A review of the pseudoscorpion genus Ideoblothrus (Pseudoscorpiones, Syarinidae) from western and northern Australia Author Harvey, Mark S. Author Edward, Karen L. text Journal of Natural History 2007 2007-03-26 41 5 - 8 445 472 http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/00222930701219123 journal article 10.1080/00222930701219123 1464-5262 4669757 751DF43C-C195-4D52-B143-B260277816D5 Ideoblothrus aeoodi Harvey ( Figures 5, 6 ) Ideoblothrus aeoodi Harvey 1991b , p 497 –498, Figures 27–33 , 40–41 ; Harvey et al . 1993 , p 131, 134. Material examined Holotype : , Australia : Western Australia : Cave C-167, Cape Range peninsula, 22 ° 099090S, 113 ° 599390E, 20 June 1989 , under stone in dark zone, M. S. Harvey ( WAM 91/286). Paratype : Australia : Western Australia : 1♀ , collected with holotype ( WAM 91 /287) . Other material. Australia : Western Australia : one deutonymph, Cave C-167, Cape Range peninsula, 22 ° 099090S, 113 ° 599390E, 21 July 1991 , R . D. Brooks ( WAM T 71323); one protonymph, Cave C-167, Cape Range peninsula, 22 ° 099’090S, 113 ° 599390E, 30 July 1991 , R . D. Brooks ( WAM T 23723) . Description Deutonymph. Colour: generally pale, pedipalps pale yellow orange. Chelicera: with five setae on hand, all setae acuminate; movable finger with one subdistal seta; flagellum of five blades, distal blade broadened and finely denticulate; serrula exterior with ca 17 blades. Pedipalp: trochanter 1.57, femur 2.77, patella 2.31, chela (with pedicel) 3.21, chela (without pedicel) 3.03, hand 1.49 times longer than broad, movable finger 1.11 times longer than hand. Fixed chelal finger with six trichobothria, movable chelal finger with two trichobothria ( Figure 5 ): esb , isb , sb , and st absent; eb situated at base of fixed finger; ib situated on dorso-distal surface of hand; ist and est situated close together; it situated distally to est and ist ; et situated sub-distally; b situated sub-basally; t situated sub-medially; t slightly shortened, lanceolate, and bent backward. Venom apparatus only present in fixed chelal finger. Chelal teeth: fixed finger with 22 slightly retrorse teeth, tooth row ending just distal to it ; movable finger with 32 rounded teeth, tooth row extending midway between t and b . Cephalothorax: carapace 1.11 times longer than broad; without eyes; with 20 setae, arranged 4: 4: 4: 4: 4. Abdomen: pleural membrane granulo-striate near cephalothorax, remainder longitudinally striate, without setae. Tergites and sternites undivided. Dimensions (mm) of deutonymph WAM T 71323: body length 1.184. Carapace 0.354 / 0.320 . Chelicera 0.192 / 0.090 , movable finger 0.138. Pedipalps: trochanter 0.141 / 0.090 , femur 0.282 / 0.102 , patella 0.275 / 0.119 , chela (with pedicel) 0.481 / 0.150 , chela (without pedicel) 0.454, hand length 0.224, movable finger length 0.249 . Protonymph. Colour: generally pale, pedipalps very pale yellow. Chelicera: with four setae on hand, all setae acuminate; movable finger without subdistal seta; flagellum not visible in preparation; serrula exterior with ca 14 blades. Pedipalp: trochanter 1.35, femur 2.45, patella 2.17, chela (with pedicel) 3.35, chela (without pedicel) 3.17, hand 1.53 times longer than broad, movable finger 1.13 times longer than hand. Fixed chelal finger with three trichobothria, movable chelal finger with one trichobothrium ( Figure 6 ): isb , esb , sb , st , est , ist , b , and it absent; eb situated at base of fixed finger; ib situated on dorso-distal surface of hand; et situated sub-distally; t situated medially on movable finger; t bent backwards, but not lanceolate. Venom apparatus only present in fixed chelal finger. Chelal teeth: fixed finger with 12 slightly retrorse teeth, tooth row ending distally to et ; movable finger with 22 rounded teeth, tooth row extending to t . Cephalothorax: carapace 1.26 times longer than broad; without eyes; with 16 setae, arranged 4:4:4:2:2. Abdomen: pleural membrane granulo-striate near cephalothorax, remainder longitudinally striate, without setae. Tergites and sternites undivided. Dimensions (mm) of protonymph WAM T 23723: body length 1.168. Carapace 0.299 / 0.237 . Chelicera 0.147 / 0.075 , movable finger 0.106. Pedipalps: trochanter 0.112 / 0.083 , femur 0.189 / 0.077 , patella 0.195 / 0.090 , chela (with pedicel) 0.378 / 0.113 , chela (without pedicel) 0.358, hand length 0.173, movable finger length 0.195 . Remarks This species is known only from Cave C-167 situated on Cape Range peninsula. Due to a typographical error, Harvey (1991b) incorrectly reported that the width of the chela in the male of I. aeoodi is 0.21 mm ; the correct width is 0.27 mm . Very few protonymphs of the family Syarinidae have been described. The protonymphs of Ideobisum caecum Mahnert, 1979 (now Ideoblothrus caecus ) from Brazil ( Mahnert 1979 ) and Anysrius chamberlini Harvey, 1998 from Tasmania ( Harvey 1998 ) were described and the trichobothrial pattern illustrated, but neither recorded or illustrated the morphology of trichobothrium t . Mahnert (1985b) illustrated the trichobothrial pattern of Microblothrus tridens Mahnert, 1985 from Brazil and showed that trichobothrium t is distinctly lanceolate. The protonymph of I. aeoodi has an acuminate trichobothrium t , quite unlike the morphology of the deutonymph and adults. Whether this pattern is more widespread throughout the family remains to be seen through the examination of more protonymphs.