A revision of the family Ameroseiidae (Acari, Mesostigmata), with some data on Slovak fauna Author Masan, Peter Institute of Zoology, Slovak Academy of Sciences, Dubravska cesta 9, 845 06 Bratislava, Slovakia uzaepema@savba.sk text ZooKeys 2017 2017-09-29 704 1 228 http://dx.doi.org/10.3897/zookeys.704.13304 journal article http://dx.doi.org/10.3897/zookeys.704.13304 1313-2970-704-1 111A101E74054C408F51693957A64D97 CB39FF8EFFA2FF8CFFBFFFA9FF94FF8B 1149838 Kleemannia plumosa (Oudemans, 1902) Plates 53 , 54 , 55 , 56 Seiulus plumosus Oudemans, 1902: 17 (in part). Seiulus plumosus . - Berlese 1904 : 276; Moraes et al. 2016 : 250. Lasioseius plumosus . - Hull 1918 : 65. Ameroseius dubitatus Berlese, 1918: 143. Syn. n. Kleemannia plumosus . - Oudemans 1930 : 138; Domrow 1974 : 16; Hughes 1976 : 338. Zercoseius Macauleyi Hughes, 1948: 146. Synonymy by Evans (1954) , and Hughes (1961) . Zercoseius plumosus . - Turk 1953 : 12; Evans 1954 : 798. Zercoseius macauleyi . - Turk 1953 : 12. Lasioseius (Zercoseius) macauleyi . - Womersley 1956b : 116. Kleemania (sic) Kleemania plumosus . - Hughes 1961 : 246. Lasioseius macauleyi . - Westerboer and Bernhard 1963 : 279. Ameroseius dubiatus (sic). - Westerboer and Bernhard 1963 : 534; Solomon 1969 : 274. Ameroseius plumosus . - Westerboer and Bernhard 1963 : 491; Karg 1971a : 228; Bregetova 1977 : 150; Karg 1993 : 226; Narita et al. 2013b : 2317; Kazemi and Rajaei 2013 : 66; Nemati et al. 2013 : 20; Khalili-Moghadam and Saboori 2014 : 674; Khalili-Moghadam and Saboori 2016 : 544. Kleemannia maculeyi (sic). - Bhattacharyya 1972: 133. Kleemannia plumosa . - Ishikawa 1972 : 97; Domrow 1979 : 114. Ameroseius dubitatus . - Castagnoli and Pegazzano 1985 : 118. Ameroseius (Kleemannia) plumosus . - Hajizadeh et al. 2013a : 150. Type depository. Of Seiulus plumosus - National Museum of Natural History, Naturalis Biodiversity Center, Leiden, Netherlands; of Ameroseius dubitatus - Istituto Sperimentale per la Zoologia Agraria, Firenze, Italy; of Zercoseius macauleyi - not stated (holotype not designated). Type locality and habitat. Of Seiulus plumosus - Netherlands, Sneek, on pond bat, Myotis dasycneme (as Vespertilio dasycneme ) ( Mammalia , Chiroptera ); of Ameroseius dubitatus - Italy, Udine Region, Castions di Strada, in rotting leaves; of Zercoseius macauleyi - The United Kingdom (England, Scotland, Northern Ireland), in sifted oats and detritus from warehouse floors. Comparative material. Germany : 2 ♀♀ (ZMH: A19/63) - 11. 10. 1963 , Kiel-Suchsdorf , Neubau , leg. F. Bolle , det. G. Rack in 1970; 1 ♀ (ZMB: 41031) - 1. 11. 1967 , Tessin, Roggen H II, 2986, leg. G. Jahr ; 22 ♀♀ (ZMH: A26/69) - 14. 7. 1969 , Bomlitz, Einfamilienhaus-neubau, leg. H. Wasser , det. G. Rack in 1969; 3 ♀♀ (ZMH: A18/70) - Apr. 1970 , Mettlach/ Saar , Bueroneubau , leg. W. Behrenz , det. G. Rack in 1970; 3 ♀♀ (ZMH: A70/71) - 26. 10. 1971 , Bremen-Huchting, Neubau, Wohnung III, leg. and det. G. Rack in 1971; 6 ♀♀ (ZMH: A20/73) - Jan. / Feb. 1973 , Hannover , mehrstoeckige Neubaublocks , leg. W. Ruehm , det. G. Rack in 1973 . Iran : 1 ♀ (SHKC) - 14. 5. 1991 , Kerman Province , Bam County , Deh Bakri Region , under elytrae of Oryctes nasicornis ( Coleoptera , Scarabaeidae ), leg. N. Mehrzad. Italy : 1 ♀ , 1 ♂ (ISZA: 12/36, syntypes ) - Firenze , stalle; 1 ♀ (ISZA: 12/47, syntype ) - Impruneta-Firenze , letamai; 1 ♀ (ISZA: 36/10, syntype ) - Firenze , Cascine , legno castagno, bello; 1 ♀ (ISZA: 36/12, syntype ) - Impruneta-Firenze , nel fiorume; 1 ♀ (ISZA: 27/21) - Castions di Strada , Udine , foglie marce (labelled Ameroseius dubitatus ) . Netherlands : 1 ♀ (RMNH: ACA.P.4303, syntype ) - July 1896 , Sneek , Vespertilio dasycneme , leg. Oudemans ; 2 ♀♀ (ZMH: A24/72) - 19. 9. 