Revision of the Neotropical caddisfly genus Phylloicus (Trichoptera: Calamoceratidae) Author PRATHER, AYSHA L. text Zootaxa 2003 2003-08-29 275 1 1 214 journal article 5618 10.11646/zootaxa.275.1.1 9322f2b2-a384-40bf-9d57-d789c76ce5c4 1175­5334 5019235 89BC39FD-ABCC-4634-876D-8C1F4337C325 Phylloicus lituratus Banks Figs. 61 , 62 Phylloicus lituratus Banks, 1920:350 [ Type locality: Colombia , Mariquito; MCZ; male]. — Flint 1967:19 [male]. — Denning et al. 1983:182 [redescription]. Phylloicus “species 1" Flint, 1991:98 . Phylloicus priapulus Denning and Hogue, 1983 in Denning et al. 1983:187 [ Type locality: Costa Rica, Puntarenas Province , 1.8 miles west of Rincón , Osa Peninsula; LACM; male]. NEW SYNONYM . This species exhibits a range of minor variation across its distribution and within populations. This variation may indicate the presence of more than one species, but although I have examined many specimens from a broad geographic area, I am unable to find consistent linkage of variation among characters and therefore am treating this as a single species. The types of P. lituratus and priapulus represent the extremes of morphology for tergum X and its processes, but intermediate morphologies are easily found within series. For this reason, I am synonymizing these two species. Phylloicus lituratus is distinguished by the wing pattern (as in Fig. 109 ), the lack of abdominal coremata, and preanal appendages longer than tergum X ( Fig. 61A, B ). A few specimens appear to be hybrids, probably with P. elegans . The wing pattern is identical to both P. elegans and lituratus ; male terminalia are consistent with other P. lituratus specimens, but there is a tiny eversible membranous lobe in the IVth abdominal pleuron. The elaborate modifications of the P. elegans IVth abdominal segment are absent, however. Within a given series of specimens, the presence of this lobe is inconsistent, and for this reason I believe these specimens may represent a spatial or temporal hybrid zone. As discussed under P. elegans , the females of P. elegans and P. lituratus are indistinguishable, and therefore all determinations are tentative. Adult. Forewing length 10.4­12.1 mm, n = 95. Head chestnut brown. Maxillary palps dark brown. Antenna twice forewing length; chestnut brown, with narrow patches of pale sensilla on anteromesal surface of each flagellomere. Dorsal pterothorax chestnut brown; ventrolateral thorax golden. Femora golden; foretibiae dark brown; mesotibiae dark brown; metatibiae dark brown; foretarsi dark brown; mesotarsi white proximally, dark distally; metatarsi dark brown. Metathoracic leg of male with posterior fringe of long setae, setae dark. Tibial spur formula 2,4,4. Forewing flat; dark brown; with two transverse bands; proximal band ivory, reaching posterior wing margin, at least 1/2 width of wing, an inverted V­shape; distal band ivory, beginning at anterior wing margin, at least 1/2 width of wing; with two basal stripes, ivory. Hind wing basal brush present in male, light brown. Male. Preterminalic abdominal terga with anteromesal notch. Corematic structures absent, terga III­V unmodified, without membranous lobes or sclerotized