Revision of the water scavenger beetle genus Notionotus Spangler, 1972 in the Neotropical Region (Coleoptera, Hydrophilidae, Enochrinae) Author Gonzalez-Rodriguez, Liza M. Department of Ecology & Evolutionary Biology, and Division of Entomology, Biodiversity Institute, University of Kansas, Lawrence, KS 66045, USA Author Short, Andrew Edward Z. Department of Ecology & Evolutionary Biology, and Division of Entomology, Biodiversity Institute, University of Kansas, Lawrence, KS 66045, USA text ZooKeys 2022 2022-07-01 1109 141 191 journal article 1313-2970-1109-141 A418DA2C02DD4023A9F841FA0AEAAC83 2CB5DB1837165454A3C0E833ACD79CA7 Notionotus rosalesi Spangler, 1972 Figs 2G-I , 9A-C , 14 Notionotus rosalesi Spangler, 1972: 141 Type material examined. Holotype (male) : "VENEZUELA/Arag., 10 Km S./Rancho Grande/II-14-1969/P.&P. Spangler", "TypeNo/71950/U S N M", "HOLOTYPE/ Notionotus / Notionotus rosalesi /P.J.Spangler" (USNM). Additional material examined. Trinidad : Guanapo State : 4.1 km up Guanapo Valley , trib of Guanapo River , 460 ft , 11-VII-2005 ( 1 ex. , SEMC); Verdant vale, Arima River , 10°42'N , 61°18'W , 570 ft , 9-VII-2005 ( 1 ex. , SEMC) . Venezuela : Aragua : Rancho Grande Biol. Stn. 1150 m , 10°21'N , 67°41'W , 25-28 II 1995 , S. Marshall , yellow pan trap ( 1 ex. , SEMC) . Differential diagnosis. Notionotus rosalesi can be distinguished by the wide brown band in the anterior third of the elytra, as well as, the unique shape of the genitalia, having many accessories at the base of the parameres, the apex of the parameres membranous and lanceolate. Description. Size and form : Body length 1.8-1.9 mm. Body form elongate oval, moderately convex in lateral view (Fig. 2G ). Color and punctation : Dorsally bicolor, head mostly brown, frons brown, medially region of the clypeus pale brown with lateral margins yellow; pronotum yellow with two small black round spots along posterior margin; elytra yellow except by a brown wideband on the anterior third of the elytra (Fig. 2G ). Ventrally brown; maxillary palps, mouthparts, antennae, and legs yellow (antennal club slightly darker) (Fig. 2H ). Clypeus and labrum with dense, fine, and weakly impressed ground punctation (punctures separated by 5 x their width); pronotum and elytra ground punctation fine, weakly impressed and sparser than on head (punctures separated by 3 x their width). Head : Clypeus and labrum shallowly emarginate anteromedially, lateral margins of the labrum bearing setae. Thorax : Prosternum carinate medially, strongly raised, pointing anteriorly and acute. Elevation of mesoventrite with one transversal ridge, elevated medially, lateral sides concave; longitudinal ridge narrowed anteriorly and broadening posteriorly, the point where the two ridges merged acute (e.g., Fig. 10B ); elevation concave in lateral view; mesoventrite with triangular shape in ventral view. Metaventrite convex in the median region, pubescent with narrow glabrous patch on the medial and posterolateral area; anterior margin extending to mesoventrite elevation. Metafemora with dense hydrofuge pubescence along basal three-quarters of the anterior margin and along basal half of the posterior margin. Abdomen : Abdominal ventrites very densely pubescent. Aedeagus (Fig. 9A-C ) basal piece 0.4 x the length of a paramere; broad parameres, base of the parameres much wider than the base of the median lobe, base of the parameres with two accessories with ovate shape, outer margins of parameres strongly sinuate, inner margins slightly sinuate, with membranous acuminate apex, bending outwards; median lobe shorter than the parameres, approximately triangular, with apex rounded. Distribution. Originally described from the Venezuelan states of Aragua and Barinas ( Spangler 1972 ), it was later reported from the states of Trujillo and Falcon ( Garcia 2000 ). Here we report it for the first time from Trinidad (Fig. 14 ). Life history. Although specific habitat information is limited, all specimens were collected in association with streams. Spangler (1972) characterized this species as a hygropetric specialist, although not all specimens known at that time were from seepages (the others were from a stream pool that "was in the bedrock and the bottom was covered with rotting leaves"). Remarks. The genitalia of the holotype appears to have some modest fungal growth on the median lobe (Fig. 9B ), the circular "halo" at the tip of the median lobe appears to be unnatural and is not part of the original structure. Notionotus peruensis species group Diagnosis. The species of Notionotus peruensis group can be diagnosed by the dorsal coloration completely yellow, the elevation of the mesoventrite with one transverse and one longitudinal (e.g., Fig. 10B ), and by the shape of the genitalia (Fig. 9F ).