New records of Peruvian Reduviidae (Heteroptera), with the description of a new species of Tagalis Stål 1860 (Saicinae) Author Melo, María Cecilia text Zootaxa 2008 1763 55 62 journal article 10.5281/zenodo.181977 ea287d33-d78b-4ed9-ab49-6285bac43f4d 1175-5326 181977 Key to the species of Tagalis : 1 Profemora incrassate, protibiae with four spines.............................................................. T. femorata sp. n. - Profemora slender, protibiae with three spines............................................................................................2 2 Dark species, scapus blackish with its apex paler, profemora and base of protibiae black........................... ................................................................................................................................. T. seminigra Champion - Pale species, scapus brown with its apex darker, profemora with a subapical diffuse dark ring and protib- iae entirely pale ..................................................................................................................... T. inornata Stål