1966 , Hatert (Nijmegen), host: Micromys minutus , leg. and det. Lukoschus , Zool. Lab. Nijmegen. Norway : 3 ♀♀ (ISZA: 18/28) - Norway , leg. Thor (labelled Ameroseius dubitatus ). Published material from Slovakia . Hronska Pahorkatina Wold: Mudronovo Village ( Kristofik et al. 1996 , cited as Ameroseius plumosus ). Male Karpaty Mts.: Bratislava Capital, Devin Settlement, Devinska Lesostep Forest; Bratislava Capital, Devin Settlement, Fialkova Dolina Valley ( Kaluz 2005 , cited as Ameroseius plumosus ). Ondavska Vrchovina Highland: Ruska Poruba Village ( Mrciak 1963 , cited as Kleemania plumosa ). Vihorlatske Vrchy Hills: Kaluza Village ( Mrciak 1977 , cited as Kleemania plumosa ). Vychodoslovenska Pahorkatina Wold: Klokocov Village ( Mrciak 1977 , cited as Kleemania plumosa ). Vychodoslovenska Rovina Flatland: Hnojne Village; Kristy Village; Oborin Village, Malcice Settlement; Tibava Village ( Mrciak 1977 , cited as Kleemania plumosa ). Zitavska Pahorkatina Wold: Veľke Janikovce Village ( Sidor 1986 , cited as Kleemannia plumosus ). Dubious published material from Slovakia . Ondavska Vrchovina Highland: Ruska Poruba Village ( Mrciak 1963 , cited as Ameroseius dubiatus ). [Notes: The original description of A. dubitatus is based only on a brief enumeration of unclear or vague diagnostic characters. Therefore it was not included in the identification keys of Westerboer and Bernhard (1963) , Karg (1971a , 1993 ) or Bregetova (1977) . According to Bregetova (1977) , A. dubitatus seems to be a species very closely related with Ameroseius elegans Bernhard, 1963. Now we know that A. dubitatus is a synonym of Kleemannia plumosus . Slovak voucher material labelled Ameroseius dubiatus (sic) is not available for revision, so it is excluded from the list of valid published records. New material from Slovakia . Male Karpaty Mts. : 2 ♀♀ - 9. 5. 2009 , Bratislava Capital , zoological garden, dung-hill, manure, altitude 180 m , leg. P. Masan . Remarks. When Oudemans (1902) described this species, as a member of Seiulus , he inadvertently included three different congeneric species to the type specimen series ( Kleemannia pavida as a protonymph, Kleemania plumosa as a deutonymph, and Kleemania plumea as a female), but did not designate the holotype. Oudemans tried to correct his mistake in 1930, referring the name Kleemania plumosus to a female specimens collected from Vespertilio dasycneme ( Chiroptera ), originally described as a deutonymph and illustrated in figures 18-20 (on plates 1 and 2) of Oudemans (1902) . In the re-description provided in that paper, he was ambiguous in relation to the number of dorsal shield setae, stating 28 as well as 29 setal pairs ( Oudemans 1930 ). The specimen shown in figure 19 of that publication apparently has z6, differing from the single type female of Kleemannia plumosa available in the Oudemans Collection in Leiden (numbered 4303); thus, the identity of that illustrated specimen is uncertain. Another slide in Oudemans Collection, numbered 4302, and labelled " Kleemannia plumosus , ♀ dors., Arnhem, 1919, Oudemans" bears only part of a sarcoptifom mite, with gnathosoma and the anteriormost part of idiosoma. Kleemannia plumosa is easily recognisable by the specific inverted U-shaped sculptural structure on anterior surface of sternal shield having its anterior margin scalloped and heavily sclerotised, but it has been referred to a variety of names, including some synonyms and misidentifications. A new synonymy is here proposed for K. plumosa and Ameroseius dubitatus , based on direct examination of their type specimens. There is a relatively large series of slides in the Berlese Collection in Firenze, but none of them bears a type designation. Only specimens from Firenze may belong to the original type material of Berlese. Castagnoli and Pegazzano (1985) considered the female on slide No. 27/21 (from Castions di Strada, Udine Region) to be the holotype specimen but I could not validate their statement here.