Taxonomic Revision of the Spider Genus Actinopus Perty, 1833 (Araneae, Mygalomorphae, Actinopodidae) Author Miglio, Laura Tavares 0000-0002-9101-8657 Museu Paraense Emílio Goeldi, Coordenação de Zoologia, Laboratório de Aracnologia, Av. Perimetral, 1901, Terra Firme, Cep: 66077 - 830, Belém, Pará, Brazil. https: // orcid. org / 0000 - 0002 - 9101 - 8657, Author Pérez-Miles, Fernando 0000-0002-4367-6276 Facultad de Ciencias, Sección Entomología, Iguá 4225, 11400, Montevideo, Uruguay. ® myga @ fcien. edu. uy, https: // orcid. org / 0000 - 0002 - 4367 - 6276 Author Bonaldo, Alexandre B. 0000-0002-9101-8657 Museu Paraense Emílio Goeldi, Coordenação de Zoologia, Laboratório de Aracnologia, Av. Perimetral, 1901, Terra Firme, Cep: 66077 - 830, Belém, Pará, Brazil. https: // orcid. org / 0000 - 0002 - 9101 - 8657, text Megataxa 2020 2020-10-09 2 1 1 256 journal article 3667 10.11646/megataxa.2.1.1 f7793976-e4e9-4562-a9cd-eda910d77fa0 2703-3090 5597237 D8203766-9E7B-468F-9E75-F21393A1BA3D Actinopus mesa sp. nov. Figs 95–97 , Map 5 Type material. Holotype male from [ 48° 17’ 23” S 14° 05’ 42” W ], Usina Hidroelétrica Serra da Mesa , Minaçu , Goiás , Brazil , 18–30.xi.1996 , A. B. Bonaldo & L. Moura leg. ( MCN 28054) . Paratype : BRAZIL . Mato Grosso : Santa Isabel , [ 56° 08’ S 15° 36’ W ], 1♂, 8.i.1961 , B. Malkin leg. ( AMNH ) . FIGURE 95. Actinopus mesa sp. nov. , male: A–F MCN 28054: A. Abdomen, dorsal; B. Carapace, dorsal; C. Sternum, ventral; D. Cheliceral teeth, ventral; E. Rastellum, dorsal; F. Rastellum, ventral. Etymology. The specific name is a noun in apposition from the type locality name, Serra da Mesa. Diagnosis. Males of A. mesa resemble those of A. ipioca ( Fig. 88 A–C), A. itaqui ( Fig. 91 A–C), A. rufipes ( Fig. 72 A–C) and A. caxiuana ( Fig. 100 A–C) by the BTA placed medially on prolateral tegular surface ( Fig. 97 A ); they resemble those of A. nattereri ( Fig. 67 A–C), A. vilhena ( Fig. 75 A–C), A. harveyi ( Fig. 78 A–C) and A. caxiuana by the absence of an embolar serrated area. They resemble those of A. nattereri , A. rufipes , A. itaqui , A. utinga ( Fig. 103 A–C) and A. caxiuana by the welldeveloped and bordered PA and differ from those of all other species of the group nattereri by PA placed in a triangular area and by the hirsute legs and body. FIGURE 96. Actinopus mesa sp. nov. , male: A–D MCN 28054: A. Patella III, dorsal; B. Tibia III, dorsal; C. Patella IV, dorsal; D. Tibia IV, dorsal. MALE (MCN 28054): Total length 10.87; Carapace, long 5.00; wide 5.00. Carapace anterior part tapering. Anterioreyerowslightlyprocurved,posteriorrowrecurved ( Fig. 95 B ). Without bristles between AME-clypeus. With one long bristle between ALE–ALP and many short and weak bristles between posterior eyes-fovea and lateral eyes-edge of carapace. Sternum with