Re-circumscription of the mimosoid genus Entada including new combinations for all species of the phylogenetically nested Elephantorrhiza (Leguminosae, Caesalpinioideae, mimosoid clade) Author O'Donnell, Shawn A. Department of Geography and Environmental Sciences, Northumbria University, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE 1 8 ST, UK Author Ringelberg, Jens J. Department of Systematic and Evolutionary Botany, University of Zurich, 8008 Zurich, Switzerland Author Lewis, Gwilym P. Accelerated Taxonomy Department, Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, Richmond, TW 9 3 AE, UK text PhytoKeys 2022 2022-08-22 205 99 145 journal article 1314-2003-205-99 4024A478048757B197E5CF8734331A9E Entada simplicata (Barneby) Sch. Rodr. & A.S. Flores, Phytotaxa 39: 47. 2012. Type . BRAZIL . Roraima , Municipality Caracarai , North Perimetral Road (BR-210) 10 km from the junction with the Manaus-Caracarai Road (BR-174), near Novo Paraiso, C.A. Cid Ferreira 9220 ( holotype : INPA; isotype: NY [NY00038703]) . Basionym. Entada polystachya var. simplicata Barneby, Brittonia 48: 175. 1996. Description. Liana or scandent shrub to 10 m. Leaves : petiole 3.7-7.7 cm long, rachis 5.8-13 cm long; pinnae 1-3 pairs per leaf, 1.6-3.7 cm long, with 1-3 pairs of leaflets; leaflets 2.5-8.3 x (1.8-)2.2-5.2 cm, obovate to broadly elliptic, apex retuse to truncate, base asymmetric, rounded to cuneate, both surfaces glabrous. Inflorescence : a terminal one-sided panicle of up-turned spikes, each spike rachis 16-26 cm long. Flowers : calyx 1-1.2 mm long, shallowly toothed; petals 2.2-3.3 mm long; stamen filaments 3.8-4.5 mm long. Fruit : a torulose, laterally compressed craspedium, 25.5-29 x 3.8-5.3 cm, with transverse septa between seeds dividing the fruit into one-seeded segments which, upon ripening, fall from the persistent replum. Seeds : elliptic, 14-20 x 9-13 mm, with pleurogram. Distribution. Brazil (Roraima State). Habitat and ecology. Open margins of wet tropical forest on rocky slopes.