellarseta ( in ) minute (~ 7 μm); bothridiumsmall, openingdirectedventrally; head ofbothridialseta ( bo ) clavate, granular, surfaceroughened, lengthofbothridialstalkmore orlessaslongasbothridialhead. Notogaster (Figs 1 & 2) – Surfacereticulate; mediallyslightlyelevated, marginally depressed, postero- lateralmargindeeplyundulate; octotaxicsystemconsistingofsaccules, openingsofsacculessurroundedbythickintegument; tenpairsofminute (~ 7 μm) notogastralsetaepresent; lyrifissure im clearlyvisible; opisthosomalgland gla small, situ- atedclosetosaccule S 1; inlateralviewposteriorpartofnotogastermuchhigherthananteriorpart. Podosomaandgnathosoma (Figs 2 & 3) – Surfaceofmentumfoveate, foveaefading posteriorly; genalnotch ( gn ) present; genaltoothverybroad, short; axillarysacculeshort; epimeralsetaeminute; epimeralsurfacefoveate; epimeralseta 1c absent; tutorium ( tu ) narrow, anteriorsurfacebelow tu finelygranulate; pedotectumI ( pdI ) large, wide, surface foveate; pedotectumII ( pdII ) small. Ventralplate (Fig. 3) – Surfaceofgenitalandanalplatesfaintlyfoveate, ventralplate mediallywithlargefoveae, marginallywithsmallerfoveae; regionposteriortoanalplates granulate; iad situatedlaterallyofanalplates; ad 1–2 insertedposteriorlytoanalplate, ad 3 insertedmedio- laterallytoanalplate, posteriorto iad ; postanalporoseareasmall, round; preanalorganofmediumlength. Legs (Figs 4–7) – Setalformula (trochantertotarsus, famulusincluded): LegI 1–5–3– 4–20; LegII 1–5–3–4–15; LegIII 2–2–1–3–15; LegIV 1–2–2–3–12. Solenidialformula (genu to tarsus): Leg I 1–2–2; Leg II 1–1–2; Leg III 1–1–0; Leg IV 0–1–0. Legsrelativelyshort; dorsalintegumentoftarsiI, IIandIVandtibiaeI, IIandIV thick; poroseareasonfemoraI-IVnarrow, situatedpostero- dorsally; poroseareasontro- chantersIIIandIVsituatedparaxially. LegI: Sharplypointedcurveddenspresentondorsalsideoftarsusproximaltotectalsetae; antiaxialfastigialseta ( ft ”) veryshortandthin; famulus (ε) minute; distalendofgenuantiaxiallywithdorsalandventralcusps (indicated byarrows). LegII: Tarsusshort, broad; sharplypointedcurveddenspresentondorsalside oftarsusproximaltotectalsetae; distalendofgenuantiaxiallywithventralcusp (indicated byarrow). LegIII: Allsetaesmooth. LegIV: Dorsalsurfaceoftarsusandtibiauneven; tarsusantiaxiallywithdiagonaltectumrunningfrominsertionof ft” toproximo- ventralbase ofsegment; femurventrallywithwideflange; dorsalseta ( d ) onfemurthick, roughened, allothersetaesmooth. Materialexamined: Holotype (female) ( NMB 2099.32.1) ( Fig. 18 ) andnineparatypes (twofemales, sevenmales) ( NMB 2099.32.2) – Winklespruit 30°07’S 30°50’E , 7 March 1982 ( C. M. Engelbrecht ), soilandplantdebrisfromurbanenvironment. Additionalmaterial : IndianOceancoastalbelt – Soilandlittersamplesfromtemper- ateforests, riverineforests, thicketsandurbanenvironmentscollectedatMtunzini ( WaterlooEstate ) ( 28°59’S 31°44’E ) , VernonCrookesNatureReserve ( 30°16’S 30°35’E ), Mapelane ( 28°22’S 32°23’E ) , St. Lucia ( Mission Rocks ) ( 28°15’S 32°30’E ) , Cape Vidal ( 28°6’S 32°33’E ) , Dukuduku ( 28°20’S 32°18’E ) , Charter’s Creek ( 28°22’S 32°24’E ) , Oribi Gorge ( 30°41’S 30°16’E ) Figs 1–3. Afroleiuscrassus sp. n. : 1 = dorsalaspect, 2 = lateralaspect, 3 = ventralaspect. Scale bar 100 μm. Scottburgh ( 30°16’S 30°44’E ), Umkomaas ( 30°14’S 30°46’E ), Margate ( 30°2’S 30°22’E ), Palm Beach ( 31°03’S 30°14’E ). Northernmistbeltforests – Lydenburg ( 25°08’S 30°32’E ). Figs 4–7. Afroleius crassus sp. n. : 4 = leg I, right side, antiaxial aspect, 5 = leg II, right side, antiaxialaspect, 6 = legIII, leftside, antiaxialaspect, 7 = legIV, rightside, antiaxialaspect. Diagonaltectumindicated. Scalebar 50 μm. Etymology – Thespeciesnamereferstothecoarseappearanceofthenotogastral integument. Remarks – Theunevenoutlineofthenotogasterindorsalview, thedifferentpatternsoftheintegumentofthenotogaster (reticulate) andtheventral plate (largefoveae), andthewedge- shapedlateralprofiledistinguishesthis speciesfromitscongeners. Althoughthisspeciesseemstobewidelydistrib- utedintheeasternpartsofthecountry, itisnotabundant- onaverageabout two A. crassus sp. n. specimenspersample. Thisspeciesisrestrictedtothe eastern, wellvegetatedregionsofSouthAfrica, wherehighrainfalloccurs.