A taxonomic monograph of the liphistiid spider genus Heptathela, endemic to Japanese islands Author Xu, Xin Author Ono, Hirotsugu Author Kuntner, Matjaz Author Liu, Fengxiang Author Li, Daiqin text ZooKeys 2019 888 1 50 http://dx.doi.org/10.3897/zookeys.888.34494 journal article http://dx.doi.org/10.3897/zookeys.888.34494 1313-2970-888-1 B995C05697EC41A49012B58F9D3AFDC1 F8810409F4DA5A43BF94417F5D40DECE Heptathela crypta sp. nov. Figs 22 , 23 Type material. Holotype : JAPAN · ♂; Okinawa-ken, Nago-shi, Haneiji-Dam, Taira; 26.59N , 128.03E ; alt. 100 m; 18 December 2012; D. Li, F.X. Liu and X. Xu leg.; XUX-2012-328. Paratypes : JAPAN · 1 ♂, 3 ♀♀; same data as for holotype; XUX-2012-324, 326, 327, 333A · 2 ♂♂, 4 ♀♀; Okinawa Prefecture, Nago-shi, County Road 18 south, Nago/Yofuke; 26.57N , 128.01E ; alt. 150 m; 24 December 2012; D. Li, F.X. Liu and X. Xu leg.; XUX-2012-457 to 462 · 3 ♀♀; Okinawa Prefecture, Nago-shi, Mt. Nago-dake; 26.58N , 128.01E ; alt. 220 m; 06 May 2014; D. Li and B. Wu leg.; XUX-2014-027 to 027B. Diagnosis. Males and females of H. crypta sp. nov. cannot be distinguished morphologically from H. unten sp. nov. ( Figs 22 A-K , 23 A-L ), but can be diagnosed from H. unten sp. nov. by the following unique nucleotide substitutions in the standard DNA barcode alignment: C (26), A (32), C (50), T (60), T (110), G (153), T (194), C (197), T (269), C (281), T (284), C (338), A (341), T (357), C (416), T (428), C (458), A (482), T (488), G (551), T (581), T (635), G (638), G (641), C (644), C (656), as well as from all other Okinawa group Heptathela species by the following unique nucleotide substitutions in the standard DNA barcode alignment: C (26), T (110), G (551), C (656). Description. Male (Holotype). Carapace and opisthosoma description see H. unten sp. nov.; cheliceral groove with nine denticles of variable size; seven spinnerets. Measurements: BL 7.88, CL 4.01, CW 3.51, OL 4.23, OW 3.18; ALE> PLE> PME> AME; leg I 10.15 (3.60 + 1.50 + 2.38 + 1.00 + 1.67), leg II 13.08 (3.48 + 1.58 + 2.49 + 3.53 + 2.00), leg III 14.27 (3.38 + 1.55 + 2.65 + 4.30 + 2.39), leg IV 18.19 (4.45 + 1.63 + 3.50 + 5.50 + 3.11). Palp . Prolateral side of paracymbium unpigmented and unsclerotised, numerous setae and spines at the tip of paracymbium ( Fig. 22 I-K ). Contrategulum margin incurved nearly in the middle, and the contrategulum divided into proximally serrated and distally smooth ( Fig. 22E, F, I, J ). Tegulum with wide dorsal extension of terminal apophysis ( Fig. 22G, H, J ), blunt terminal and small marginal apophysis ( Fig. 22H, I ). Conductor sclerotised and ovate, prolateral conductor with one or two shallow folds, and with a serrated margin ( Fig. 22F, G, K ). Embolus sclerotised, with a wide opening, the distal margin slightly sclerotised, and with a saddle-shaped margin in the retrolateral view ( Fig. 22F, G, K ). Females ( N = 10). Carapace and opisthosoma description see H. unten sp. nov.; chelicerae with promargin of cheliceral groove with 13-14 pronounced denticles of variable size; seven spinnerets. Measurements: BL 8.35-16.50, CL 4.07-5.10, CW 3.30-4.80, OL 4.70-6.80, OW 3.00-5.20; ALE> PLE> PME> AME; palp 7.70 (2.87 + 1.13 + 1.68 + 2.02), leg I 9.57 (3.07 + 1.70 + 1.70 + 1.98 + 1.12), leg II 9.64 (2.95 + 1.68 + 1.61 + 2.08 + 1.32), leg III 9.60 (2.68 + 1.69 + 1.50 + 2.30 + 1.43), leg IV 14.21 (4.00 + 1.92 + 2.55 + 3.83 + 1.91). Female genitalia . A pair of depressions on the ventro-lateral part of genital atrium indistinct ( Fig. 23F, J-L ). Paired receptacular clusters along the anterior margin of bursa copulatrix, divided into two parts, the inners similar or smaller than the laterals, paired receptacular clusters tuberculate, without genital stalks ( Fig. 23C, G-L ). Etymology. The species epithet, a noun in apposition, refers to the cryptic nature of this species discovery. Distribution. The species is endemic to the Japanese island Okinawajima ( Fig. 1C ).