Dermaptera of Iran with description of Euborellia angustata sp. nov. Author Kočárek, Petr text Acta Entomologica Musei Nationalis Pragae 2011 suppl. 2011-12-09 51 2 381 390 journal article 8584 10.5281/zenodo.4468183 820e1202-fc1b-426d-8eff-abb17d3209c8 ISSN0374-1036 4468183 30DC77B2-49C5-43DD-B73B-BF155ED108F8 Euborellia angustata sp. nov. ( Figs. 1–6 ) Type locality. South-west Iran , Khuzestan Province , 40 km N Ahwaz, 70 m a.s.l., 31°41′N , 48°33′E (location according to HOBERLANDT 1983 ). Material examined. HOLOTYPE : ♁, ‘SW Iran / 40 km N Ahwaz / 15.- 16.4.1977 // Loc. no. 291 / Exped. Nat. Mus. / Praha’ ( NMPC ). The specimen is provided with additional printed red label : ‘ HOLOTYPUS / Euborellia / angustata sp. n. / det. P. Kočárek 2011 ’. Description. Body dark brown; head entirely black, antennae yellowish brown; pronotum brown with paler sides; legs yellowish brown; abdominal tergites dark brown; forceps reddish brown. Cuticle punctured, shiny; tegmina and wings entirely absent. Length without forceps 11.8 mm, length of forceps 1.6 mm. Head ( Figs. 1, 2 ) globose, as wide as long, postfrontal and coronal sutures distinct. Eyes small, 0.5 times as long as the length of head behind eyes. Antennae of holotype male with 15 antennomeres (incomplete), conical; antennomere 1 long, narrowed basally, widened terminally, as long as the length of antennomeres 2, 3, and 4 together; antennomere 2 transverse, only slightly longer than wide; antennomere 3 longer than antennomere 4. Pronotum ( Figs. 1, 2 ) longer than wide, widened posteriorly.Anterior margin nearly straight, posterior margin broadly rounded. Pronotum coriaceous and smooth, median suture distinct. Tegmina and wings entirely absent. Legs entirely yellow, without darker bands. Figs.1–8. 1–6 – Euborellia angustata sp. nov. , holotype (male): 1 – habitus; 2 – head and pronotum; 3 – penultimate sternite, ventral view; 4 – genitalia; 5 – left paramere; 6 – denticulated pads of left distal lobe. 7–8 – Euborellia compressa (Borelli, 1907) , holotype (male): 7 – left paramere; 8 – denticulated pads of left distal lobe. Abdomen ( Figs. 1, 3, 4 ) densely punctured, tergites with exception of the ultimate one convex, somewhat widened posteriorly, lateral glandular folds invisible. Basal two tergites almost smooth, the other tergites coarsely coriaceous, and with scattered small punctures, tergites 7–9 rugoso-striate at sides and each with a low blunt rugoso-striate lateral longitudinal ridge. Ultimate tergite transverse, slightly depressed medially with visible median longitudinal furrow, lateral longitudinal ridge rugoso-striate basally, hind margin straight with protuberance at each base of forceps branch. Penultimate sternite broadly rounded, sides in proximal third parallel-sided, apex slightly truncate ( Fig. 4 ). Pygidium flat. Forceps trigonal in basal half and dorsoventrally flattened, branches asymmetrical, inner margin serrated, each branch of forceps short, left branch weakly curved, right branch more strongly curved. Genitalia ( Fig. 5, 6, 7 ) typical for Euborellia Burr, 1910 , with parameres short, slightly longer than broad (4: 3), narrowed apically, tip acuminate; end of longer distal lobe quadratic, dark brown, with strongly sclerotized denticulated pad; lateral denticulated pad rounded. Differential diagnosis. Euborellia angustata sp. nov. is an entirely apterous species without vestiges of tegmina or wings and differs from all other apterous species of Euborellia by the combination of the following characters: narrow pronotum, longer than wide ( Fig. 2 ); yellow, not striated legs ( Fig. 1 ); and characteristic male genitalia with specific distal lobe ( Figs. 5, 6, 7 ). The species comes close to E. compressa (Borelli, 1907) , but differs in the length and shape of pronotum (which in E. angustata sp. nov. is remarkably longer than wide and anteriorly narrower than the head) and the penultimate sternite (which is narrowed posteriorly with hind margin subtruncate in E. angustata sp. nov. compared to broadly rounded posteriorly in E. compressa ). Remarkable differences between E. angustata sp. nov. and related species concern its male genitalia ( Figs. 7, 8 ) and specifically the shape of the lateral denticulated pads of the longer distal lobe ( Fig. 8 ). Etymology. The Latin adjective angustatus , - a , - um , meaning narrow, is given the new species in reference to its narrow body and narrow pronotum, which are the most remarkable features of the species. Bionomics. Unknown. Collected from the vegetation on limits of field and irrigation channels with Salix triandra and Populus euphratica ( HOBERLANDT 1983 ) . Distribution. South-western Iran , Khuzestan province .