Taxonomic review of the genus Tambinia Stal (Hemiptera, Fulgoromorpha, Tropiduchidae) with descriptions of four new species from the Pacific region
Wang, Rong-rong
Liang, Ai-Ping
journal article
Tambinia robustocarina
sp. n.
Figs 1D4
Body length (from apex of vertex to tip of forewings): ♂ 6.8 mm (N=1).
Colour. General colour tawny yellow, forewings (Figs 1D, 4D) with two fuscous elongate marks near bases of sutural margins, nodal line suffused with pale brown marks, many fuscous spots marked from nodal line to apex, tips of spines on hind tibiae and tarsi black.
Head and thorax. Head (Figs 1D, 4A) projecting before eyes approximately 3/5 median length of eye, not strongly dorsoventrally depressed. Vertex (Figs 1D, 4A, 4B) distinctly shorter in middle than the widest breadth (0.6: 1), distinctly longer than pronotum at midline (1.7: 1), anterior margin convex, broadly callused, uniting with base of frons to form smooth surface, lateral margins ridged and converged anteriorly, median carina long and percurrent, thickened and broad, posterior margin straight. Frons (Fig. 4C) slightly longer medially than greatest width (1.3: 1), disc flat and smooth, covered with sparsely microsetae (Fig. 4B), lateral margins diverging to below level of eyes, distinctly callused; median carina with basal part strongly broad and thickened, not reaching to frontoclypeal suture, obsolete on level of antennae. Clypeus (Fig. 4C) triangular, with distinctly broad median carina. Pronotum (Figs 1D, 4A) distinctly shorter than mesonotum in midline (0.2: 1), carinae broadly ridged, lateral carinae diverging posteriorly, median carina distinctly thickened and broad, reaching posterior margin. Pronotum and mesonotum together medially 3.0 times as long as median length of vertex. Hind tibiae each with 2 distinct lateral spines; spinal formula of hind leg 5
2. Forewings (Figs 1D, 4D) relatively elongate and narrow, 3.0 times as long as maximum breadth, with corium smooth, not granulate, Sc+R forking at apical 2/5, Cu1 forking after level of junction of claval veins, with 11 apical cells and 6 subapical cells, claval veins uniting at about middle of clavus.
Male genitalia. Pygofer (Figs 4
) irregular subquadrate in lateral view, anterior margin concave on dorsal 1/3, posterior margin produced caudad in lateral view. Anal tube (Figs 4E, 4F) relatively elongate, ventral margin slightly bent ventrad in lateral view; lateral margins convex medially then narrowing distad, apical margin slightly
in dorsal view; anal styles relatively long and narrow, surpassing apex of anal tube in dorsal view. Gonostylus (Figs 4E, 4G) elongate, but not surpassing to apex of gonostylus, apical half narrow and basal half broad in lateral view; median conical process very small, sclerotized in ventral view. Periandrium (Fig. 4E) distinctly elongate and slender, tube-like, distinctly sclerotized, with a short process directed caudad at dorsal apex, surrounding aedeagus subapically. Aedeagus (Figs 4E, 4F) with shaft thin and tubular, arched and its apex directed ventrad in lateral view, endosoma membra
, moderately expanded, with two, anteroventrally directed, spinous processes on right side in lateral view.
Figure 4.
Tambinia robustocarina
sp. n.A head, pronotum and mesonotum, dorsal view B head, pronotum and mesonotum, lateral view C head, ventral view D left fore wing E male genitalia, left view F male genitalia, dorsal view G pygofer and gonostylus, ventral view. Scale bars: Figs
= 0.25 mm; D = 0.5 mm;
= 0.25 mm.
Material examined.
Holotype ♂, MALAYSIA: Malaysia: Sabah: 25 km N Tambunan, 1500 m, 1983.IX.3, at black light, G. F. Hevel & W. E. Steiner (USNM).
This new species is named for the presence of a robust median carina on the vertex (Figs 1D, 4A).
Malaysia (Sabah).
Based on the following combination of characters: head relatively short, not strongly dorsoventrally depressed, broadly produced anteriorly; vertex with median carina strongly thickened and broad; pronotum with median carina relatively broad and frons with basal part of median carina strongly broad and thickened, this species and the four previously described species,
Tambinia menglunensis
Tambinia rubrolineata
Tambinia similis
Tambinia theivora
form a very distinct group within
In external appearance, this species is similar to
Tambinia similis
(Fig. 1C) and but differs from the latter in the median carina on vertex long and percurrent, thickened and broad, but not spatula-like, forewings relatively broad, nodal line relatively near middle and cell Sc without a short cross vein at its apical angle. This species is also similar to
Tambinia menglunensis
(see Men and Qin, 2009: 263, Figs 1, 2), but differs from the latter in the obsolete spots and markings on the vertex, pronotum, mesomotum and forewings, median carinae on vertex, pronotum and frons strongly thickened and broad, and gonostylus with median conical process very small.