Marijordaania (Celastraceae: Cassinoideae), a new monotypic genus from South Africa Author van Wyk, Abraham E. H. G. W. J. Schweickerdt Herbarium, Department of Plant and Soil Sciences, University of Pretoria, Pretoria, South Africa Author Boon, Richard G. C. National Herbarium, South African National Biodiversity Institute, Pretoria, South Africa text Plant Ecology and Evolution 2024 2024-02-28 157 1 100 112 journal article 2032-3921-1-100 88DC4442CDDC5655850545F8BD9B165D Marijordaania A.E.van Wyk & R.G.C.Boon gen. nov. Type species. Marijordaania filiformis (Davison) A.E.van Wyk & R.G.C.Boon. Diagnosis. A member of Celastraceae , subfamily Cassinoideae (sensu Simmons et al. 2023 ), belonging to a clade of African members of the family (sensu McKenna et al. 2011 ), but taxonomically isolated without obvious close relatives. Often confused with Maytenus cordata , but distinguished from this and other unarmed African species still placed in Maytenus by the following combination of characters: shrub or small tree, without elastic threads (gutta-percha; trans-1,4-polyisoprene); stems distinctly angular when young; inflorescences cymose, 1- or 2(3)-flowered; flowers 5-merous, with pedicel slender, pendant, usually 35-40 mm long, articulated ca 0.5 mm from the base; floral disc present, fleshy, distinctly divided into 5 discoid subunits (lobes), the latter raised and alternating with the petals; stamens 5, each inserted in the centre of a discoid subunit; filaments very short (ca 1 mm); anthers dorsifixed; ovary 5-locular, almost entirely included in and adnate to the disc, with 2 erect collateral ovules in each locule; style ca 0.5 mm long, stigma capitate; fruit a loculicidally dehiscing capsule; seeds lacking postchalazal vascular bundles, with the basal portion enveloped for ca two-thirds or more its length with a fleshy, white aril, the latter mostly smooth-surfaced, but sparsely puberulent towards the base. Description. As for the species. Etymology. The generic name commemorates Dr Marie Jordaan ( nee Prins) [1948-], in recognition of her considerable contributions towards the taxonomy of the southern African flora in general, and the Celastraceae in particular.