processes. Sternum VII with short, acute anteromesal process. Sternum VIII enclosing base of elongate sternum IX; posteromesal process notched, notch deep and round ( Fig. 61A, C ). Tergum IX without mesal ridge; posterior margin with round narrow mesal projection ( Fig. 61B ); lateral ridge absent; dorsal pleural setae approximately 3, ventral pleural setae absent ( Fig. 61A ). Preanal appendage longer than tergum X, but less than 11/2 times length, widest apically, setae long, but not filamentous or longer than appendage ( Fig. 61A, B ). Tergum X without basal lobes; basodorsal process short and digitate; basolateral processes of varying length and often asymmetrical; apex, in lateral view, truncate, in dorsal view, entire or notched, notch shallow and round ( Fig. 61A, B ). Harpago rounded; peglike setae many, apical ( Fig. 61A, C ). Phallic endotheca with paired apicolateral lobes, apicolateral lobes large and rounded; phallotremal sclerites average size, longest dimension less than diameter of phallobase; dorsal sclerite ovoid, in dorsal view horseshoe­shaped ( Fig. 61D, E ). Female. Preterminal abdominal terga with anteromesal notch. Sternum VII with short pointed anteromesal process. Tergum VIII without posterolateral brush; sternum VIII with shallow posteromesal notch, or posterior margin entire; sternum VIII ( Fig. 62C ). Tergum IX without mesal ridge ( Fig. 62B ). Sternum IX anterior and posterior lobes darkly sclerotized and striate, with patch of lightly sclerotized cuticle lateral to vaginal opening ( Fig. 62A ). Tergum X appendage shorter than mesal lobe, base marked by faint suture line, apex rounded; mesal lobe lightly sclerotized; digitate lateral processes length approximately equal diameter and often asymmetrical ( Fig. 62B ). Sternum X with patches of short fine setae posterolaterally to anal opening ( Fig. 62A ). Vaginal apparatus anterior and posterior sclerites equal in length; anterior sclerite truncate anteriorly, posterolateral projections absent; posterior sclerite triangular; posterior end of spermatheca a sclerotized ovoid ( Fig. 62A ). Material examined. COLOMBIA : Santa Marta , 19 xii., Williamson1 male ( MCZ ) ; Antioquia : Mun. El Retiro , Quebrada La Cebolla , trap A, 2150 m , 21.v.1983 , Matthias1 male ( NMNH ) ; Boyacá : Muzo , 900 m , 1936, Bequaert1 female ( MCZ ) ; Tolima : Mariquita , 5.ii., Williamson P. lituratus holotype male ( MCZ ) ; COSTA RICA : Alajuela : 20 km S Upala , 8­10.v.1990 , Parker1 male ( EMUS ) ; 1.vii.1990 , Parker1 male ( EMUS ) ; 7.ii.1991 , Parker1 male ( EMUS ) ; 11­20.viii.1991 , Parker2 males ( EMUS ) ; 1­10.ix.1991 , Parker1 male , 1 female ( EMUS ) ; Río Pizote , ca. 5 km (air) S Brasilia , 10°58'19”N , 85°20'42"W , 390 m , 9.iii.1986 , Holzenthal & Fasth1 male ( UMSP ) ; 12.iii.1986 , Holzenthal & Fasth6 males , 1 female ( UMSP ) ; unnamed river, Cerro Campana ca. 6 km (air) NW Dos Rios , 10°54'00”N , 85°24'00"W , 640 m , 22­ 23.vii.1987 , Holzenthal , Morse , & Clausen3 males , 1 female ( UMSP ) ; Reserva Forestal San Ramón , Río San Lorencito & tribs., 10°12'58”N , 84°36'25"W , 980 m , 1­ 4.v.1990 , Holzenthal & Blahnik1 female ( UMSP ) ; 6­10.iii.1991 , Holzenthal , Muñoz , & Huisman2 males ( UMSP ) ; Guanacaste : Finca Montezuma , 3 km SE R. Naranjo , 1­ , Parker1 male ( EMUS ) ; , Parker1 male ( EMUS ) ; Río Liberia , Liberia , 11.i.1910 , Calvert1 female ( MCZ ) ; Río Los Ahogados , Río Los Ahogados , 11.3 km ENE Quebrada Grande , 10°51'54”N , 85°25'23"W , 470 m , 7.iii.1986 , Holzenthal & Fasth2 males , 3 females ( UMSP ) ; Parque Nacional Guanacaste , Quebrada Alcornoque , El Hacha , 11°00'32”N , 85°34'37"W , 250 m , 26.vii.1987 , Holzenthal , Morse , & Clausen1 male , 1 female ( UMSP ) ; Quebrada Pedregal , El Hacha , 10°58'59”N , 85°32'20"W , 300 m , 5.ii.1988 , Strand1 male , 1 female ( UMSP ) ; Parque Nacional Rincón de la Vieja , Río Negro , 10°45'54”N , 85°18'47"W , 810 m , 3.iii.1986 , Holzenthal & Fasth1 male ( UMSP ) ; Límon : Limon , 16 km W Guapiles , 400 m , 1.ii.­1.iii.1989 , Hanson1 male ( UMSP ) ; Parque Nacional Braulio Carrillo , Quebrada González , 10°09'36”N , 83°56'20"W , 480 m , 12­14.v.1990 , Holzenthal & Blahnik1 male ( INBIO ) ; — 1 male , 1 female ( NMNH ) ; 1 male ( UMSP ) ; Puntarenas : 1.8 mi. W Rincón , 1.ii.1971 , Donahue & Hogue P. priapulus holotype male ( LACM ) ; Corcovado National Park , Osa Peninsula , 5­9.v.1978 , Janzen1 male ( INBIO ) ; Parque Nacional Corcovado , unnamed stream, Piedra el Arco , 08°34'55”N , 83°42'32"W , 20 m , 10.iv.1989 , Holzenthal & Blahnik1 male ( INBIO ) ; ECUADOR : Napo : Puerto Orellana , Río Tiputini , 38°02'00”N , 76°08'54"W , 12­26.viii.1999 , Mathis4 males , 2 females ( NMNH ) ; Pastaza : Tzapino , 01°19'00”S , 77°28'00"W , 1200 m , 25.v.1976 , Figueroa1 male ( NMNH ) ; Pichincha : Río Palenque Biological Station , Río Palenque , Santo Domingo ( 47 km ), 229 m , 29.vii.1976 , Cohen6 males ( NMNH ) ; NICARAGUA : Río San Juan : Refugio Bartola , 1.5 km N. of station, Río Bartola , 10°58'00”N , 84°21'00"W , 40 m , 8.viii.2000 , Chamorro & Dobbins1 male ( UMSP ) ; Zelaya : Río Las Latas , 14°04'00”N , 88°33'00"W , 220 m , , Maes & Hernández4 males ( UMSP ) ; PANAMA : Chiriquí : 08°55'00”N , 82°16'00"W , 1050 m , Staudinger1 male ( ZMHU ) ; Coclé : Taboga , Taboga Island , 1.ii.1912 , Busck1 male ( NMNH ) ; Colón : Canal Zone , Navy Res. , Río Agua Salud , 30.iii.1965 , S & W Duckworth1 male ( NMNH ) ; Darién : Río Tuir at Río Pucuro , 16­ 17.ii.1985 , Louton1 male , 1 female ( NMNH ) ; Panama : Canal Zone , Barro Colorado Island , 8.ii.1967 , Akre4 males ( CAS ) ; 12.iii.1967 , Irwin5 males , 1 female ( UMSP ) ; 24­25.ii.1969 , Akre3 males ( CAS ) ; 31.iii.1979 , Silberglied & Aiello1 male ( NMNH ) ; Snyder­Molino trail, marker 3, 23­29.xii.1987 , Wolda1 male ( NMNH ) ; 23­ 29.xi.1988 , Wolda1 male ( NMNH ) ; 24­31.v.1989 , Wolda1 male ( NMNH ) ; 13.xii.1989 ­ 13.ii 1990 , Wolda1 male ( UMSP ) ; San Blas : Río Carti Grande , 2 km W Nusagandi , 5.iii.1985 , Flint & Louton1 male ( NMNH ) ; VENEZUELA : Zulia : Perijá El Tucuco , Mission El Tucuco , Río del Pelaya , 2­1/ 2 km from church, 28­30.ix.1979 , Savage1 male , 3 females ( NMNH ) ; Parque Nacional Perijá , Río Negro in Toromo , 10°03'04”N , 72°42'43"W , 360 m , 15.i.1994 , Holzenthal , Cressa , & Rincón1 male ( UMSP ) . Distribution. Colombia , Costa Rica , Nicaragua , Panama , Venezuela ,