Two new species of Promalactis and one newly recorded from Japan (Lepidoptera, Oecophoridae) Author Tomura, Shunsuke 0000-0002-5413-1220 Author Komatsu, Toshitami 0000-0003-1561-3697 Author Yagi, Sadahisa 0000-0002-5413-1220 Author Hirowatari, Toshiya 0000-0002-5413-1220 text Zootaxa 2021 2021-05-13 4970 1 151 160 journal article 6272 10.11646/zootaxa.4970.1.7 9f61a8f4-e078-438d-83b5-ff81b62e4094 1175-5326 4766951 DFDA7968-215F-44C8-AEE3-8E6C6117FAC5 Promalactis hoenei Lvovsky, 2000 (Japanese name: Shikinami-beni-maruha-kibaga) ( Figs 5, 6 , 9 , 12 , 15a, 15b ) Promalactis hoenei Lvovsky 2000: 665 ; Wang et al. 2015: 456 . Type locality: Shanghai ( China ) . Type depository: Museum Alexander Koenig , Bonn , Germany . Material examined. JAPAN , Honshu: 1♂ , Instisute-for-Nature-Study, Tokyo , 15.V.2017 , U. Jinbo & Y. Arita leg., No. NSMT-I-L-55460 ( NSMT ) ; 2♀ , Akasaka-Imperial-Grounds, Tokyo , 27.V.2004 , Y. Arita & M. Owada leg., No. NSMT-I-L-16988, NSMT-I-L-16992 ( NSMT ) ; 2♀ , Imperial-Palace , Fukiage-Gyoen , Tokyo , 14.VI.2011 , Y. Arita & M. Owada leg., No. NSMT-I-L-29522, NSMT-I-L-29524 ( NSMT ) ; 2♀ , Imperial-Palace , Kami-Dokanbori , Tokyo , 26.V.2009 , Y. Arita & M. Owada leg., No. NSMT-I-L-29509, NSMT-I-L-29510 ( NSMT ) ; 2♂ 3♀ , Shikinami ( N36.849111 , E136.764861 ), Hodatsushimizu-cho , Ishikawa , 16.VI.2018 , LT, S. Tomura leg., No. ST 018 , ST083 , ST086 , ST087 , ST088 ( ELKU ) ; 1♀ , Yagoto , Nagoya-shi , Aichi , 30.V.1979 , A. Nakayama leg., No. ST 198 ( NSMT ) ; 1♂ 1♀ , Osaka-Pref.-Univ , Sakai-shi , Osaka , 18.VI.2007 , LT, T. Hirowatari , N. Hari , G. H. Huang , A. Nobuoka & S. Kobayashi leg., No. ST 173♀ , ST 183♂ ( OPU ) ; 1♂ , same locality, 26.V.1999 , N. Hirai leg., No. ST 194♂ ( OPU ) ; 1♀ , Mino-koen , Mino-shi , Osaka , 10.VI.2006 , B.W. Lee leg., No. ST 197 ( OPU ) ; 1♂ , Tottori , Osaka , 25.V.2005 , S. Koshino leg., No. ST 166 ( OPU ) ; 2♂ 1♀ , Nagakura-Pond ( N34.916944 , E134.850000 ), Kasaishi , Hyogo , 72 m , 26.V.2015 , LT, K. Sakagami leg., No. ST 195♂ , ST 196♂ , ST 199♀ (Kota Sakagami). Kyushu : 2♂ , Ikinomatsubara ( N33.583168 , E130.305107 ), Fukuoka-shi , Fukuoka , 19.V.2020 , S. Yagi leg., No. ST 228, ST229 ( ELKU ) ; 2♂ , same locality, 28.V.2020 , S. Tomura leg., No. ST 226, ST227 ; 3♂ 1♀ , same locality, 30.V.2020 , T. Hirowatari leg., ST 230♂ , ST 231♂ , ST 232♀ , ST 233♂ ( ELKU ) ; 1♂ , same locality, 1.VI.2020 , T. Hirowatari leg., ST 234♂ ( ELKU ) . Diagnosis. This species has the following characters: in the forewing, the three white fasciae are straight and the antemedial fascia does not reach the costal margin; in the male genitalia, the gnathos is a hemicircular band, the costa of the valva is not straight and the juxta is rectangular. These characters are shared with P. kyuparki Kim & Lee, 2016 , but the latter can be distinguished by the right sacculus with a small triangular subapical process instead of a spiniform process. Redescription. Adult ( Figs 5, 6 , 9a ). Forewing length: males 5.3‒7.2 mm (n = 14) and females 5.4‒6.7 mm (n = 16). Head: vertex dark orange yellow white anteriorly; frons ocherous brown. Antennal scape white except laterally dark brown; flagellomere white basally alternated with dark brown apically. Labial palpus: second palpomere yellowish brown and yellowish white inner surface; third palpomere yellowish brown. Mesonotum and tegula dark orange yellow. Forewing dark orange yellow with three white fasciae edged with black scales; sub-basal fascia not reaching costal margin; antemedial fascia from 1/3 of posterior margin and oblique toward base; medial fascia and costal fascia linear; medial fascia from 1/2 of posterior margin and oblique toward apex; costal fascia from 2/3 of costal margin; fringe cilia orange yellow except grayish orange near tornus. Hindwing and fringe cilia gray. Hind femur and tibia pale gray; tarsus dark brown except white at the apical margin of each tarsomere. Wing venation ( Fig. 9b ). Forewing wide lanceolate, relatively broad; R 4 and R 5 stalked at 1/2; R 5 to costa; M 1 and M 2 parallel; M 2 approximate toward M 3 from anal angle of cell. Hindwing falcate: M 1 and M 2 slightly parallel; M 3 and CuA 1 stalked from anal angle of cell; 1A + 2A well developed; CuP and 3A weakly developed. Male genitalia ( Fig. 12 ). Uncus trilobed; middle lobe elongate, widened basally and apex obtuse; flanked by two lateral, small basal lobes. Gnathos belt-like, hemicircular. Valvae asymmetrical. Right valva with costa straight, gradually narrowing to a rounded apex; sacculus strongly incurved from base to subapical part; subapical part with a small, triangular process pointed inwardly; apical process spine-like, acutely upturned. Left valva with costal part narrowed basally, widening apically, extending to acutely-recurved apical process; sacculus strongly incurved, slightly narrowed subapically; apex acutely curved upwardly, larger than right apical process. Juxta rectangular, apex indented medially, about 2x length of uncus. Saccus small, triangular. Phallus broadly curved apically; vesica with single, long spiniform cornutus half length of phallus. Female genitalia ( Figs 15a, 15b ). Papilla analis narrowly-elongate, obtuse, with setae. Apophysis anterioris 2/5 length of apophysis posterioris. Ostium bursae protruded posteriorly. Lamella antevaginalis triangular, obtuse and overlaying elongated antrum. Antrum elongated, cylindrical, curved toward the right; dilated in anterior half. Ductus seminalis arising from posterior end of ductus bursae. Ductus bursae cylindrical; posterior half straight, dilated, well sclerotized and posterior end spinose; anterior half coiled, one lateral side sclerotized and narrow. Corpus bursae oval, signum absent. Distribution. Japan (Honshu, Kyushu), China ( Fujian , Hunan , Jiangsu , Zhejiang , Shanghai ). Remarks. All individuals examined in the present study were collected in lowlands or pine forests along the coast of Honshu and Kyushu, Japan .