A mountain of millipedes I: An endemic species-group of the genus Chaleponcus Attems, 1914, from the Udzungwa Mountains, Tanzania (Diplopoda, Spirostreptida, Odontopygidae) Author Enghoff, Henrik text European Journal of Taxonomy 2014 2014-10-24 100 1 75 journal article 21808 10.5852/ejt.2014.100 5329bfc4-61b2-48f5-a96a-caf4ba31039b 2118-9773 3860450 B3E6C489-6D96-4AF5-A33D-EE8329A9321B Chaleponcus scopus sp. nov. urn:lsid:zoobank.org:act: A4A8E1FE-3CE6-4D04-A1EE-80A63ED9FB79 Figs 4 , 9 , 15 Diagnosis Medium-sized. Differs from all other group members by the profile of the gonopod coxal tip ( Fig. 9 ), especially the shape of the lateral process. Very similar to C. nikolajscharffi sp. nov. , sharing, i.a., a nontransverse metaplical shelf and a groove for accommodating the solenomere formed by two telomere lobes; differing from C. nikolajscharffi sp. nov. by being thinner and having a differently shaped lateral coxal process. Etymology The name is a Latin noun in apposition and refers to the profile of the gonopod coxa, which somewhat resembles the head profile of the hammerhead stork ( Scopus umbretta) . Material studied (total: 16 ♂♂ ) Holotype TANZANIA : , Iringa Region , Mufindi District , Udzungwa Mts , Kigogo FR, 1700 m , 8–10 Oct. 1984 , pitfall traps in montane rain forest. N. Scharff leg. ( ZMUC ). Paratypes All from TANZANIA , Iringa Region , Mufindi District, Udzungwa Mts, Kigogo FR, all in ZMUC: 6 ♂♂ , 1700 m , 8–10 Oct. 1984 , pitfall traps in montane rain forest, N. Scharff leg.; 9 ♂♂ , 1900 m , 7–15 Oct. 1984 , pitfall traps in montane rain forest, N. Scharff leg. Type locality TANZANIA : Iringa Region , Mufindi District, Udzungwa Mts, Kigogo FR , 1700 m , 8–10 Oct. 1984 , montane rain forest. Description (male) DIAMETER. 1.9–2.0 mm, 47–49 podous rings. COLOUR. After 30 years in alcohol with traces of paramedian darker bands flanking a broad middorsal light stripe; dark bands divided into separate dots on each diplosegment in anterior part of body. ANAL VALVES. Each with a long dorsal spine and a well-developed, but small, triangular ventral one; marginal rim raised, setiferous tubercles well developed, on ‘ravelins’. LIMBUS ( Fig. 4A ). With very long, slender triangular lobes; lobes ca . 2½ × as long as broad, almost meeting at base, striate on external surface. TARSAL SETATION. Normal. GONOPOD COXA ( Figs 9 , 15 ). About 3½ × as long as wide. Lateral margin basally slightly convex, curving strongly laterad ca. at level of prl , forming semicircular incision, and continuing in slender, curved, pointed lateral process ( lp ); apical margin sloping apico-mesad from process, irregularly undulate and with blunt-angled projection ca. 2/3 from tip of lp ; cucullus ( cu ) mesally projecting as roundedsubrectangular lobe with irregularly undulate margin. Metaplical flange ( mf ) with very low rounded anteriad protrusion, no process; metaplical mesal margin basally straight, then overlaid by lamelloid process ( mp ) covering arculus. Metaplical shelf not transverse as in most other species: posterior surface of metaplica with large lobe ( msl ) roofing arculus; lobe concave on posterior face, folded anteriad and on anterior face giving rise to metaplical shelf-spine ( mss ). mms of medium length, curving first obliquely anteriad, then mesad, then obliquely basad, not reaching level of torsus. GONOPOD TELOPODITE ( Fig. 15 ). Solenomere with a long, gently sinuous, mesad, proximal spine ( ps ) arising from a wrinkled area. Telomere distally with two branches: • a very large anterior lamella ( al ), increasing in diameter towards tip, with a broadly rounded smoothedged tip and a small, thumblike process ( al’ ); solenomere resting between al’ and main body of al. , • a small, rounded posterior lamella ( pl ) with irregular edges. Distribution and habitat Known only from Kigogo FR, Udzungwa Mts. Altitudinal range: 1700–1900 m asl. Habitat: montane rain forest. Fig. 15. Chaleponcus scopus sp. nov. , right gonopod. A . Posterior view. B . Ventral-posterior view. C . Mesal-posterior view. D . Anterior view. al = anterior lamella of telomere, al’ = thumblike process of al, cu = cucullus, lp = lateral coxal process, mf = metaplical flange, mp = mesal metaplical process, msl = metaplical shelf-forming lobe, mss = metaplical shelf-spine, pl = posterior lamella of telomere, ps = proximal solenomeral spine, slm = solenomere. Scales 0.1 mm. Coexisting species All four species known from Kigogo FR, i.e., C. quasimodo sp. nov. , C. scopus sp. nov. , C. howelli sp. nov. and C. mwabvui sp. nov. , were found in the same samples. Note Very similar to and probably closely related to C. nikolajscharffi sp. nov. from Udzungwa Scarp FR.