NEW SPECIES AND NEW RECORDS OF LICHTWARDTIA ENDERLEIN, 1912 (DIPTERA: DOLICHOPODIDAE) FROM TROPICAL AFRICA Author Grichanov, I. Ya. text Far Eastern Entomologist 2019 2019-08-05 387 7 32 journal article 10.25221/fee.387.2 2713-2196 7164819 09E157F9-8A9E-40E5-86A7-2AC749483A60 Lichtwardtia nikitai Grichanov , sp. n. 08AE7B64-F139-4D8C-86E2-351E812BD2B0 Figs 25 , 32 , 40 , 48 , 57 , 67 TYPE MATERIAL . Holotype , Tanzania : Morogoro env., 6.85°S , 37.67°E , 2 3.XII 2015, N. Vikhrev [ ZMUM ]. DESCRIPTION. Male. Head. Frons metallic greenish blue; face densely silvery-white pollinose, slightly shining blue under antennae, with brown ground colour (anterior view); one strong vertical, one short postvertical, a pair of strong ocellar setae present; lower postocular setae white; ventral postcranium with 1-2 long dirty white setae and several light cilia; eyes with short hairs; face glabrous; face almost parallel-sided, narrowest at upper third, slightly widening at clypeus; clypeus bulging, convex ventrally, not reaching lower margin of eyes; ratio of its minimal width to height 8/45; antenna mostly orange; postpedicel black in distal half, subtriangular, inconspicuously longer than high, angular apicodorsally, with short hairs; arista-like stylus middorsal, black, sparsely pubescent, with hairs 2-3 times longer than basal diameter of stylus; length ratio of scape to pedicel to postpedicel to stylus (1st and 2nd segments), 14/8/18/12/57; palpus small, dirty yellow, with black hairs and setae; proboscis brown. Thorax. Mesonotum metallic blue-violet; pleura dark blue, whitish grey pollinose; 5 strong dorsocentral setae with several microscopic hairs in front of the 1st pair, 2 rows of acrostichals; proepisternum with 1 strong black seta above fore coxa and several black hairs; scutellum with 2 strong setae and 2 very short lateral hairs. Legs mostly yellow; fore coxa yellow, mid coxa black, hind coxa yellow with black spot; tarsi black from tip of basitarsus; femora without long hairs; fore coxa with black hairs and several long apical setae; fore tibia with 2 dorsals, 1 fine posterior seta, not longer than diameter of tibia, 3 strong apical setae, of which 1 ventral seta distinctly longer than others; fore tarsus simple, fore basitarsus with short basoventral seta; mid femur with 1 subapical anterior seta; mid tibia with 3 anterodorsal, 2 posterodorsal, 1 anteroventral and 5 apical setae; hind femur with one anterodorsal prepapical seta; hind tibia simple, with 3 anterodorsal, 2 posterodorsal, 2- 3 short ventral, 3 apical setae; hind basitarsus with 1 basoventral, 1 apical short setae, 1 strong dorsal seta, about 1/3 as long as basitarsus. Tibia and tarsomere (from first to fifth) length ratio: fore leg: 85/43/21/16/12/14, mid leg: 126/59/34/26/15/16, hind leg: 139/49/48/32/22/17. Wing evenly greyish, without dark spots and stripes; costa inconspicuously thickened at R 1 ; R 1 reaching to first third of wing; R 2+3 and R 4+5 straight, slightly divergent at apex; ratio of part of costa between R 2+3 and R 4+5 to this between R 4+5 and M 1 , 37/24; M 1+2 broken in middle of distal part, joining costal vein just before wing tip; R 4+5 and M 1 parallel; crossveins m-m and dm-m straight, almost perpendicular to corresponding longitudinal veins; ratio of distal part of M 1 to m-m to distal part of M 1+2 to dm-m to distal part of M 4 , 97/9/35/34/39; anal vein distinct, almost reaching to wing margin; anal lobe well developed; anal angle obtuse; lower calypter yellow, with black setae; halters yellow. Abdomen metallic blue-black, whitish pollinose laterally, with black hairs and marginal setae; 8th segment black, with sparse black hairs; epandrium black, as long as 3rd-6th tergites combined, 2 times longer than high, swollen basally, narrowed distad, strrrongly concave ventrally, with long and narrow projection distally; hypandrium basoventral, nearly as long as epandrium, broad, with large dorsal tooth at middle; phallus with small dorsal tooth far from apex; one epandrial seta far from base of hypandrium; small fingerlike epandrial lobe (concealed) distoventrally bearing 2 long setae at apex and 1 strong and long seta at base; surstylus yellow, bilobate; ventral lobe broad, longer than wide, with 2 thick spines and 3 simple setae; dorsal lobe of surstylus broad, longer than ventral, 2/3 as long as cercus, with apicoventral and apicodorsal projections and shallow distal emargination, with few short setae; postgonite short, narrow, shorter than surstylus; cercus dirty yellow, black on distal half, rounded-subtriangular, wider than long, serrate distally, with distinct apex distodorslly, with thick and curved marginal setae, with 1 straight blunt seta. Female. Unknown. MEASUREMENTS (in mm). Body length 3.0; antenna length 0.9; wing length 3.1; wing width 1.1; hypopygium length 1.3. DISTRIBUTION. Tanzania . Figs 58–61. Lichtwardtia spp. , male head (58, 59, 61), female head (60). 58, 59, 60 – L. fractinervis (Parent); 61 – L. oromiaensis sp. n . ETYMOLOGY. The species is named after the Russian entomologist, Dr. Nikita Vikhrev ( Moscow , Russia ), the collector of the type specimen . DIAGNOSIS. The new species belongs to the L. minuscula species group (see key above). L. nikitai sp. n. is close to L. emelyanovi Grichanov , differing in male face about 6 times rather than 4 times higher than wide; palpus with black rather than light hairs; male cercus subtriangular, as long as wide rather than elongate-oval, twice longer than wide, with acute apex. Hind basitarsus with 1 reduced dorsal seta, at most 1/3 as long as basitarsus. Distal part of M 1+2 (from dm-m to m-m ) 1/3 as long as distal part of M 1 .