Taxonomic revision of Afrotropical Laccophilus Leach, 1815 (Coleoptera, Dytiscidae)
Bistroem, Olof
Nilsson, Anders N.
Bergsten, Johannes
journal article
Taxon classification Animalia Coleoptera Dytiscidae
Laccophilus tavetensis Guignot, 1941
Figs 11, 209-211, 378, 527
Laccophilus tavetensis
Guignot 1941
: 36 (original description, discussion, faunistics);
Guignot 1946c
: 283, 285, 313 (redescription, faunistics);
Guignot 1959a
: 585, 587 (redescription, faunistics);
Nilsson 2001
: 251 (catalogue, faunistics);
Nilsson 2015
: 218 (catalogue, faunistics).
Type locality.
Kenya: Taveta.
Type material studied
(1 ex.). Holotype: male: "Afrique Orient. Anglaise Taveta Alluaud & Jeannel mars 1912 - 750 m St. 65 / male symbol / Type / Det. Dr. Guignot
Laccophilus tavetensis
Guign. Type" (MNHN).
Additional material studied
(11 exs.). Sudan: "Prov. N Darfur El Geneina / ad lucem Ibrahim M. Abuzinid 20.8. 1979" (1 ex. CGW). - Kenya: "S, Voi 11. 1997 leg. Snizek" (4 exs. CFP, 4 exs. CSR); "Kenya eastern Sosoma ca. 200 km E of Thika 27.11. 2011, light trap" (1 ex. NMPC). - Botswana: "Chobe NP Savuti-Camp
, 11.3. 1993 lux leg. Uhlig" (1 ex. ZMHB; habitus in Fig. 378).
A deviate species, separated from the other species in this species group by having small body size in combination with peculiar shape of penis; somewhat sinuate and distinctly enlarged posterior to narrow apex. Note also differently shaped male apical ventrite in comparison with other species in the species group (Fig. 11).
Body length 3.1-3.4 mm, width 1.6-1.7 mm. Pale ferrugineous, dorsal colour pattern ferrugineous and sometimes vague and slightly variable (Fig. 378).
Head: Pale ferrugineous, no colour pattern. Submat, with fine, dense microsculpture. Reticulation simple; only with small, uniform meshes. Impunctate, except at eyes; with fine, irregularly located punctures.
Pronotum: Pale ferrugineous, no distinct colour pattern. Submat, with fine, dense microsculpture. Reticulation simple; only with small, uniform meshes. Impunctate, at margins with fine to very fine, somewhat irregular punctures. Mediobasally punctures absent.
Elytra: Pale ferrugineous, sometimes with vague, ferrugineous, longitudinal markings (Fig. 378). Elytral colour pattern sometimes rather indistinct. Submat, with fine, dense microsculpture. Reticulation simple; only with small, uniform meshes. Fine, somewhat irregular punctures form a discal row. Dorsolateral and lateral rows of punctures indistinct; indicated by scattered, fine punctures. Laterally with a quite long, sparsely pubescent, pre-apical furrow.
Ventral aspect: Abdomen dark ferrugineous to ferrugineous, metathorax and -coxal plates ferrugineous, and prothorax pale ferrugineous. Submat, finely microsculptured. Abdomen with fine, curved striae. Impunctate, except a few fine punctures on apical ventrite; symmetric (Fig. 11). Prosternal process quite narrow, apex somewhat enlarged, short, apically pointed (arrow-shaped). Transverse shallow furrows reduced; 2-3 indistinct, reduced furrows discernible.
Legs: Pro- and mesotarsus slightly enlarged, extended, provided with suckers.
Male genitalia: Penis in dorsal aspect clearly sinuate with narrow tip; in lateral aspect almost evenly curved Figs 209-211.
Female: Unknown.
Sudan, Kenya, Botswana (Fig. 527).
Collecting circumstances.
In Botswana collected with light.