eight sigilla fused medially, two distal sigilla more fused than others ( Fig. 95 C ). Rastellum protuberant, inverted V-shaped, hirsute, without spines apically ( Fig. 95 E, F ). Chelicerae with six denticles along prolateral row of teeth. Prolateral row with six megateeth. Retrolateral row with seven megateeth ( Fig. 95 D ). Patella and tibia III with distal crown of welldeveloped thorns, on patella III interrupted in middle and on tibia III not interrupted in middle ( Fig. 96 A, B ). Patellae III and IV with spines on prolaterodorsal face ( Fig. 96 A, C ). Tibia IV without spines on dorsal surface ( Fig. 96 D ). Ventral pseudoscopulae occupying 40% of tarsus I, 60% of II and 100% of III and IV. Pseudoscopula of tarsi I and II with setae spaced, forming diffuse group of bristles; On tarsi III and IV, compact. Carapace, chelicerae, sternum, coxae, trochantera, femora, patellae, tibiae, metatarsi and tarsi reddish brown; Abdomen pale brown with small bluish spot on anterior dorsal surface ( Fig. 95 A ). Eyes: Diameters: PME 0.2, PLE 0.24, ALE 0.24, AME 0.28; MOQ: Length 0.84, front width 2.24, back width 2; Interdistances: PME–PME 1.36, PLE–PME 0.08, AME–AME 0.24, ALE–AME 0.6, ALE–PLE 0.44, AME–PME 0.36. Ocular area: OAL 3.62, OAW 2.75, and IF 1.75. Body: Clypeus: 0.25; Fovea: 2.12; Labium: long 1; wide 0.75; Chelicerae: long 2.87; wide 1.5; Sternum: long 3.25; wide 2.75. Abdomen: long 5.5; wide 4.25; 6.25. Leg measurements: I: Fe 5/ Pa 2/ Ti 3.12/ Me 3.87/ Ta 2.37/ total 16.37. II: 5/ 2/ 3.12/ 4/ 2.5/ 16.62. III: 4/ 2.12/ 2.12/ 4.25/ 2.75/ 15.25. IV: 3.87/ 2.25/ 3.75/ 4.75/ 2.62/ 17.25. Formula 4123. Spination: I—Fe v0, d0, p0, r0; Pa v0, d0, p0, r0; ti v0-1-7, d0, p0, r0; Me v3-3-2, d0, p0-0-1, r1-2-2; ta v1-1-2, d0, p0, r0-1-2. II—Fe v0, d0, p0, r0; Pa v0, d0, p0, r0; ti v0-0-3, d0, p0, r0; Me v4-5-7, d0, p0-0-1, r0-3-4; ta v1-6-1, d0, p0-3-2, r0-2-2. III—Fe v0, d0, p0, r0; Pa v0, d1-4-13, p0-0-2, r0- 0-2; ti v0-0-2, d1-0-8, p0-0-2, r0-0-3; Me v0-0-2, d1-2-1, p1-1-2, r0-0-3; ta v0, d0, p1-1-1, r0-0-1; IV—Fe v0, d0, p0, r0; Pa v0, d14-5-4, p1-2-1, r0; ti v0-0-1, d0, p0, r0; Me v1-1-3, d0, p0-0-6, r0-0-1; ta v0, d0, p0-4-1, r0. Palp: PA well-developed, continuous to PAc. Embolus with three keels (PAc, PI and PS). BTA developed, placed medially on prolateral tegular surface; serrated area absent; embolar bases thin, elongated. PA placed in triangular area ( Fig. 97 A–C). FIGURE 97. Actinopus mesa sp. nov. , male: A–C MCN 28054: A. Copulatory bulb, prolateral; B. Copulatory bulb, dorsal; C. Copulatory bulb, retrolateral. PA- Paraembolic apophysis; BTA -Basal Tegular Apophysis; PAc -Prolateral Accessory keel; PI - Prolateral Inferior keel; PS -Prolateral Superior keel. Scale line: 1 mm. Distribution. BRAZIL . Goiás : Minaçu. Mato Grosso : Santa Isabel ( Map 5 ).